Youzify – BuddyPress Community, User Profile, Social Network & Membership Plugin for WordPress

Por KaineLabs
(176 avaliações)

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Youzify – BuddyPress Community, User Profile, Social Network & Membership Plugin for WordPress

Onde hospedar o plugin Youzify – BuddyPress Community, User Profile, Social Network & Membership Plugin for WordPress?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer hospedagem que tenha WordPress configurado. Recomendamos utilizar um provedor de hospedagem de confiança, com servidores adaptados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem de sites da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin Youzify – BuddyPress Community, User Profile, Social Network & Membership Plugin for WordPress em um provedor seguro

A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais atual para seus clientes, disponibiliza o WP SafePress, um sistema exclusivo que assegura e melhora seu site conjuntamente.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização de imagens e fotos, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São plugins que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

Welcome to a New Era of WordPress Communities and User Profiles!

[ATTENTION] Next Youzify PRO Price Increase will be SOON, Secure Your Lifetime Youzify Pro Version at CodeCanyon for only $49 BEFORE THE PRICE GOES UP BY THE END OF THIS MONTH!

[Live Demo] Check out our live demo, it’s a whole new world!

Youzify Pro | BuddyPress Add-Ons | Documentation | Premium Support

Youzify (formerly Youzer) is the number one BuddyPress plugin on Envato Market, and thousands of customers agree that it takes your online community to the next level. This advanced and feature-rich plugin has the power to showcase your unique brand experience and immerse your users in a dynamic community of loyal and engaged customers that propels your business forwards.

Youzify transforms your website into a robust, effective, and compelling social hotspot and unleashes the power of the crowd to drive unprecedented ROI. With a secure membership system and comprehensive membership features,as well as unlimited profile widgets and a powerful Ajax admin panel that offers over 700 options, Youzify is supremely customizable and includes a huge premium value that is offered for FREE. Enjoy richer community engagement, more brand exposure, increased sales, and accelerated innovation.

Every website needs a community. Every website needs Youzify!

__ / Community Features

  • Activity Stream
  • Members Directory
  • Groups Directory
  • Friend Connections
  • Private Messages
  • Follow / Unfollow
  • Ratings & Reviews
  • Points & Badges
  • Verified Badges
  • Mentions
  • Likes
  • Comments & Replies
  • Notifications
  • Notices
  • Emoticons
  • Live Url Preview
  • +35 Social Embeds
  • Extended Profiles
  • Lazy Loading
  • Activity Infinite Scroll
  • Media ( Photos, Videos, Audios, Files )
  • Groups ( Public Groups / Private Groups / Secret Groups )
  • Activity & Comments Moderation : Set community forbidden words
  • Compress Images.
  • Social Login / Registration ( Facebook, Google, Twitetr, Instagram, Linked-In, Twitch )
  • Set default Groups Avatar, Cover
  • Control Activity Post Types Visibility
  • Set Maximum Attachments Number, and Files Size
  • Set Allowed Images, Videos, Audios, Files Extensions
  • Set number of “Activity Posts” per page on Profile, Global Activity Stream, and Groups
  • Enable / Disable Groups Header Elements ( Privacy, Members Count, Posts Count… )
  • Style Groups Header Elements ( Group Title Color, Icons Color, Meta Color… )

__ / PREMIUM Community Features

  • [ PREMIUM ] Polls
  • [ PREMIUM ] Hashtags
  • [ PREMIUM ] Bookmarks
  • [ PREMIUM ] Share Posts
  • [ PREMIUM ] Tag Friends
  • [ PREMIUM ] Sticky Posts
  • [ PREMIUM ] Comments GIFs
  • [ PREMIUM ] Advanced Polls
  • [ PREMIUM ] Comments Attachments
  • [ PREMIUM ] Messages Attachments
  • [ PREMIUM ] Live Notifications
  • [ PREMIUM ] Posts Mood & Activities
  • [ PREMIUM ] Posts Privacy ( Public, Only Me, Friends, Members )

