One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce

Por WP Swings
(98 avaliações)

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce – Funnel Builder for WordPress, Create WooCommerce Upsell, Post-Purchase Upsell & Cross Sell Offers that Boost Sales & Increase Profits with Sales Funnel Builder

Onde hospedar o plugin One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce – Funnel Builder for WordPress, Create WooCommerce Upsell, Post-Purchase Upsell & Cross Sell Offers that Boost Sales & Increase Profits with Sales Funnel Builder?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer servidor que tenha WordPress instalado. Recomendamos optar por uma empresa de hospedagem seguro, com servidores otimizados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem WordPress da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce – Funnel Builder for WordPress, Create WooCommerce Upsell, Post-Purchase Upsell & Cross Sell Offers that Boost Sales & Increase Profits with Sales Funnel Builder em um provedor de confiança

A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais atualizada para seus clientes, fornece o WP SafePress, um sistema singular que salvaguarda e melhora seu site conjuntamente.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização de imagens e fotos, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São plugins que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.


💰 WooCommerce Upsell Funnel Creator 🛍️ Maximize Sales with eCommerce Upsells 📈 Increase Ads ROAS with Upsell Funnels

Looking for the best funnel builder for WordPress to skyrocket your sales? One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce allows merchants to create WooCommerce Upsell, post-purchase upsell, Order Bumps, and cross-sell offers. Easily show related products with upsell pop-ups into WooCommerce checkout pages, Cart Pages, and thank you pages, allowing merchants to create engaging sales funnels that convert.

Customers can add these upsell products in just 1 click to their cart with no hassle of re-entering the payment details. It is a complete solution for building Sales Funnels for WordPress and WooCommerce as it facilitates creating, testing, and maintaining post purchase / aftersell funnels.

Our plugin is compatible with Elementor, Divi, Themify, WP Bakery, Beaver, Site Origin, and Gutenberg page builders, allowing you to create, edit, and import upsell funnel templates, customize checkout pages, and thank you pages with advanced designs.

Create unlimited upsell for woocommerce offers using the WooCommerce upsell plugin, and examine a track report for each sales funnel. Additionally, you may import third party pre-made sales funnel templates to easily set up and provide upsell for WooCommerce on your online store.

WooCommerce Upsell Demo | Documentation | Contact Us


1) Variable Products & Category Support:

The WooCommerce Upsell plugin allows you to create multiple one-time upsell offers specifically for variable products and on categories, giving you the flexibility to offer different variations and upsell on categories

2) Free Order Upsell:

Upsell funnel has the option to trigger the upsell funnel on a zero cart amount, after enabling this setting upsell will be triggered even if the checkout value is zero.

3) Create Order Bump Offers:

The WooCommerce Upsell Funnel plugin allows you to create Order Bump Offers directly from the funnel lists. This can be helpful in managing your upsell and order bump operations together.

4) Exit Intent Pop-Up:

Using the WooCommerce Upsell Plugin you can enable the pop-up on exit intent feature, allowing you to show a pop-up on upsell offer pages when a customer tries to exit the browser, this can be an ultimate upselling hack for your business.

5) Unlimited Funnels with an Unlimited Number of Offers:

With the WordPress Sales Funnel plugin, you can create unlimited sales funnels with any number of Upsell and Cross-Sell Offers. Show your customers multiple post-purchase or aftersell offers in a single sales funnel which increases the impulse buys, average order value, and revenue of your store.

6) Add the Shipping Price on COD:

Our free click funnel plugin allows you to set the shipping price for the cash-on-delivery payment method for upsell offers. This allows you to cover operational costs for delivering the COD upsell products and maintain your profits.

7) Generate Reports for Upsell Funnel Tracking:

The WooCommerce post-purchase upsell plugin renders funnel reports that include trigger frequency, accepted & rejected offers, conversion rates, overall sales, etc. This information emphasizes the preferences of customers for particular WordPress funnels. Moreover, using both Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel, you can also track WooCommerce upsell

8) Global Funnels:

Create global one click funnels that trigger independently without needing target products. You can use the universal WooCommerce one-click upsell to show offers to your customers every time they purchase in your online store.

9) Smart Offer Upgrade:

The Smart Offer Upgrade feature replaces the existing product (customer is buying) with the offer product as soon as they accept the WooCommerce upsell offer. This intelligent feature removes manual work and makes switching to upsell products seamless.

10) Exclusive Offer Feature:

The upsell sales funnel builder creates exclusive offers for the customers, which will be shown to customers only once based on the order email. Such one click upsell offers garner higher conversion rates.

11) Test Product Upsell Offers in Sandbox Mode:

In the Sandbox mode, the Upsell funnel builder triggers only for the admin and not for Live Customers. This enables store owners to freely view, test, and customize their Upsell funnel offers before making them live.

12) Elementor and Other Page Builder Support to Build Responsive Upsell Offer Pages:

Build the one-click upsell funnel for WooCommerce with Elementor Page Builder and other top builders available on WordPress. Our plugin allows you to easily create and customize your upsell offer pages without coding knowledge.

13) Upsell Shortcodes to Build Useful Offer Page Elements:

This WordPress upsell plugin provides various shortcodes to create different offer page elements. The plugin offers shortcodes for Buy Now, No Thanks, Product Title, Description, Short Description, Image, Price, Variations, Offer Quantity, and Urgency Timer.

14) Ability to Simplify The Buying Process:

Streamline your purchase process with additional products that customers can buy with one click checkout, without re-entering their payment details. These 1 click-upsell deals minimize churn, improve the shopping experience, and speed up the checkout process.

