Site Kit é uma solução completa para usuários do WordPress usarem tudo que o Google oferece para torná-los bem-sucedidos na web.

User Activity Tracking and Log
Hospedagem WordPress com plugin User Activity Tracking and Log
Onde hospedar o plugin User Activity Tracking and Log?
Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer hospedagem que possua WordPress instalado. Recomendamos optar por uma empresa de hospedagem confiável, com servidores otimizados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem WordPress da MCO2.
Hospedando o plugin User Activity Tracking and Log em um provedor seguro
A MCO2, além de instalar o WordPress na versão mais atualizada para seus clientes, oferece o plugin WP SafePress, um mecanismo exclusivo que protege e melhora seu site simultaneamente.
Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?
A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens e fotos, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades suspeitas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.
Track user activity & duration on your website with this incredibly powerful, easy-to-use and well supported plugin.
This plugin is privacy-friendly: it stores no cookies on users’ computers and therefore requires no cookie opt-in from users (unlike Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager).
The plugin is especially useful for tracking users on membership sites, LMS online learning systems or WooCommerce sites. It can track both logged-in and anonymous users.
You can track page visits, duration of the visit, login and logout time, and you can even setup event goal triggers too (ie. click of a button, PDF download, mailto links and more).
Our plugin will accurately track time spent on specific pages which is very useful when you’d like to monitor user’s reading time, video watching time, tracking time in LMS online learning system, or how long users look at your e-commerce product pages before purchasing.
Key Features
- Simple & intuitive
- Powerful search, export options, API endpoints
- Compatible with WooCommerce and other user registration plugins
- Tracks both logged-in and non logged-in users (ie. unknown users)
- GDPR / CCPA / privacy ready (IP address can be stored in anonymized format)
- Privacy-friendly: stores no cookies on users’ computers
- Local Data Storage: all user data is stored locally on your website only; we do not collect or store any of your user data on our servers
Premium Features
- Time tracking & Session Duration: see the duration of user visits in the activity logs
- Login/logout time: see the exact time when users login and logout from your site
- Event goal tracking: setup event goal triggers for various actions that users take on your site (ie. click on a specific button, PDF download, mailto links and more)
- [NEW] Email notifications: receive email notifications when an event was triggered
- Auto logout: setup automatic logout for idle users to improve your analytics
- Track all custom post-types and archives
- Anonymize IP addresses
- Export logs to CSV
- Track specific roles: track logged-in users only or only certain roles such as subscribers
- Rest API endpoints for activity logs in JSON format
- Custom timezone
- Advanced Filters
Download the Premium Add-on here
Demo Video
Event Triggers Video Tutorial
Activity data that will be logged:
- Login date and time
- Logout date and time
- Last seen
- Session Duration
- Username & email (if user is logged-in)
- User role
- Activity
- Page name and URL
- IP address
- Location (by IP Address)
- Referrer URL
“Tried many, but this one had just what I wanted. I like this plugins feature set, minimal but exactly what I need to see. Helps me to send offers on a WooCommerce digital content site when I notice users are looking at a particular product often, but not purchasing. A little nudge helps and this plugin puts that info in a place I can easily see.” – Ryan
“Simple to install & performs well. The reporting is clear and very useful!” – hannahfinch
“Very useful plugin!! I was looking for something to track users on our website. This plugin is exactly what I needed. You can track activity and users. You can see who visited which pages, and the referring page they came from. The premium version gives you even more useful features like tracking only users who are logged in, additional view options, and so on. Excellent plugin, highly recommended!!” – msiciliano
About us
Moove Agency is a premium supplier of quality WordPress plugins, services and support. Visit our site to learn more.
Capturas de tela

User Activity Tracking and Log - Activity Log - All

User Activity Tracking and Log - Activity Log - Post Type
![User Activity Tracking and Log - Activity Log - Sessions [Premium]](
User Activity Tracking and Log - Activity Log - Sessions [Premium]
![User Activity Tracking and Log - Event Tracking Log - All [Premium]](
User Activity Tracking and Log - Event Tracking Log - All [Premium]
![User Activity Tracking and Log - Event Tracking Log - Triggers Setup [Premium]](
User Activity Tracking and Log - Event Tracking Log - Triggers Setup [Premium]
![User Activity Tracking and Log - Event Tracking Log - Drill-down View [Premium]](
User Activity Tracking and Log - Event Tracking Log - Drill-down View [Premium]
![User Activity Tracking and Log - Event Tracking Log - Users [Premium]](
User Activity Tracking and Log - Event Tracking Log - Users [Premium]

User Activity Tracking and Log - Event Tracking Log - Help

User Activity Tracking and Log - General Settings
![User Activity Tracking and Log - Activity Log Screen Options [Premium]](
User Activity Tracking and Log - Activity Log Screen Options [Premium]
![User Activity Tracking and Log - User Tracking Settings [Premium]](
User Activity Tracking and Log - User Tracking Settings [Premium]
![User Activity Tracking and Log - Permissions [Premium]](
User Activity Tracking and Log - Permissions [Premium]
![User Activity Tracking and Log - Advanced Settings [Premium]](
User Activity Tracking and Log - Advanced Settings [Premium]