__ / Activity Stream – Activity Post Types

  • Status
  • Photos
  • Quote
  • Slideshow
  • Link
  • File
  • Audio
  • Video
  • GIF
  • New Avatar
  • New Cover
  • New Blog Post
  • Group Created
  • Group Joined
  • Friendship Created
  • New Product ( Requires WooCommerce )
  • New Purchase ( Requires WooCommerce )
  • New Forum Topic ( Requires bbPress )
  • New Purchase ( Requires bbPress )

__ / Profile Features

  • +15 Profile Tabs ( Overview, Info, Media, Activity, Friends, Groups, Messages, Notifications… )
  • Private Profiles
  • Front-End Profile
  • Front-End Account Settings
  • 02 Profile Header Styles ( 1 Horizonatal Style, 1 Vertical Style )
  • 02 Horizontal Profile Navbar Styles ( Icons beside title, Icon Above title )
  • 02 Vertical Profile Navbar Styles ( Wide Navbar, Boxed Navbar )
  • Set Default Number of Visible Tabs on the Navbar
  • Styling Options ( Title color, Icons Color… )
  • +22 Profile Widgets
  • Unlimited Color Schemes
  • 16 Ready Color Schemes
  • Unlimited Profile Structures ( DRAG & DROP )
  • 06 Advanced WordPress Author Widgets
  • Unlimited Ads Widgets
  • Creative 404 Profile Page
  • Quick Account Settings Menu
  • 2 Widget Border Styles ( Flat / Rounded )
  • Posts & Comments Real Time Pagination ( No Refresh Required )
  • Amazing Effects
  • Smooth Scroll
  • Extremely Customizable
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Set Default Profile Avatar & Cover
  • Control All Profile Elements Effects
  • Control All Profile Elements Visibility
  • Set Custom Profile Header Meta ( Change Icon & Fields )
  • Set Custom Profile Header Statistics ( Posts, Comments, Views, Followers, Following, Points… )
  • Control Default Profile Tab
  • Control All Profile Tabs ( Title, Visibility, Order, Icon … )
  • Control Informations Privacy ( Only me / Everyone / All Memebers / My Friends )
  • Unlimited Informations Fields Groups
  • Profile Avatar Crop
  • Profile Avatar WordPress Sync
  • Multi Profile Fields Types : Checkboxes , Multi Select Box, Radio Buttons, Drop Down Select Box
  • Single Profile Fields Types: Date Selector, Number, Text Box, Url, Textarea
  • [ PREMIUM ] 14 Header Styles.
  • [ PREMIUM ] Unlimited Custom Tabs ( Shortcode/HTML Code )
  • [ PREMIUM ] Unlimited Custom Links ( Internal/External Links )
  • [ PREMIUM ] 03 Profile Content Layouts ( Content with Left Sidbar, Content with Right Sidbar, 3 Columns )

__ / +22 Profile Widgets

  • About Me
  • Portfolio
  • Slideshow
  • Skills
  • Quote
  • Project
  • Video
  • Friends
  • Groups
  • Reviews
  • Instagram
  • Networks
  • Services
  • Flickr
  • Link
  • Media
  • Post
  • User Tags
  • User Balance
  • User Badges
  • Email Box
  • Address Box
  • Website Box
  • Phone Number Box
  • [ PREMIUM ] GamiPress Badges Widget
  • [ PREMIUM ] GamiPress Balance Widget
  • [ PREMIUM ] Unlimited Custom Widgets ( Shortcode or HTML Code )
  • [ PREMIUM ] Unlimited Custom Widgets ( Shortcode or HTML Code )

__ / +15 Profile Tabs

  • Overview
  • Wall
  • Info
  • Posts
  • Reviews
  • Media
  • Comments
  • Friends
  • Follows
  • Groups
  • Bookmarks
  • Messages
  • Notifications
  • Badges
  • Points History
  • Shop
  • Forums
  • [ PREMIUM ] Create Unlimited Custom Tabs ( Shortcode/HTML Code )

