Recover WooCommerce Cart Abandonment, Newsletter, Email Marketing, Marketing Automation By FunnelKit

Por FunnelKit
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    7.0 ou maior

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Recover WooCommerce Cart Abandonment, Newsletter, Email Marketing, Marketing Automation By FunnelKit

Onde devo hospedar o plugin Recover WooCommerce Cart Abandonment, Newsletter, Email Marketing, Marketing Automation By FunnelKit?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer provedor que tenha WordPress configurado. Recomendamos utilizar uma hospedagem de confiança, com servidores adaptados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem de sites da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin Recover WooCommerce Cart Abandonment, Newsletter, Email Marketing, Marketing Automation By FunnelKit em um provedor seguro

A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais nova para seus clientes, oferece o plugin WP SafePress, um sistema exclusivo que protege e aumenta a performance do seu site simultaneamente.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

FunnelKit Automations (formerly Autonami) is a powerful WordPress marketing automation engine that allows you to automate your marketing workflows.

You can use FunnelKit Automations to:

  • Create WooCommerce abandoned cart campaigns to recover the lost revenue.
  • Create post-purchase follow-up sequences to educate and upsell customers.
  • Set up a welcome email workflow to greet and get your customers onboard with on-brand welcome emails.
  • Tag contacts, and add them to specified lists or sequences, update custom fields, and do so much more – just like you can in a popular CRM such as ActiveCampaign, Drip, ConvertKit, MailChimp, Klaviyo and others (PRO feature).
  • Customize WooCommerce email templates – order confirmation, login details, delivery completed emails – with the in-built drag-and-drop visual email builder.
  • Create targeted audience segments and reach out to them via beautifully designed broadcast campaigns.
  • Unlock more money-making opportunities by connecting your business with various WordPress plug-ins such as LearnDash, WishList Member, Affiliate WP, and more.
  • Connect your website to 1000’s other services by connecting FunnelKit Automations with Zapier, Integromat, Pabbly, Integrately, and more.

And more.

FunnelKit Automations (Formerly Autonami) is a simple yet powerful automation plugin that gives you complete control over your website and automation. It is user-friendly and makes it easy for you to set up effective automation that helps drive more sales while helping customers.
FunnelKit Automations is backed by a fantastic support team that is helpful, caring, and responsive. I always receive quick replies, and they go out of their way to help me.
I am genuinely grateful for their plugin, help, and the FunnelKit Team.
— Anthony,

And the best thing about FunnelKit Automations?

We have no cap on contacts, which means you do not have to pay more as your contact list grows.

That’s what FunnelKit Automations is to your eCommerce marketing automation game.

How Can FunnelKit Automations Help You Automate Your Marketing?

Engage better with your buyers with essential WooCommerce automations like welcome emails, abandoned cart recovery, post-purchase email sequences, customer win-back campaigns, and much more.

You can create beautiful emails with a drag-and-drop builder and interact with your leads via newsletter campaigns.

Now, you no longer need to have ten different plugins to do eCommerce marketing.

FunnelKit Automations Lite (Free) Version

FunnelKit Automations comes in two versions – Lite (Free) and Pro.

The Lite version comes equipped with crucial pre-built automations that give you a headstart in your WooCommerce marketing automation journey, and you can build on it as your business grows.

Create Automated Campaigns on the All-New Canvas Interface

FunnelKit Automations is powered by the robust automation builder and the minimalist Canvas interface.

A clean interface that allows you to visualize your workflow as you build it. It simplifies the automation-building process and view in-line analytics such as email open/click-through rates and more on the interface itself.

In the Pro version, you can even view individual contact’s journey and in-depth analytics.

Visualize and create powerful workflows precisely the way you want.

View Abandoned Users and Other Cart-Related Details at One Place

Abandoned cart users are crucial to your profits. These are the users who had almost completed their purchases but got distracted and left.

If targeted properly, these users are very likely to come back and complete their purchases.

FunnelKit Automations gives you cart-related information such as – recoverable, recovered, and lost carts. This information can be crucial to understanding your users and be the building blocks for your WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery campaign.

Get One-Click Import Recipes

FunnelKit Automations Lite comes with crucial pre-built marketing campaigns that you can import with one click, customize the email copy and delay time, and go live in a matter of minutes.

You get automations such as – abandoned cart recovery, welcome email sequence for new customers, review collection emails, and a first purchase anniversary campaign.

There are various other WooCommerce events that you can try out and create your custom WooCommerce marketing automations from scratch. With Autonami Lite, the following WooCommerce events are available at your disposal:

  • Cart Abandoned
  • Cart Recovered
  • Order Created
  • Order Created – Per Product
  • Order Status Changed
  • Order Item Refunded
  • Order Item Stock Reduced
  • Order Note Added
  • Review Received

If there are other users you’ve given permission to access your store, then you can track their activity with WordPress events such as User Created and User Login.

