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WP Hide & Security Enhancer
Hospedagem WordPress com plugin WP Hide & Security Enhancer
Onde devo hospedar o plugin WP Hide & Security Enhancer?
Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer provedor que tenha WordPress instalado. Recomendamos escolher uma empresa de hospedagem de confiança, com servidores otimizados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem de sites da MCO2.
Hospedando o plugin WP Hide & Security Enhancer em uma empresa de hospedagem seguro
A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais atual para seus clientes, fornece o plugin WP SafePress, um mecanismo exclusivo que salvaguarda e aumenta a performance do seu site ao mesmo tempo.
Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?
A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização de imagens e fotos, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades suspeitas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São plugins que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.
Effortlessly conceal your WordPress site from detection! With over 99.99% of hacks targeting specific plugin and theme vulnerabilities, this plugin significantly boosts site security by making it invisible to hackers’ web scanners.
By removing all traces of WordPress, including themes and plugins, potential exploits are rendered harmless. This method ensures that your site is safe without affecting SEO; in fact, it can enhance certain SEO aspects when used strategically.
WP-Hide has launched the easiest way to completely hide your WordPress core files, login page, theme and plugins paths from being shown on front side. This is a huge improvement over Site Security, since no one will know whether you are running or not a WordPress. It also provides a simple way to clean up html by removing all WordPress fingerprints.
No file and directory change!
No file and directory will be changed anywhere. Everything is processed virtually. The plugin code uses URL rewrite techniques and WordPress filters to apply all internal functionality and features. Everything is done automatically without user intervention required at all.
Real hide of WordPress core files and plugins
The plugin not only allows you to change default URLs of you WordPress, but it also hides/blocks such defaults. Other similar plugins, just change the slugs, but the defaults are still accessible, obviously revealing WordPress as CMS.
You can change the default WordPress login URL from wp-admin and wp-login.php to something totally arbitrary. No one will ever know where to try to guess a login and hack into your site. It becomes totally invisible.
Full plugin documentation available at WordPress Hide and Security Enhancer Documentation
When testing with WordPress theme and plugins detector services/sites, any setting change may not reflect right away on their reports, since they use cache. So, you may want to check again later, or try a different inner URL. Homepage URL usage is not mandatory.
Being the best content management system, widely used, WordPress is susceptible to a large range of hacking attacks including brute-force, SQL injections, XSS, XSRF etc. Despite the fact the WordPress core is a very secure code maintained by a team of professional enthusiast, the additional plugins and themes make ita vulnerable spot for every website. In many cases, those are created by pseudo-developers who do not follow the best coding practices or simply do not own the experience to create a secure plugin.
Statistics reveal that every day new vulnerabilities are discovered, many affecting hundreds of thousands of WordPress websites.
Over 99,9% of hacked WordPress websites are target of automated malware scripts, which search for certain WordPress fingerprints. This plugin hides or replaces those traces, making the hacking boots attacks useless.
It works well with custom WordPress directory structures,e.g. custom plugins, themes, and upload folders.
Once configured, you need to clear server cache data and/or any cache plugins (e.g. W3 Cache), for a new html data to be created. If you use CDN this should be cache clear as well.
Sample usage
Main plugin functionality:
- Customizes Admin URL
- Blocks default admin URL
- Blocks any direct folder access to completely hide the structure
- Customize wp-login.php filename
- 2FA – Two-factor Authentication
- 2FA – Two-factor Authentication – Email Verification Code
- 2FA – Two-factor Authentication – Authenticator App
- 2FA – Two-factor Authentication – Recovery Codes
- Google Captcha
- Blocks default wp-login.php
- Blocks default wp-signup.php
- Blocks XML-RPC API
- Creates New XML-RPC paths
- Adjusts theme URL
- Creates New child Theme URL
- Changes theme style file name
- Cleans any headers for theme style file
- Customizes wp-include
- Blocks default wp-include paths
- Blocks default wp-content
- Customizes plugins URL
- Changes Individual plugin URL
- Blocks default plugins paths
- Creates New upload URL
- Blocks default upload URL
- Removes WordPress version
- Blocks Meta Generator
- Disables the emoji and required javascript code
- Removes pingback tag
- Removes wlwmanifest Meta
- Removes rsd_link Meta
- Removes wpemoji
Minifies Html, Css, JavaScript
Security Headers
and many more.