__ / 06 Rich-Integrations

  • BuddyPress Integration
  • MyCRED Integration
  • bbPress Integration
  • WooCommerce Integration
  • MailChimp Integration
  • Mailster Newsletter Integration
  • Giphy Integration
  • [ PREMIUM ] GamiPress Integration

__ / +20 WordPress Widgets

  • Smart Author Widget
  • Static Author Widget
  • Post Author Widget
  • User Notification Widget
  • Account Menu Widget
  • Who’s Online Widget
  • Friends Widget Widget
  • Site Members Widget
  • Verified Users Widget
  • Community Media Widget
  • Site Groups Widget
  • Recently Active Members Widget
  • Sitewide Notices Widget
  • Login Widget Widget
  • Registration Widget
  • Lost Password Widget
  • Group Description Widget
  • Group Moderators Widget
  • Group Administrators Widget
  • Groups RSS Widget
  • Activity RSS Widget
  • User Blance Widget
  • [ PREMIUM ] Friend Suggestions Widget
  • [ PREMIUM ] Group Suggestions Widget
  • [ PREMIUM ] Community Hashtags Cloud
  • [ PREMIUM ] Community Hashtags List

__ / +08 Rich-Shortcodes

  • Members Reviews Shortcode [youzify_reviews]
  • Verified Members Shortcode [youzify_verified_users]
  • User Profile Fields Shortcode [youzify_xprofile_fields]
  • User Profile Fields By Group Shortcode [youzify_xprofile_group]
  • User Card Shortcode [youzify_author_box]
  • Login Form Shortcode [youzify_login]
  • Registration Form Shortcode [youzify_register]
  • Lost Password Form Shortcode [youzify_lost_password]
  • Community Media Shortcode [youzify_media]
  • [ PREMIUM ] Activity Stream Shortcode [youzify_activity]
  • [ PREMIUM ] Members Directory Shortcode [youzify_members]
  • [ PREMIUM ] Groups Directory Shortcode [youzify_groups]
  • [ PREMIUM ] Hashtags List ( Popular, Trending … ) [youzify_hashtags]
  • [ PREMIUM ] Community Hashtags Cloud Shortcode [youzify_community_hashtags]
  • Click Here For More Details About Shortcodes Options!

__ / MEMBERSHIP – Login Features

  • Social Login ( Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitch )
  • Limit Login Attempts
  • Front End Login Page
  • Login Form Widget
  • Lost Password Form Widget
  • Create +240 Different Login Form
  • Secure Reset Password System
  • Customize User Notification Emails
  • Controle After Logout Redirection
  • Login Form Shortcode [youzify_login]
  • Controle After Login Redirection ( Users / Admins )
  • Hide Dashboard & Toolbar For Normal Users
  • Advanced Login Widget
  • [ PREMIUM ] Ajax Login
  • [ PREMIUM ] Login Form Popup ( Real-Time or Normal Submition )

__ / MEMBERSHIP – Registration Features

  • Manage Signup Requests
  • Unlimited Registration Fields
  • Enable/Disable Registration
  • Registration Role Assignment
  • Advanced Captcha System ( Google Recaptcha )
  • Advanced Registration Widget
  • HTML User Notification Emails
  • Registration Form Widget
  • Set Custom Registration URL
  • Disable The Membership System Option
  • Set Custom Terms & Privacy Policy URLs
  • Registration Form Shortcode [youzify_register]
  • Enable/Disable Email Confirmation for Social Login

__ / MEMBERSHIP – Forms Features

  • 12 Input Styles
  • 10 Button Styles
  • Customize Buttons Text
  • Customize Forms Styling
  • Customize Forms Header Text
  • 03 Input Border Styles( Flat, Radius, Rounded )
  • 03 Buttons Border Styles( Flat, Radius, Rounded )
  • 02 Input Icons Alignment Options ( Left, Right )