Send Simple Text-Based Emails

FunnelKit Automations Lite comes with a text-based email builder that allows you to create and send text emails with ease.

Do not underestimate the power of simple text emails. In some automated campaigns, simple text emails have performed better than visual ones.

Personalize your emails with merge tags, add a catchy subject line, and a persuasive preview text. FunnelKit Automations is GDPR compliant; hence, the ‘unsubscribe text’ comes pre-inserted.

Time Your Emails Right with Delays

FunnelKit Automations allows you to add delays to your email sequence and communicate with your customers on the right time.

You can set delays in minutes, hours, days, weeks, and even months to better optimize your automated campaigns.

My respect and appreciation for the FunnelKit Automations Team continue to grow as we migrate from a major ESP into FunnelKit.
FunnelKit Automations is powerful and intuitive—and the support we receive (when needed) continually exceeds our expectations.
What a delight it is to work with folks who care so deeply about the customers they serve and the products they build!
— Stacy Farrell,

FunnelKit Automations Lite Use Cases

1. Create High-Converting Abandoned Cart Recovery Sequence
FunnelKit Automations allows you to create targeted and well-segmented WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery campaigns.

  • Live-capture the cart as soon as the user enters the email. Works perfectly on mobile as well.
  • Create segmented automated campaigns based on cart total, cart items items in the cart, the coupon used, whether the cart has coupons or not, etc.
  • Intuitive cart abandonment analytics for quick stats of recoverable carts, recovered carts, etc.
  • Auto ends the automation when a user completes the purchase.
  • Set up delays in your emails in minutes, hours, and days.
  • Pro feature: Send personalized WooCommerce discount coupon code based on the cart value or items (or any rule) with a set expiry time.

Take a look at the video below:

2. Set up WooCommerce Follow-Up Emails for Post-Purchase Engagement
Post-purchase or follow-up emails are sent out to engage with your customers after they’ve just bought from you.
Here are some of the post-purchase engagement emails you can send:

  • Shipment Check-In Email – Check with your new buyers about their shopping experience with you.
  • Cross-Sell or Product Recommendation Email – Send automated emails to recommend products to customers based on the items they bought.
  • Purchase Anniversary Email – Create an automated anniversary campaign with a WooCommerce discount coupon code on the 6-months or 1-year anniversary.
  • Product Education Email – Educate them on how to use the product that they’ve just bought. This depends on what item they purchased and if that needs education.

Take a look at the video to see all the post-purchase use cases:

This is not it, we have some powerful use cases that you can execute with FunnelKit Automations Pro.

But, before that, let’s understand what FunnelKit Automations Pro brings to the table!

FunnelKit Automations Pro Version

Even though you can do a lot with FunnelKit Automations Lite version, the Pro version unlocks a whole new spectrum of WooCommerce marketing automation that you never knew was possible within WordPress.

FunnelKit Automations Pro lets you communicate with buyers to strengthen the relationship and lay the ground for the second sale.

FunnelKit Automations Pro makes FunnelKit Automations a mini-CRM, allowing you to view 360° contact profiles, build targeted audiences, tag users, add them to sequences, run automated campaigns, send broadcasts, connect with form builders, and more – perform all the actions you can in an expensive SAAS-based CRM.

All without leaving WordPress.

Like many people, we have used Infusionsoft, Active Campaign, Mail Chimp, you name it, we have tried them all at one point or another, and NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, compares to FunnelKit Automations.
When you pair FunnelKit Automations with your own SMTP servers like Sendgrid, Mailgun, and Amazon SES, you instantly control your own email marketing service, and even better, you control your own email marketing REPUTATION.
Gone are the days of using services that send all their email from the same servers, so you don’t have to suffer from unreliable email delivery based on the bad habits of other users of the same service.
You can now control everything and tie all your marketing in with your WordPress website, run email broadcasts, abandon WooCommerce cart emails, automated sequences based on user activity, and so much more.
FunnelKit Automations is WONDERFUL, and their support is top-notch.
— Monster Development,

Get Actionable Insights on Your Dashboard

FunnelKit Automations Pro adds more to the already incredible analytics dashboard.

Along with the cart-related data, you get a list of your Top Automations, Top Broadcasts, and even Popular Emails. These lists can help you replicate your success by following the same formula.

The dashboard also displays:
– Total Contacts
– Emails Sent
– SMSs Sent
– Total Orders
– Total Revenues

View Detailed Customer Profiles

With detailed customer profiles, you can view all the important details of every contact on your list. With FunnelKit Automations Pro, you can get a deeper understanding of your customers.

Quickly see the most important details about them – the latest engagement with your emails, total spend, total orders, last order date, AOV (individual), comparison to the store’s AOV, etc.

These details can help you create targeted automated campaigns.

Create advanced segmentation by tagging and listing the customers and creating a precise set of audiences to use in marketing campaigns.

