Analytify – Google Analytics Dashboard For WordPress (GA4 analytics made easy)

Por Adnan
(475 avaliações)

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Analytify – Google Analytics Dashboard For WordPress (GA4 analytics made easy)

Onde devo hospedar o plugin Analytify – Google Analytics Dashboard For WordPress (GA4 analytics made easy)?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer provedor que tenha WordPress configurado. Recomendamos optar por um provedor de hospedagem de confiança, com servidores adaptados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem de sites da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin Analytify – Google Analytics Dashboard For WordPress (GA4 analytics made easy) em uma empresa de hospedagem de confiança

A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais atual para seus clientes, oferece o WP SafePress, um sistema singular que protege e melhora seu site conjuntamente.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização de imagens e fotos, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

Homepage | Documentation | Support | Demo | Premium Version

Google Analytics Dashboard

Google Analytics Dashboard Plugin for WordPress – by Analytify makes Google Analytics simple for everyone using WordPress. We know how important it is to keep track of website analytics.

Analytify allows you to present the statistics from Google Analytics in a beautiful and useful manner. The integration is super simple and does not require the help of a developer to set up the integration. Once you integrate Google Analytics in WordPress using Analytify, you will be able to view the dashboard both at the front end and the backend.

Unlike other WordPress analytics plugins, Analytify brings a lot of actionable data in a single view at the dashboard. The Free version will let you view statistics like Visitors, Page views, New vs Returning Visitors, Top Pages, Geographic data, and much more.

The best part about Analytify is that it lets you view page-level statistics like views, users, bounce rate, average time on the page while being logged in the Admin panel of your WordPress website.

The premium version of this WordPress plugin is built to leverage the power of website analytics to let you know how people find and use your website.

Now you can get Google Analytics Dashboard inside your WordPress Dashboard with just a few clicks. Our goal at Analytify is pretty simple, to make data Analytics fun In WordPress.

Analytify is one of the few WordPress analytics plugins, which is the Google Analytics Technology Partner. This means our plugin is carefully tested and vetted to make sure you get the kind of support you need to be successful.

Analytify 4.0 is here! Discover Google Analytics Like Never Before! Must check those stunning Screenshots!


This is the free version of Analytify, there is a Premium version that comes with basic plus advanced features to help you get Google Analytics in WordPress. The Pro version is more easy to install, and shows Real-Time Stats, Campaign Stats, ShortCodes, Front-end Stats and more reports in backend and front-end. Also the premium version has better ecommerce tracking (Buy Add-ons with premium), and campaigns management. Get the affordable Premium Version from . Bundle price is also available with Addons.


The plugin is fully available in French, Turkish and Hungarian languages. However Dutch, German and Russian are just about to be fully translated. We are working hard to make sure the plugin is fully available in all the mentioned languages.

  • French 100%
  • Turkish 100%
  • Hungarian 100%
  • Dutch 96%
  • German 96%
  • Russian 82%
  • Norwegian 79%
  • Spanish 50%

100% Multilingual, Translatable and WPML Compatible


Connect your WordPress site with Google Analytics with 1-Click Authentication process and It add Google Analytics tracking code to your WordPress website without the help of a developer.

It is highly recommended by Google Analytics Team to use your own Custom API keys. You need to create a Project in Google Console.
Here is a short Video guide to get your own ClientID, Client Secret and Redirect URL. Add these API Keys in Advanced Tab before connecting Analytify with Google Analytics.


Enhanced eCommerce Google analytics Tracking Add-ons for WooCommerce

Ecommerce tracking is a tricky process and requires the time and help of a developer to properly set up events and tracking. Analytify allows solid integration with WooCommerce to ensure you do not miss out on important eCommerce data of your business. It allows you to track product clicks, impressions, add to cart clicks, product performance, and much more right in your WordPress dashboard. The report also generates key insights on following factors:

  • Average Order Value
  • Transaction Revenues
  • Total Transactions
  • Products removed from the cart

Enhanced eCommerce Tracking for Easy Digital Downloads

Analytify’s addon for Easy Digital Downloads, lets you track digital sales, transactions, and revenue. We have made sure to sync the addon with Google Analytics for Easy Digital Downloads so that you can keep a close eye on the entire shopping behavior funnel of your website.