__ / Powerfull Admin Panel

  • Over 700 Panel Options
  • +50 Options Tabs
  • 09 Panel Color Schemes
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Ajaxed Panel ( No Refresh Required )
  • 04 Settings Page
  • General Settings
  • Widgets Settings
  • Profile Settings
  • Membership Settings
  • Unlimited Ads Builder
  • Unlimited Social Networks Builder
  • Unlimited Infos Widgets Fields Builder
  • [ PREMIUM ] Unlimited Custom Widgets Builder
  • [ PREMIUM ] Unlimited Custom Tabs / Links Builder

__ / Extra Features

  • RTL Support
  • WPML Ready
  • Fully Translatable
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility
  • Detailed Documentation
  • Good & Reliable Support
  • Well Commented Code
  • Clean & Well Organized Code
  • Built Using WordPress Best Practices
  • Built Without Frameworks
  • Lifetime FREE Updates

Youzify PRO

Get access to more advanced features with lifetime updates and only one-time purchase on Envato Market.
Also, you will get 6 Months of FREE Extended Support from our expert support team that will stay by your side to get everything running fine.

Click here to purchase the best WordPress community plugin now!


Youzify has a range of extensions that allow you to extend the power of your community. You can purchase all of these extensions at a significant discount with our All-Access Pass or you can purchase extensions individually.

**Youzify All-Access Pass**

Gain access to all Youzer extensions with a single purchase and unleash the power of your community to make it more advanced, safe, and profitable.

**BuddyPress Membership Restrictions**

Restrict BuddyPress community features and content for visitors, members, and by user role to control what your users get exclusive access to.

**WordPress Frontend Post Submission**

Create advanced user-friendly posting forms to allow users to create and edit posts from the frontend without visiting the admin area.

**BuddyPress Advanced Members Search**

Allow members or visitors to perform advanced searches on your website members with the ability to limit searches number or restrict forms by role.

**BuddyPress Amazon S3**

Rest easy knowing your customers will always have reliable and fast delivery of the community media files, avatars, covers and save space on your server.

**BuddyPress Member Types**

Member Types plugin is the best way to create and manage unlimited member types easily, and get a separate directory for each member type.

**BuddyPress Moderation**

Meet the most complete BuddyPress Moderation solution with advanced features to take full control over your community and keep it safe.

**BuddyPress Profile Completeness**

Say goodbye to the blank profiles, now you can force or encourage users to complete their profiles and apply restrictions on the incomplete profiles.

**BuddyPress Block Members**

Save time and let your members deal with disputes by themselves by allowing them to block annoying users and decide who can interact with them.

**BuddyPress Edit Activity**

Allow members to edit activity posts, comments with real-time modifications. Set editable activities by type & moderators & limit edition by user role.

**Buddypress Activity Reactions**

Increase audience engagement by allowing users to express many more feelings quickly and easily on each wall post and improve your content.

**BuddyPress Social Share**

Allow users and visitors to share activities, profiles, and groups and allow your content to reach a wider audience and gain more exposure for your brand.

**BuddyPress MyCRED Integration**

Reward Users with points for each wall post type and all the profile widgets fields, social networks and increase your website user’s engagement.

Capturas de tela

Youzify - Horizontal User Profile

Youzify - Horizontal User Profile

Youzify - Vertical User Profile

Youzify - Vertical User Profile

Youzify - BuddyPress Activity Stream

Youzify - BuddyPress Activity Stream

Youzify - BuddyPress Members Directory

Youzify - BuddyPress Members Directory

Youzify - BuddyPress Groups Directory

Youzify - BuddyPress Groups Directory

Youzify - Front-end Account Settings

Youzify - Front-end Account Settings

Youzify - Login Form

Youzify - Login Form

Youzify - Registration Form

Youzify - Registration Form

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