Install this plugin on unlimited sites and manage them all from a central dashboard. This plugin communicates with your InfiniteWP Admin Panel.
Hospedagem WordPress com plugin WPGraphQL
Onde devo hospedar o plugin WPGraphQL?
Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer hospedagem que possua WordPress instalado. Recomendamos fortemente escolher uma hospedagem seguro, com servidores adaptados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem da MCO2.
Hospedando o plugin WPGraphQL em um provedor confiável
A MCO2, além de instalar o WordPress na versão mais nova para seus clientes, fornece o plugin WP SafePress, um mecanismo exclusivo que assegura e melhora seu site simultaneamente.
Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?
A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades suspeitas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.
WPGraphQL is a free, open-source WordPress plugin that provides an extendable GraphQL schema and API for any WordPress site.
Below are some links to help you get started with WPGraphQL
- Quick Start Guide
- Intro to GraphQL
- Intro to WordPress
- Join the WPGraphQL community on Discord
Build rich JavaScript applications with WordPress and GraphQL
WPGraphQL allows you to separate your CMS from your presentation layer. Content creators can use the CMS they know, while developers can use the frameworks and tools they love.
WPGraphQL works great with:
- Gatsby
- Apollo Client
- NextJS
- …and more
Query what you need. Get exactly that.
With GraphQL, the client makes declarative queries, asking for the exact data needed, and in exactly what was asked for is given in response, nothing more. This allows the client have control over their application, and allows the GraphQL server to perform more efficiently by only fetching the resources requested.
Fetch many resources in a single request.
GraphQL queries allow access to multiple root resources, and also smoothly follow references between connected resources. While typical a REST API would require round-trip requests to many endpoints, GraphQL APIs can get all the data your app needs in a single request. Apps using GraphQL can be quick even on slow mobile network connections.
Powerful Debugging Tools
WPGraphQL ships with GraphiQL in your WordPress dashboard, allowing you to browse your site’s GraphQL Schema and test Queries and Mutations.
It is recommended that anytime you want to update WPGraphQL that you get familiar with what’s changed in the release.
WPGraphQL publishes release notes on Github.
WPGraphQL has been following Semver practices for a few years. We will continue to follow Semver and let version numbers communicate meaning. The summary of Semver versioning is as follows:
- MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
- PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.
You can read more about the details of Semver at
Short Description
WPGraphQL adds a flexible and powerful GraphQL API to WordPress, enabling efficient querying and interaction with your site’s data.
Privacy Policy
WPGraphQL uses Appsero SDK to collect some telemetry data upon user’s confirmation. This helps us to troubleshoot problems faster & make product improvements.
Appsero SDK does not gather any data by default. The SDK only starts gathering basic telemetry data when a user allows it via the admin notice. We collect the data to ensure a great user experience for all our users.
Integrating Appsero SDK DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY start gathering data, without confirmation from users in any case.
Learn more about how Appsero collects and uses this data.