Geographical Data

The geographic data in the analytics report presents a beautiful visualization with the list of every country and city bringing traffic to your website. The low to high scale on the map makes it easy to identify the top traffic countries. You can easily identify those countries by hovering the mouse over the map.

Social Media Statistics in WordPress

Social media is a powerful source of traffic, and our plugin lets you know the effectiveness of your social media efforts inside your WordPress dashboard.

Real-Time Reporting

You must have seen real-time data in Google Analytics. But that nifty feature can be shown in your WordPress dashboard by connecting your WordPress site with Analytify.

Helps with Search Engine Optimization

Analytify lets you see traffic data for individual blog posts and pages, this keeps you aware of your top-performing content and allows you to take actionable steps.

Automated Email Reports

If you are an agency, or a business owner with multiple websites then our automated email reporting will come very handy for you. You can send individual post stats directly to your client by simply clicking “Send Email” within the dashboard.

Google Analytics System Stats Report

In the Analytify plugin, users can also view System stats report that includes how many visitors are coming from which platforms which include Operating systems, Browsers, and Mobile devices statistics.

Google Analytics Report for Goals

In the Analytify dashboard, you can also view your goals report that includes Goal Completions, Goals Value, Goals Conversion rate, Page per session, and Pages. The dashboard is further extended to show traffic sources and the goal completion from those sources.

Frontend Tracking Reports ShortCodes

If you want to show your stats to your user on the frontend side of your website or any post, you can easily do that. As Analytify provides you this amazing option by using shortcodes you can integrate tracking on your post or page for your users of visitors by adding shortcodes.

GDPR Compatible Plugins

  • CookieYes
  • Cookie Notice & Compliance.


  • List of top Referrers Browsers
  • List of top Referrers
  • Mobile device Statistics
  • See What’s happening when users come to your site (Bounce rate of top pages)
  • It can be easily customizable with CSS, you can give it any shape you want.
  • You can extend it to any level. Usage of API’s are very easy to work with.
  • General Statistics (Sessions, Users, Bounce rate, Average time on site, Average pages, Pageviews, New/Returning Visitors)
  • How people are finding you (TOP KEYWORDS)
  • [New] Dashboard dropdown menu now remembers your last selection of time period.


  • Campaigns Statistics
  • Events Tracking
  • Google AMP
  • Google Optimize
  • Forms Tracking
  • Custom Dimensions
  • Use ShortCodes in Widgets
  • Google Analytics Stats (Full) under the single posts,pages & Custom Post Types as a block in wp-admin
  • ShortCodes (Simple and Advanced) for Custom Statistics of your own choice

WooCommerce Enhanced eCommerce tracking and report dashboard right inside your WordPress is now available. Take a look.

Following are the important add-ons which empower you to set up Google Analytics like a boss. It really helps your clients, online stores, etc.


  • Analytify Core (Free and Required for all add-ons)
    • Dashboard widget (Free) Google Analytics Widget in your WordPress Dashboard.
    • Analytify Pro (Paid)
      • Campaign Tracking (Paid)
      • Email Notifications (Paid)
      • Google Analytics Goals Tracking and Dashboard (Paid)
      • Google Analytics Forms Tracking and Dashboard (Paid)
      • Google Analytics Authors Tracking and Dashboard (Paid)
      • Enhanced Ecommerce Google Analytics Tracking for WooCommerce (Paid)
      • Enhanced Ecommerce Google Analytics Tracking for Easy Digital Downloads (Paid)

It is highly recommended by Google Analytics Team to use your own Custom API keys. You need to create a Project in Google Console.

Here is a short Video guide or a tutorial to get your own ClientID, Client Secret and Redirect URL. Add these API Keys in Advanced Tab before connecting Analytify with Google Analytics.

This Google analytics plugin is also available on github and ready to take bugs and pull requests. For Support, you can buy the PRO version, this will give access to premium updates, support and features.


