WP GoToWebinar

Por Martin Gibson
(14 avaliações)
  • Versão:
  • Última atualização:
    há 5 meses
  • Instalações ativas:
    mais de 1.000
  • Versão do WordPress:
    3.0.1 ou maior
  • Testado até o WordPress:
  • Versão do PHP:
    ou maior

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin WP GoToWebinar

Onde posso hospedar o plugin WP GoToWebinar?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer servidor que possua WordPress configurado. Recomendamos escolher um provedor de hospedagem confiável, com servidores especializados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem de sites da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin WP GoToWebinar em uma empresa de hospedagem seguro

A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais nova para seus clientes, disponibiliza o plugin WP SafePress, um mecanismo singular que protege e aumenta a performance do seu site simultaneamente.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades suspeitas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São plugins que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

WP GoToWebinar is a totally free plugin used to display upcoming webinars in a table, calendar or widget from your GoToWebinar account which link to registration forms on your website.

By using simple shortcodes or the WPBakery Page Builder plugin you can place upcoming webinars or registration forms on any post or page with ease.

As webinars pass and new webinars are created, the upcoming webinar display updates automatically each day making WP GoToWebinar a zero-maintenance experience.

Use the shortcode [gotowebinar] to display webinars in a table format, [gotowebinar-calendar] to display webinars in a calendar format, [gotowebinar-reg key=”YOUR WEBINAR KEY”] to display a registration form for a specific webinar, or use [gotowebinar-reg key=”upcoming”] to show a registration form of your next upcoming webinar!

There’s also a range of additional shortcode parameter that can be used which can:

  1. Only show webinars from a particular timezone
  2. Only show webinars if the webinar title contains or doesn’t contain particular text
  3. Only show webinars within the next X number of days
  4. Hide a certain phrase in the title from displaying

Please checkout the plugin FAQ section for more information on the different shortcode parameters, or better yet use the WPBakery Page Builder plugin.

WP GoToWebinar also enables your users to convert the times and dates of upcoming webinar displays and registration forms into their local timezone with a click of a link! Reduce spam registrations with Google reCaptcha support.

Translate/customise standard registration form fields and create dynamic success and error messages for your users simply and quickly. Customise colours of various elements and enable hover tooltips to provide additional information to your users on upcoming webinars and registration forms.

WP GoToWebinar is mobile friendly, implements smart caching to make loading times super fast and it’s also unobtrusive so it should adapt fairly well to your themes existing styles. Using our 1-click GoToWebinar authentication process and simple user interface you’ll have things up and running in no time! Watch a full walkthrough of all these features in this video here:

Want to create, manage and sell upcoming and previously recorded webinars from WordPress? Or how about integrate your registrattion forms with email marketing and CRM packages including: ActiveCampaign, Agile CRM, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, Highrise, Hubspot, Insightly, MailChimp, Pipedrive, Salesforce and Zoho? Want to get webinar performance information from WordPress? Or what about displaying a live webinar countdown in the toolbar of your website! Upgrade to WP GoToWebinar Pro today to experience true GoToWebinar-WordPress awesomeness!

Learn more here: https://northernbeacheswebsites.com.au/wp-gotowebinar-pro or watch the below video:

Please show your support for this plugin by donating what you can via the plugin settings page as your support will contribute to support and new features!

Capturas de tela

Once you have installed the plugin, navigate to Settings > WP GoToWebinar in the admin area

Once you have installed the plugin, navigate to Settings > WP GoToWebinar in the admin area

Insert a shortcode into a page

Insert a shortcode into a page

Add the widget to a sidebar

Add the widget to a sidebar

View the table on your website

View the table on your website

View the widget on your website

View the widget on your website

View the registration form on your website

View the registration form on your website

Adding a webinar using WPBakery Page Builder

Adding a webinar using WPBakery Page Builder

Calendar view of upcoming webinars

Calendar view of upcoming webinars

Calendar view list of upcoming webinars

Calendar view list of upcoming webinars