No other plugin functionality will be blocked or interfered in any way by WP-Hide
This plugin allows to change the default Admin URL from wp-login.php and wp-admin to something else. All original links turn the default theme to “404 Not Found” page, as if nothing exists there. Besides the huge security advantage, the WP-Hide plugin saves lots of server processing time by reducing php code and MySQL usage since brute-force attacks target the weakURL.
Important: Compared to all other similar plugins which mainly use redirects, this plugin turns a default theme to“404 error” page for all blocked URL functionalities, without revealing the link existence at all.
Since version 1.2, WP-Hide change individual plugin URLs and made them unrecognizable. For example,the change of the default WooCommerce plugin URL and its dependencies from into or anything customized.
Plugin Sections
**Hide -> Scan
- Exhaustive system security examination with analysis and improvements guidance and fixes
Hide -> Rewrite > Theme
- New Theme Path – Changes default theme path
- New Style File Path – Changes default style file name and path
- Remove description header from Style file – Replaces any WordPress metadata information (like theme name, version etc.,) from style file
- Child – New Theme Path – Changes default child theme path
- Child – New Style File Path – Changes child theme style-sheet file path and name
- Child – Remove description header from Style file – Replaces any WordPress metadata information (like theme name, version etc.,) from style file
Hide -> Rewrite > WP includes
- New Include Path – Changes default wp-include path/URL
- Block wp-include URL – Blocks default wp-include URL
Hide -> Rewrite > WP content
- New Content Path – Change default wp-content path/URL
- Block wp-content URL – Blocks the default content URL
Hide -> Rewrite > Plugins
- New Plugin Path – Changes default wp-content/plugins path/URL
- Block plugin URL – Blocks default wp-content/plugins URL
- New path / URL for Every Active Plugin
- Customize path and name for any active plugins
Hide -> Rewrite > Uploads
- New Upload Path – Changes default media files path/URL
- Block upload URL – Blocks default media files URL
Hide -> Rewrite > Comments
- New wp-comments-post.php Path
- Block wp-comments-post.php
Hide -> Rewrite > Author
- New Author Path
- Block default path
Hide -> Rewrite > Search
- New Search Path
- Block default path
Hide -> Rewrite > XML-RPC
- New XML-RPC Path – Changes default XML-RPC path / URL
- Block default xmlrpc.php – Blocks default XML-RPC URL
- Disable XML-RPC authentication – Filters whether XML-RPC methods require authentication
- Remove pingback – Removes pingback link tag from theme
Hide -> Rewrite > JSON REST
- Clean the REST API response
- Disable JSON REST V1 service – Disables an API service for WordPress which is active by default
- Disable JSON REST V2 service – Disables an API service for WordPress which is active by default
- Block any JSON REST calls – Any call for JSON REST API service will be blocked
- Disable output the REST API link tag into page header
- Disable JSON REST WP RSD endpoint from XML-RPC responses
- Disable Sends a Link header for the REST API
Hide -> Rewrite > Root Files
- Block license.txt – Blocks access to license.txt root file
- Block readme.html – Blocks access to readme.html root file
- Block wp-activate.php – Blocks access to wp-activate.php file
- Block wp-cron.php – Blocks outside access to wp-cron.php file
- Block wp-signup.php – Blocks default wp-signup.php file
- Block other wp-*.php files – Blocks other wp-.php files within WordPress Root
Hide -> Rewrite > URL Slash
- URL’s add Slash – Add a slash to any links without it. This disguisesthe existence of a file, folder or a wrong URL, which will all be slashed.