Analytify is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. We make Google Analytics look EASY. You know all about Google Analytics and love the data it provides, but wouldn’t it be nice if there is a tool to make managing all of that complex information simpler?

You’re in luck.

Google Analytics Was Never This Fun In WordPress before.

Following is a list of Testimonials you must read them once.

Testimonial # 1

Great way to understand your audience

I’ve been using the Pro version for quite a while. I really love how it gives me in-depth information about each individual post. That kind of info is hard to navigate to in Google Analytics even if you’re relatively familiar with it already. I discovered all kinds of new things about how people land on my site and how they engage with it just by activating the plugin and looking at the information it provides in the Dashboard and on individual posts.

The author is also an official Google analytics Partner, which I think speaks volumes. Well done all around, highly recommended!

Testimonial # 2

Best Google Analytics Plugin

This is something that clients really love as they of course want to see traffic to their site. However many do not want to log into google analytics and work their way through its rather complicated reporting modules. This gives all the headline stuff and more. What’s really neat is that it does it for every single page as well. So you can really see what’s going on for a particular post. So a google search for X led to this page. It also has great realtime reporting for the paid version. I had one small issue and the developer responded and addressed it immediately. Very impressed. It’s become a default plugin.

Testimonial # 3

Excellent Integrations with Google Analytics

Many of my clients don’t want to view analytics outside their dashboard. This plugin integrates GA beautifully within the WordPress admin panel. I suggest you give it a spin. The developers are also very nice and dedicated to the plugin, which goes a long way.

Testimonial # 4

Outstanding support and product

Besides thinking the plugin is wonderful, I am equally impressed with the support team. I had issues and they emailed back and forth to resolve my issues and even update the plugin for me. I highly recommend this plugin which has been very beneficial to my analytics, but just as important, I appreciate the support in resolving my issue in a very timely manner.

You may buy the premium version to support the development.

Capturas de tela

Google Analytics by Analytify - <a href=Real Time Stats">

Google Analytics by Analytify - Real Time Stats

Google Analytics by Analytify - <a href=Top Countries">

Google Analytics by Analytify - Top Countries

Google Analytics by Analytify - <a href=Top Referrers/Browsers">

Google Analytics by Analytify - Top Referrers/Browsers

Google Analytics by Analytify - <a href=Enhanced eCommerce Google Analytics Tracking for WooCommerce">

Google Analytics by Analytify - Enhanced eCommerce Google Analytics Tracking for WooCommerce

Google Analytics Dashboard By Analytify - <a href=Settings Screen">

Google Analytics Dashboard By Analytify - Settings Screen

Google Analytics by Analytify - <a href=Automated Email Reports">

Google Analytics by Analytify - Automated Email Reports

Google Analytics by Analytify - <a href=Shopping Behavior funnel for WooCommerce Google Analytics">

Google Analytics by Analytify - Shopping Behavior funnel for WooCommerce Google Analytics

Google Analytics by Analytify - <a href=UTM Campaigns Dashboard">

Google Analytics by Analytify - UTM Campaigns Dashboard

Google Analytics by Analytify - <a href=Google Analytics dashboard widget for WordPress.">

Google Analytics by Analytify - Google Analytics dashboard widget for WordPress.

Google Analytics by Analytify - <a href=Google Custom Dimensions Dashboard">

Google Analytics by Analytify - Google Custom Dimensions Dashboard

Google Analytics by Analytify - <a href=Events Tracking Dashboard">

Google Analytics by Analytify - Events Tracking Dashboard

Google Analytics by Analytify - <a href=Forms Tracking Settings">

Google Analytics by Analytify - Forms Tracking Settings

Google Analytics by Analytify - <a href=Forms Tracking Dashboard">

Google Analytics by Analytify - Forms Tracking Dashboard

Google Analytics by Analytify - <a href=Google Custom Dimensions Tracking">

Google Analytics by Analytify - Google Custom Dimensions Tracking

Google Analytics by Analytify - <a href=Google Optimize A/B Testing">

Google Analytics by Analytify - Google Optimize A/B Testing

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