A WordPress Funnel Builder for All Businesses in Every Niche

One Click Upsell is a WordPress Funnel Builder for marketing agencies, eCommerce merchants, course creators, financial coaches, software firms, and other agencies who want to offer smooth, hassle-free funnels in no time.

Visit One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce Documentation and learn more about the features and workings of the plugin.


Create Multiple Sales Funnels with One-Click Upsell Funnel For WooCommerce

  • One Click Upsell Free Version Supports Stripe Payment Method for creating Upsell Offers.
  • Create unlimited WordPress funnels with an unlimited number of WooCommerce upselling and cross-selling offers.
  • Get a comprehensive tracking report for every sales funnel.
  • Track your WordPress upsell funnel data on Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel.
  • Create global woofunnels that trigger regardless of any product or category.
  • Offer an upgrade of the existing product in the cart
  • Show exclusive product upsell offers based on the order email.
  • Display intelligently upsell offers if a customer skips the first funnel for a specific product in the purchase.
  • View and edit your WooCommerce upsell funnels in sandbox mode.
  • Offer upsell products in different ways with 3 pre-defined and fully customizable offer templates.
  • Link your custom WooCommerce upsell offer page in the free funnel builder.
  • Use pre-defined shortcodes to create offer page elements.
  • Create fully customizable upsell offer pages without any coding skills.
  • Build responsive and product-specific offer pages.


1) Compatibility with Upsell Order Bump Offer For WooCommerce Free and Upsell Order Bump Offer For WooCommerce Pro

2) Compatibility with Subscriptions For WooCommerce,

3) Compatibility with Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce

4) Compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS

5) Compatibility With Multiple Payment Gateways WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway (PRO), WooCommerce PayPal Payments (PRO), Mollie Payments (PRO), Square (PRO), (PRO), Braintree (PRO), Payments Plugin for Stripe WooCommerce (ORG/PRO)

Also, we can do customization for our users to add other payment gateways.


1. Frequently Bought Together Offers:

You can guide customers’ journey by redirecting them to another upsell offer once they complete the previous one, maximizing sales opportunities.

2. Subscription Product Types:

The WooCommerce Upsell plugin allows you to create multiple one-time upsell offers specifically for subscription products.

3. Customize Checkout and Thank You Pages:

WooCommerce Upsell plugin allows you to fully customize your checkout and thank you pages. You can hide, disable, or rearrange fields to show only what’s necessary.

4. Multiple Payment Gateways:

Upsell Pro plugin is compatible with popular payment gateways like WooCommerce Stripe, PayPal, Braintree, Square, Mollie, and more.

5. Bundled Products Support:

The Upsell Pro plugin allows you to create multiple one-time upsell offers specifically for bundled products

6. Unlimited Funnels:

Create unlimited upselling and downselling funnels that trigger after a customer completes their purchase.

Take Advantage of the Exclusive Features of the One Click Upsell Funnel For WooCommerce Pro Plugin

The One Click Upsell Funnel For WooCommerce Pro plugin is designed to help merchants create exclusive post-purchase upsell offers in WooCommerce. It allows you to create unlimited one-click upsell, cross-sell, down-sell, one-time offers, sales funnels, and exclusive customized offers. It also offers features like WooCommerce A/B testing to test offers effectiveness, mobile responsive templates, and the option to build custom templates from scratch.

Note: 👉 Get One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce Pro

See what Kolagen Boost is saying about the WooCommerce Upsell Plugin:

Kolagen Boost noticed an increase in the average total of almost every order placed with a customer over a defined period of time with the help of the One Click Upsell plugin. See WooCommerce Upsell Case Study

“Using One click upsell plugin from WP Swings for a year and it works really well. Will add more plugins from them soon. The support is great and really fast.
– ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ @milla “

❤️‍ Support

If you need support or have questions, kindly use our online chat window here and discover all types of WooCommerce Extensions for your eCommerce store.

Capturas de tela

Create a new Funnel: Create a new upsell funnel by clicking on Create New Funnel button

Create a new Funnel: Create a new upsell funnel by clicking on Create New Funnel button

Add Offer in the funnel: Add an offered product to your upsell funnel

Add Offer in the funnel: Add an offered product to your upsell funnel

Make Funnel Live: Save your funnel and click on the toggle button to publish it

Make Funnel Live: Save your funnel and click on the toggle button to publish it

Template 1: Upsell offer page template #1

Template 1: Upsell offer page template #1

Template 2: Upsell offer page template #2

Template 2: Upsell offer page template #2

Template 3: Upsell offer page template #3

Template 3: Upsell offer page template #3

Funnels List: View all your funnels in the Funnel List tab

Funnels List: View all your funnels in the Funnel List tab

Shortcodes: The Shortcodes tab provides you with several shortcodes to add different elements

Shortcodes: The Shortcodes tab provides you with several shortcodes to add different elements

Global Settings: Global settings that take effect on all funnels

Global Settings: Global settings that take effect on all funnels

Upsell Report: Check the performance of each upsell funnel

Upsell Report: Check the performance of each upsell funnel

Upsell Report by date: Check the upsell performance for a set time period

Upsell Report by date: Check the upsell performance for a set time period

Google Analytics tracking: Track upsell sales through Google Analytics

Google Analytics tracking: Track upsell sales through Google Analytics

FB Pixel tracking: Track upsell sales through Facebook Pixel

FB Pixel tracking: Track upsell sales through Facebook Pixel

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