Hide -> General / Html > Meta
- Remove WordPress Generator Meta
- Remove Other Generator Meta
- Remove Shortlink Meta
- Remove DNS Prefetch
- Remove Resource Hints
- Remove wlwmanifest Meta
- Remove feed_links Meta
- Disable output the REST API link tag into page header
- Remove rsd_link Meta
- Remove adjacent_posts_rel Meta
- Remove profile link
- Remove canonical link
Hide -> General / Block Detectors
- Block Detectors
Hide -> General / Emulate CMS
- Emulate CMS
Hide -> General / Html > Admin Bar
- Remove WordPress Admin Bar for specified urser roles
Hide -> General / Feed
- Remove feed|rdf|rss|rss2|atom links
Hide -> General / Robots.txt
- Disable admin URL within Robots.txt
Hide -> General / Html > Emoji
- Disable Emoji
- Disable TinyMC Emoji
Hide -> General / Html > Styles
- Remove Version
- Remove ID from link tags
Hide -> General / Html > Scripts
- Remove Version
Hide -> General / Html > Oembed
- Remove Oembed
Hide -> General / Html > Headers
- Remove Link Header
- Remove X-Powered-By Header
- Remove Server Header
- Remove X-Pingback Header
Hide -> General / Html > HTML
- Remove HTML Comments
- Minify Html, CSS, JavaScript
- Remove general classes from body tag
- Remove ID from Menu items
- Remove class from Menu items
- Remove general classes from post
- Remove general classes from images
Hide -> General / Html > User Interactions
- Disable Mouse right click
- Disable Text Selection
- Disable Copy
- Disable Cut
- Disable Paste
- Disable Print
- Disable Print Screen
- Disable Developer Tools
- Disable View Source
- Disable Drag / Drop
Hide -> Admin > wp-login.php
- New wp-login.php – Maps a new wp-login.php instead of the default one
- Block default wp-login.php – Blocks default wp-login.php file from being accessible
- Customize the default login page Logo image
Hide -> Admin > Admin URL
- New Admin URL – Creates a new admin URL instead of the default ”/wp-admin”. This also applies for admin-ajax.php calls
- Disable customized Admin Url redirect to the Login page
- Block default Admin Url – Blocks default admin URL and files from being accessible
Security -> 2FA
- Enable 2FA
- Enable the 2FA for specific roles
- Enforce User to Configure 2FA
- Primary option for Two-Factor
Security -> 2FA Email
- Activate 2FA Email
Security -> 2FA Auth App
- Activate Authenticator app (TOTP)
Security -> 2FA Recovery Codes
- Activate 2FA Recovery Codes
Security -> Captcha
- Google Captcha V2
- Google Captcha V3
- CloudFlare Turnstile ( PRO )
Settings -> CDN
- CDN Url – Sets-up CDN if applied. Some providers replace site assets with custom URLs.
Security -> Headers
HTTP Response Headers are a powerful tool to Harden Your Website Security.
* Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy (COEP)
* Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy (COOP)
* Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy (CORP)
* Referrer-Policy
* X-Content-Type-Options
* X-Download-Options
* X-Frame-Options (XFO)
* X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies
* X-XSS-Protection
This free version works with Apache and IIS server types. For all server types, check with WP Hide PRO
This is a basic version that can hide everything for basic sites, example When using complex plugins and themes, the WP Hide PRO may be required. We provide free assistance to hide everything on your site, along with the commercial product.
Anything wrong with this plugin on your site? Just use the forum or get in touch with us at Contact and we’ll check it out.
A website example can be found at or our website WP Hide and Security Enhancer
Plugin homepage at WordPress Hide and Security Enhancer
This plugin is developed by Nsp-Code
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You are kindly asked to promote this plugin if it comes up to your expectations via an article on your site or any other place. If you liked this code/WP-Hide or if it helped with your project, why not leave a 5 star review on this board.
Capturas de tela

Admin Interface.

Sample front html code.