User Private Files – Upload Documents & Secure File Sharing with Frontend File Manager

Por User Private Files
(40 avaliações)
  • Versão:
  • Última atualização:
    há 13 dias
  • Instalações ativas:
    mais de 1.000
  • Versão do WordPress:
    6.0 ou maior
  • Testado até o WordPress:
  • Versão do PHP:
    7.4 ou maior

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin WordPress File Sharing Plugin

Onde devo hospedar o plugin WordPress File Sharing Plugin?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer servidor que tenha WordPress configurado. Recomendamos utilizar uma hospedagem de confiança, com servidores especializados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin WordPress File Sharing Plugin em uma empresa de hospedagem de confiança

A MCO2, além de instalar o WordPress na versão mais atualizada para seus clientes, oferece o WP SafePress, um sistema singular que assegura e otimiza seu site conjuntamente.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São plugins que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

Best WordPress File Sharing plugin that allows admin and site users to upload, manage and share their private files and folders with restricted access via frontend.

Is this file sharing plugin for you?

  • Do you want to upload and share private files with your site users securely that no one else can access?
  • Do you want your site users to upload and share private files with you or each other in a secure way?
  • Do you want to optionally share public files as well?

…then yes! User Private Files is a perfect file sharing solution for you.

Try the plugin on your free dummy site: Click here =>

User Private Files is a private file sharing plugin with frontend file manager (client portal) that will add a file sharing functionality on your WordPress website just like Dropbox and Google Drive. Your site users will be able to login and upload their files and manage the access to those files. A perfect frontend dashboard to upload and share private files.

Check the Frontend Demo Here

Some of the features shown in the video are available only in the PRO version.

All Documentation/Features Videos

The plugin is simple to use and comes with 2 different design shortcodes:

Modern design “[upf_manager]”

Classic design (old – limited functionality) has 2 shortcodes – one for uploading files and another for displaying the files that they uploaded and that are Shared with them. We recommend that you use them together on a single page:
Shortcode for uploading form is “[upf_upload]”
Shortcode for displaying files is “[upf_display]”

Users can add/remove other users from their files by their email addresses. Only the allowed users will be able to view/download those files and unauthentic users will see a permission denied error message (even if they have direct URL to the file).

Your users will be able to manage their files, add a title and note to the uploaded files. They can also delete their uploaded files. Site administrator can view all the files from backend file manager (available in PRO) and will have the full control over them.


  • Allow your site users to upload their private files.

  • Users can share their files with other users by using their email addresses or usernames.

  • Only the allowed users will be able to view/download shared files and unauthentic users or guests will see a permission denied error if they have direct URL to the file.

  • Users can remove the allowed users anytime they want.

  • Easy to setup for administrator and easy to use for users.

  • Front-end dashboard to allow users upload and manage their files.

  • Full control over uploaded files to site administrator.

  • 2 different designs – Classic and full-width modern design (NEW)

  • Filter to group files by their type (Classic design only)

  • Translation Ready

  • Folders system – Users can Create/Rename/Delete and Share folders (NEW)

  • Users can upload/move files within different folders (NEW)

  • Admin can share files with single, all users or users with a specific role (NEW)

  • Comments – Users can comment on shared files (NEW)

  • Email notification when a file / folder is shared with someone (NEW)

  • Backend settings to enable/disable email notification and change email subject/content (NEW)

  • Trash folder functionality (NEW)

  • Search for files and folders (NEW)

  • Interactive Dropbox like design (NEW)

  • Download file option

  • Support for file types – image, pdf, doc, zip, audio, video, txt and CSV (NEW)

  • Support image, pdf preview and video play (NEW)

  • No page refresh – Fully AJAX

  • Restore or Delete files & folders from Trash (NEW)

  • Beautiful animation & icons

PRO version Features

  • Backend file manager for admin to manage files

  • Premade folders from backend file manager (NEW)

  • Sync files from Server/FTP folder (NEW)

  • Upload Folder from PC, It will create all subfolders and upload files in same hierarchy (NEW)

  • Analytics – See count of Views and Downloads for files in backend file manager (NEW)

  • Backend file manager to view and control other users files without asking them to share with admin

  • File preview support for docx, ppt, csv, excel files etc using google doc viewer (NEW)

  • Google Drive Integration (Premium & Developer versions) (NEW)

  • Display selected files/folders only by their IDs (NEW)

  • Custom fields/columns in list view (Premium & Developer versions) (NEW)

  • Backend option to hide Search, filters, New folder button for particular user roles

  • Text Editor Addon to create or edit text files (Premium & Developer versions) (NEW)

  • Option to Zip an entire folder and download (NEW)

  • Preview support for zip files (NEW)

  • Frontend notifications when a file / folder is shared with someone

  • Frontend notification when a file is uploaded in shared folder with option to turn ON/OFF (NEW)

  • Frontend notification when a folder is created in shared folder with option to turn ON/OFF (NEW)

  • Email notification when a file/folder is uploaded/created in shared folder with option to turn ON/OFF