Send Broadcast Campaigns To Multiple Contacts

With live cart capturing, FunnelKit Automations captures emails the moment it is entered on the checkout page.

You can create an automation to tag users in real time. You can segment these users into audience sets like – US customers, repeat buyers, high-value customers, etc.

You can tag your users in real-time and segment them into audience sets based on:
– Geographical location – US Customers, Canada Customers, etc.
– Products Purchased
– Order Values
– Coupon Used
– AOV and Lifetime Spend
– Engagement-related parameters
– WordPress User Status, and more

This audience segmentation will help pinpoint your emails and attain more engagement.

Get Access to 20+ Advance Pre-Built Automations with One Click

FunnelKit Automations Pro version unleashes 20+ marketing automations that you can import with just one click and boost your sales instantly.

The library is every-growing and currently includes various email sequences like:

  • Abandoned Cart Recovery
  • Post-purchase email sequence
  • Condition-based email sequence for precise targeting
  • Turning Subscribers into Customers in 7 days
  • WooCommerce Subscriptions – related email sequences
  • Affiliates-related email sequences
  • Customer Win-back campaign and even more

Create Condition-Based Automated Workflows

The most important and EXCITING benefit of FunnelKit Automations Pro is Condition – the ability to create condition-based automations.

Create conditions based on cart total, cart items, contact fields, order total, items purchased, average order value, geographical location, and even saved audiences.

Here are a few most-used Condition categories:

  • Customer Details: Gender, Company, Date of Birth, etc.
  • WooCommerce Cart Details: Cart Total, Total Revenue, Total Orders Count, Purchased Products, Used Coupons, AOV, First Order, Last Order, etc.
  • Geography: Country, State, City, etc.
  • Engagement: Last Open, Engaged, Unengaged, Last Click, etc.
  • Broadcast: Broadcast Sent/Open/Clicked

And more such amazing Conditions to create personalized email sequences.

Such conditions allow you to focus more on the profitable side of your customers.

Build advanced email and SMS sequences according to the conditions set and take your eCommerce marketing game up a notch.

Create Targeted Campaigns with Advanced Actions

Unlock a whole new spectrum of Actions with the Pro version. You can customize your email workflow with various actions such as:

  • Messaging: Send Email, Send SMS, Send Message to a Channel/User
  • FunnelKit Automations: Create Contact, Change Status, Update Fields, Add/Remove Tags, Add/Remove Contact to/from a List, Add Contact Note, End Automation
  • WooCommerce: Create/Delete Coupon, Change Subscription Status, Assign/Update Membership Plan

This is just the cream of the crop, as you delve deeper into FunnelKit Automations, you can add more actions to your email sequence.

The Pro version opens up the advanced Actions and Delay functionalities and even more helpful features like adding Goals, Jumps, and Exits to your automations.

  • Delay: Advanced delay functionalities let you send emails in the contact’s timezone, as well as at a specific time of a specific day. Add a delay until a custom date is picked by the user on a form submitted.
  • Goals: If your email sequence has a common goal, then the automation will stop when the goal is achieved, i.e., the subsequent emails won’t go out. Examples of goals include – a link clicked, an order placed, a user subscribed, and more.
  • Jump: Shorten your automations by making contacts jump from one node to another within the workflow.
  • Exit: Exit the automation for all those contacts that don’t meet the set condition. These contacts will move out of your automation.

Create Dynamic Coupon Codes to Instigate Urgency

Who doesn’t love coupons?

FunnelKit Automations Pro lets you build dynamic coupons from scratch right inside WordPress.

Customize your WooCommerce discount coupon settings without leaving your workflow – set an expiry date for the coupon, add a discount amount (fixed or in percentage), add a prefix to the coupon code, enable free shipping, and more.

Create personalized coupon codes with merge tags – with the user’s first name or last name.

Once done, embed the coupon code inside your emails with ease.

Create Beautiful Emails Using Built-In Email Builder and Engage Better with Broadcast Campaigns

Do not know where to start with email designing?

Our WooCommerce marketing automation plugin comes with an in-built visual email builder that empowers you to create beautiful emails that can send your click-through rates through the roof.

FunnelKit Automations gives you content blocks for designing emails. From writing text and adding logos to showing products in emails – there are blocks for just about everything.

Save these emails as templates and reuse them in future automated campaigns.

Send and schedule broadcast campaigns/ newsletters in real-time. Engage better with your audience with newsletters and create a stronger bond.

A/B Test Your Emails and Choose the Best-Performing Copy

A lot of your email marketing campaign’s success depends on the copy of your email.

If the subject line is catchy and the copy is engaging, you are halfway home.

FunnelKit Automations Pro lets you split-test your emails and choose the best version that can maximize your campaign’s performance and bring in profits.

You can create multiple versions of the same email by changing the subject line, altering the preview text, and more.

FunnelKit Automations Pro Use Cases

**1. [Create …

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