Checkout Fields Editor For WooCommerce (My Account)

Por jcodex
(26 avaliações)

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor (Checkout Manager)

Onde posso hospedar o plugin WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor (Checkout Manager)?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer servidor que possua WordPress configurado. Recomendamos utilizar uma empresa de hospedagem confiável, com servidores especializados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem de sites da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor (Checkout Manager) em um provedor confiável

A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais atual para seus clientes, oferece o WP SafePress, um sistema exclusivo que protege e melhora seu site simultaneamente.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens e fotos, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce (My Account)

Build up now your WooCommerce checkout & My Account form with a powerful & user-friendly plugin that allows you to add 20+ custom checkout fields.

This plugin specialy developed for users who are not much technical they can easily adjust there WooCommerce Checkout and My account Fields.

✳️ Block Compatible Now supports WooCommerce checkout blocks, allowing text, select, radio, and checkbox fields, plus extra validation options.

Check Demo | Documentation | Premium Version

Key Features

☞ Add Custom Checkout Fields (s)

Seamlessly add additional fields to your checkout form & my account form. This plugin supports 20 different field types, including:

*   Text
*   Number
*   Hidden
*   Password
*   Email
*   Phone
*   Radio
*   Textarea
*   Select
*   Multi Select
*   Checkbox
*   Checkbox Group
*   Datetime local
*   Date
*   Month
*   Time
*   Week
*   URL
*   Heading
*   Paragraph

☞ Edit Field(s)

Update both custom and default WooCommerce fields to meet your business needs.

☞ Delete Field(s)

Easily hide, remove, or disable unnecessary checkout fields.

☞ Repositioning Checkout fields

Display your Checkout fields at different locations drag and drop options.

☞ Enable/Disable field(s)

Rearrange checkout fields effortlessly using a simple drag-and-drop interface.

☞ Display Fields in Emails and Order Details Pages

You can choose to display or hide custom fields in order emails and on the order details page.

☞ Add Custom CSS Class

Apply custom CSS classes to checkout fields to enhance form design and improve user experience.

☞ Validate the Checkout Fields

You can easily make your fields required or optional.

☞ Reset to Default Fields

Restore WooCommerce’s default checkout fields anytime with a single click.

☞ Multilingual Ready

Fully compatible with WPML, Polylang, and Loco Translate for easy translation.

✳️ Upgrade to the Premium version to access more sections and advanced conditional logic features along with our block integration!

💎💎 Upgrade to the Premium Version!

Premium version of the plugin comes with 24+ prebuilt custom fields that can help you
to make your Checkout or Accout registration pages according to your needs.

Premium Features

☞ Custom Checkout Sections

You can easily add new sections except default billing, shipping, additional.

☞ 24 Custom field types with File Upload

Premium version of the WooCommerce Checkout Manager supports more then 24 field types, including the File Upload option. Following 24 field types are:

1. Text
2. Hidden
3. Password
4. Telephone
5. Email
6. Number
7. Textarea
8. Select
9. Multi Select
10. Radio
11. Checkbox
12. Checkbox Group
13. Date picker
14. Time picker
15. File Upload
16. Datetime local
17. Date
18. Month
19. Time
20. Week
21. URL
22. Heading 
23. Label
24. Paragraph

☞ Display Fields at 14 different Positions

You can rearrange checkout fields at different locations according to your needs.

1. Before customer details
2. After customer details
3. Before billing form
4. After billing form
5. Before shipping form
6. After shipping form
7. Before registration form
8. After registration form
9. Before order notes
10. After order notes
11. Before terms and conditions
12. After terms and conditions
13. Before submit button
14. After submit button
15. Inside a custom step created using WooCommerce MultiStep Checkout

☞ Conditional Logic for Fields & Sections

Show or hide fields dynamically based on cart contents, user roles, selected products, and more.

* Cart Contents
* Cart Subtotal
* Cart Total
* User Roles
* Product
* Product Variation
* Product Category
* Based on other field values

☞ Custom Validation Rules

Set custom field validation to ensure correct data entry before order submission.

☞ Pricing Fields

Add extra fee based on a custom field.

☞ Price Fields With A Set of Price Types

Add an extra price value to the total price by adding a field with price into the checkout form. You can also add predefined fixed prices using hidden field type in WooCommerce Checkout. Following price types can be added to WooCommerce checkout fields:

  • Fixed Price: Set a fixed price for the addon (Extra Field). This fixed amount will be added to the total product price upon selecting the addon.
  • Custom Price: A price entered by the user will be added to the product price. This will help you receive donations, tips and similar things.
  • Percentage of Cart Total: Set the addon price in percentage of the cart total. The specificified percentage amount of the product price will be added to the product price.
  • Percentage of Subtotal: Set the addon price in percentage of the sub total. The corresponding percentage amount of the product price will be added to the product price.
  • Percent of Subtotal excluding tax: Set the addon price in percentage of the subtotal excluding tax price in your locality. So,the corresponding percentage amount of the product price will be added to the subtotal during checkout.
  • Dynamic Price: Set the price per ‘n’ number of units. Then the addon price will be calculated for the total number units selected by the customer and added to the product price.

☞ Change Address Display Format

With the WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor, change the address formats displayed in the Addresses in My Account page, Thank You page and Transactional Emails. The custom fields created using the plugin can also be included in the addresses using the override feature.

☞ Set Repeat Rules

The pro version of the Woocomerce Checkout Manager plugin lets you set repeat rules for the custom fields and sections created based on various criteria like Product Quantity and Cart Count.

☞ Developer Friendly

All the custom fields in the Checkout Field Editor are available through hooks. So, the developers can use the checkout fields to extend the functionality of the fields.

☞ Compatibility with third-party plugins

Pro version of the plugin supports multiple third-party plugins, so as to benefit the user the best from us. Some of them include:

*WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips (Include custom checkout fields in invoices)

*WooCommerce Order CSV Export (Export checkout field data with customer orders)

*Zapier Support (Automate workflows and integrate with other services)

*Multilingual Support (Compatible with WPML for translation)

Take your WooCommerce checkout customization to the next level with the WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor (Checkout Manager) plugin’s official page.

Check how it works: 🔗 Live Demo

Capturas de tela

Add new field Popup Box

Add new field Popup Box

How to add dropdown field using Custom Fields WooCommerce Checkout Page

How to add dropdown field using Custom Fields WooCommerce Checkout Page

How your fields will look on front end

How your fields will look on front end

All Fields table on plugin page

All Fields table on plugin page

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