WP Engine GeoTarget

Por WP Engine
(15 avaliações)
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  • Versão do WordPress:
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Hospedagem WordPress com plugin WP Engine GeoTarget

Onde hospedar o plugin WP Engine GeoTarget?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer provedor que possua WordPress configurado. Recomendamos escolher uma empresa de hospedagem confiável, com servidores otimizados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem de sites da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin WP Engine GeoTarget em uma empresa de hospedagem de confiança

A MCO2, além de instalar o WordPress na versão mais atualizada para seus clientes, fornece o plugin WP SafePress, um sistema singular que protege e melhora seu site simultaneamente.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São plugins que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

WP Engine GeoTarget integrates with the variables on your WP Engine site to display content catered to the visitor’s location. With the ability to access variables from as broad as country to as specific as latitude and longitude, your website can now display geographically relevant content.


  • Create marketing campaigns targeted only at certain locations.


  • Redirect incoming traffic to content in the local language or currency.
  • Businesses with local branches can direct customers to a relevant physical location or local microsite.


  • Filter out merchandise or services that are not available in a certain locale.
  • Display country-specific shipping, tax, or sales information.

Legal Requirements

  • Filter required legal notices from countries for whom those notices may not be relevant.

* Please Note *

Customers on Premium and Enterprise plans can use this plugin at no additional cost. If you are on another plan type and would like to use GeoTarget on one of your sites, you can add it to your plan here. This will not function outside of the WP Engine environment.

Location Variable Shortcodes

You can use any of the following location variable shortcodes to return the various geographic location the user is visiting your site from:

1) Continent: [geoip-continent]

2) Country: [geoip-country]

3) Region: [geoip-region]

  • In the US region will return States
  • In Canada region will return Provinces
  • Outside the US/CA this will return a Region number. Please note region numbers are not unique between countries

4) City: [geoip-city]

5) Postal Code: [geoip-postalcode]

  • This variable is only available in the US due to limitations with the location data GeoTarget uses

6) Latitude: [geoip-latitude]

7) Longitude: [geoip-longitude]

8) Location: [geoip-location]


Hi, and welcome to [geoip-city]! The place to be in [geoip-region],[geoip-country].

A visitor from Austin, Texas would see the following:
Hi, and welcome to Austin! The place to be in TX, US.

Localized Content

[geoip-content country="US"]Your US specific content goes here[/geoip-content]

The content shortcode allows you to hide or show specific content based on visitor geographies:

Below are all the supported geography options, this allows to you SHOW content for only specific locations:

  • continent
  • country
  • areacode
  • region
  • city
  • postalcode

Below are all the supported negative geography options, this allows to you HIDE content for only specific locations:

  • not_continent
  • not_country
  • not_areacode
  • not_region
  • not_city
  • not_postalcode

Examples of the Content Shortcode

This will display “Content just for US visitors” strictly for visitors viewing from the United States.

[geoip-content country="US"] Content just for US visitors [/geoip-content]

This will display “Content just for everyone in Texas and California” strictly for visitors from Texas and California.

[geoip-content region="TX, CA."] Content just for everyone in Texas and California [/geoip-content]

You can mix and match geography and negative geography options to create verbose logic in a single shortcode:

[geoip-content country="US" not_city="Austin"]Content for US visitors but not for visitors in Austin[/geoip-content]


There is a single limitation in the logic that lets you filter content for multiple geographic areas.

You can progressively limit the area that content is shown in. But once your content is hidden from an area, a subset of that area can’t be added back in.

For example,
If I limit my content to Europe, then limit my content from Great Britain, I can’t go back and show it to London.

Creative Work Arounds

Limit content to some regions of a country (or some cities of a state)

You want to show an offer for free shipping to every state in the US but Alaska and Hawaii. You may be inclined to write something like


[geoip-content country="US" not_state="AK, HI"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/geoip-content]

Instead, show it to all other 48 states


[geoip-content state="AL, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY"]Free shipping on all orders over $50![/geoip-content]

Duplicate location names

You want to show discount airfare on a flight to Paris, France. The content should show to all of the US and France, but not Paris itself.


[geoip-content country="US, FR" not_city="Paris"]Fly to Paris for only $199![/geoip-content]

The problem here is that Paris, Texas will be hidden. The solution? Just have two geoip-content shortcodes.


[geoip-content country="FR" not_city="Paris"]Fly to Paris for only $199![/geoip-content][geoip-content country="US"]Fly to Paris for only $199![/geoip-content]

Adding an area into an omitted region

You want to show an ad written in Spanish to all of South America except for Brazil. Brasilia, however, has enough Spanish speakers that you want to include Brasilia.


[geoip-content continent="SA" not_country="BR" city="Brasilia"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/geoip-content]


[geoip-content continent="SA" not_country="BR"]Venta de la Navidad en los adaptadores USB[/geoip-content]

[geoip-content city="Brasilia"]Venta de la Navidad en los adaptadores USB[/geoip-content]

Calculate distance between points

You have a utility function that will calculate the distance from your provided lat/lng coordinate to the visitor’s location in either miles or kilometers. This can be useful for determining approximate distances, as results may be cached at the state or country level, depending on your configuration.

Example use:

$latitude  = 30.268246;
$longitude = -97.745992;
$geo = WPEngine\GeoIp::instance();
if ( false !== $geo->distance_to( $latitude, $longitude ) ) {
    $miles_to_wp_engine = $geo->distance_to( $latitude, $longitude );

Testing Parameters

You can use the following URL parameters to test how your localized content will appear to visitors from various geographic locations. You can add any of the parameters below to any URL of a page using the GeoTarget shortcodes or API calls:

Spoof visitor from the state of Texas:


Spoof visitor from the United States:


Spoof visitor from Austin, Texas


Spoof visitor from the U.S. zip code 78701:


Please note: full page redirects and TLD redirects still need to be implemented with the necessary API calls.

Capturas de tela

Authoring a new post with GeoTarget shortcodes

Authoring a new post with GeoTarget shortcodes

An example post using GeoTarget shortcodes

An example post using GeoTarget shortcodes

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