  • Single email notification option for bulk upload (NEW)

  • Backend option to enable/disable frontend notifications

  • Copy link to a folder or file and share with other users who have access

  • Backend option to allow users to share with role specific & all users

  • Backend option to enable/disable file uploading functionality based on roles

  • Backend customizer to update colors, thumbnails, and toolbar options

  • Grid/List views

  • Login functionality when user is not logged in

  • Backend options to customize login form

  • Shortcode support for Login form to display it anywhere (NEW)

  • Option to set redirection for login form (NEW)

  • Sort files/folder

  • Collapsible side panels on frontend

  • New permission level View and Upload (NEW)

  • Additional shortcodes to display selected files, target folder uploading, and public files (NEW)

  • Public Files and Folders section in file manager (NEW)

  • Add privacy policy link in the right sidebar (NEW)

  • Description support for folders

  • Display total storage used and size of each file in the backend (NEW)

  • And many more. See the Full List Here

Everything you need in a File Sharing Plugin

Easy to use
User Private Files is as easy as using your computer. The sleek design gives you the freedom to manage files and folders as you want.

Compatible with Themes
We are using Divi theme on our demo sites. It is very compatible with Divi theme. We have tested with some popular themes like DIVI, AVADA, BE, The7, Bridge, UnCode, Salient etc. and there are no issues so far.

Compatible with Elementor & other Page-Builders
WordPress File Sharing plugin is compatible with Elementor builder. While editing a page create a new shortcode block and paste the shortcode [upf_manager]. Save the page and preview. Same can be followed for other builders like – Muffin, WPBakery, Visual Composer, Beaver, Divi, SiteOrigin, etc.

Security First Approach
Security is at the core of User Private Files. All file transfers and access are protected with the best security methods, safeguarding your confidential documents from potential threats.

Customizer (PRO)
Customize Color scheme of button, text and hover. Adjust your branding for frontend file sharing portal with settings to set logo, watermark, and background options.

Features Rich
User Private Files is the only file sharing plugin you ever need. With so many features, you can convert your site into a dedicated file sharing portal for your clients and customers. Features like uploader, file manager, search, preview, trash, sort, view modes, zip, sharing files/folders and a lot more are what make the plugin best in file sharing solution.

No Limit
You can upload as many files as you want & as many folders or sub-folders can be created. There is no limit on number of files. This depends on your hosting account.

No max file-size Limit
User Private Files plugin do not limit on file size. It depends on your hosting account. If you are unable to upload large files, edit your php.ini or user.ini file and add this line :
upload_max_filesize = 128M
This will limit max file size to 128mb, change it as needed. Sometime it is managed by hosting provider, please contact your hosting provide and as them to increase upload_max_filesize.

Full control over Features (PRO)
Want to enable/disable some features? The User Private Files got you cover with a full fledged settings section where you can easily enable or disable some features for some or all user roles.

Uploading Files/Folders
Upload bulk files, folders with drag and drop feature. With the PRO version, you can add extra file types that you want to allow for uploading.

Email Notifications
An option in backend to configure email template. When someone shares a file/folder with a user/users, they will receive an email notification.

Frontend Notifications (PRO)
Users will get a notification on frontend page when a file/folder is shared with them. They can read, delete, and refresh notifications. Clicking on a notification will open that file/folder.

Copy Link (PRO)
Users can copy the link to a file/folder and share it with other users. Pasting the link will open that file or folder if they have access to it.

Share with single user, roles, or all users
Share your files and folders with a single user, multiple users, a particular user role or all users at once.

Secure frontend file manager
Full width front-end file manager and all uploaded files are secure that only allowed users can access.

Inbuilt login form and customizer (PRO)
WordPress file sharing plugin comes with a login form which is fully customizable. You can set labels and fields for the login form via the customizer.

Thumbnails and File View Modes (PRO)
Easily change thumbnails for default and custom file types. You can also set custom thumbnails for folders. As and admin you can control the default file view mode and allow users to toggle between Grid and List view modes.

The frontend dashboard has a powerful toolbar to perform various actions on files and folders. With the PRO version, you can control what to display or hide in the toolbar. Take full control over search, filters, buttons, and labels in the toolbar.

Addons (Premium & Developer)
Extend the functionality of the best file sharing plugin even more by installing the addons – google-drive integration, Custom Fields, and Text Editor.

Best in class Customer Support
We are fully dedicated to the User Private Files plugin and are known by our amazing support that we provide to our customers. We listen to plugin users and add features from time to time keeping the plugin up-to-date. If you have any suggestions or questions, please let us know.

Check the Demo to experience all features.

Capturas de tela

Front-end Dashboard

Front-end Dashboard

File Preview

File Preview

Create New Folder

Create New Folder

Upload Files

Upload Files

Rename a File

Rename a File

Move a File

Move a File

Classic Design - Uploading a file

Classic Design - Uploading a file

Classic Design - Allow other users by email

Classic Design - Allow other users by email

Classic Design - Shared with me files

Classic Design - Shared with me files