
Por edward_plainview
(202 avaliações)
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    8.0 ou maior

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Broadcast

Onde posso hospedar o plugin Broadcast?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer provedor que tenha WordPress instalado. Recomendamos fortemente optar por uma hospedagem de confiança, com servidores otimizados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem de sites da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin Broadcast em uma empresa de hospedagem de confiança

A MCO2, além de instalar o WordPress na versão mais nova para seus clientes, fornece o plugin WP SafePress, um sistema exclusivo que salvaguarda e otimiza seu site conjuntamente.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens e fotos, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades suspeitas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São plugins que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

Network Content Syndication Made Easy!

Single source content on a WordPress multisite network is now as easy as pie! Syndicate posts to other blogs in the network, update posts between blogs, sync posts, share content templates, etc. Broadcasted posts can be linked to their parents, which updates child posts when the parent post is updated. This includes all data: title, slug, content, custom fields, attachments, etc.

Broadcast is great for:

  • Chain stores
  • Content hubs
  • Franchises
  • News sites
  • Schools
  • Anything else with distributed content!

Here are some use cases for Broadcast:


  • Posts, pages, custom post types
  • Taxonomies (categories, tags, etc)
  • Os campos personalizados
  • Attached images
  • Imagens de Destaque
  • Galerias
  • Custom field blacklist, whitelist, and protect list.
  • User role access granularity
  • CDN support (nominally tested Amazon S3)
  • Many extra features in the add-on packs

SEO support

  • Canonical URLs of child posts.
  • Hreflang links (also see Hreflang add-on in the add-on packs)
  • Permalinks of child posts (also see Permalinks add-on in the add-on packs)
  • Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin integration and support

Add-on Packs

There are several Broadcast add-on packs that expand the capabilities of Broadcast.

3rd party pack

The following add-ons add support for the plugin after which they are named:

If you don’t see your plugin in this list, it might not need a specialized add-on.

Control pack

These add-ons give you extra control of what you broadcast and how:

  • All Blogs gives all users access to all of the blogs in the network.
  • All Blogs Superadmin allows only superadmins to broadcast to all blogs in the network without having to be a user of the blog.
  • All Images detects all referenced local images in post text fields and adds them to the broadcast.
  • Back To Parent updates the parent post with the new child content.
  • Comments adds support for broadcasting of comments.
  • Custom Field Attachments allows post custom field containing attachment IDs to be broadcasted correctly.
  • Custom Field Posts allows post custom field containing post IDs to be broadcasted correctly.
  • Custom Field Terms allows post custom field containing taxonomy term IDs to be broadcasted correctly.
  • Delete Before Broadcast deletes duplicate and similar child posts on each blog before broadcasting.
  • Gutenberg Attachments: Modify attachment IDs found in Gutenberg blocks to match their equivalent attachments on each blog.
  • Gutenberg Menus: Modify menu IDs found in Gutenberg blocks to match their equivalent attachments on each blog.
  • Gutenberg Posts: Modify post IDs found in Gutenberg blocks to match their equivalent attachments on each blog.
  • Gutenberg Protect: Protects specific Gutenberg blocks from being overwritten during broadcasting.
  • Gutenberg Terms: Modify taxonomy term IDs found in Gutenberg blocks to match their equivalent attachments on each blog.
  • Hreflang adds support for SEO-friendly hreflang html tags.
  • Keep Child Status keeps the status of post children to private, pending, published, draft, no matter the status of the parent.
  • Link Before Broadcast attempts to find unlinked children on each child blog during broadcast.
  • Local Files automatically copies local files to each blog and updates the links in the content.
  • Local Links automatically updates links to local posts on each child blog.
  • No New Terms prevents taxonomy terms from being created on child blogs.
  • Parent Pull allows content to be pulled from (parent) blogs.
  • Per Blog Taxonomies allows individual control of specific taxonomies for each child post.
  • Permalinks provides more precise control of permalinks for both parents and children.
  • Protect Child Properties prevents various properties of child posts from being overwritten.
  • Rebroadcaster: Periodically and automatically rebroadcast specific posts.
  • <a href=""Rebroadcast Parent Here: Rebroadcast the parent to this linked child.
  • Redirect All Children redirects single post views from visitors of child posts to the parent post.
  • Redirect Parent redirect all views of a parent post to the first child post.
  • Relink To Parent: Relink an unlinked child to the parent.
  • Same post ID: Create a new post on several blogs with the same post ID.
  • Search And Replace finds and replaces texts in posts during broadcast.
  • Shortcode Attachments modifies attachment IDs found in shortcodes to match their equivalent attachments on each blog.
  • Shortcode Menus modifies menu IDs found in shortcodes to match their equivalent menus on each blog.
  • Shortcode Posts modifies post IDs found in shortcodes to match their equivalent posts on each blog.
  • Shortcode Terms automatically translates taxonomy term IDs found in shortcodes when broadcasting.
  • Term Meta Attachments: Allow taxonomy term meta containing attachment IDs to be broadcasted correctly.
  • Thumbnail Sizes allows for different additional thumbnail sizes on a per-blog basis.
  • Update Attachments updates existing attachments by copying over the files to the child blogs.
  • Update Family updates the parent post and siblings when editing a child post.
  • Unlink On Edit unlinks child posts when they are modified.
  • User & Blog Settings (UBS) can hide the broadcast meta box and/or menu, modify the meta box to force/prevent broadcast to blogs, with separate settings for users / blogs / roles.
  • User & Blog Settings Post uses the modifications from the UBS plugin to broadcast posts with one click.

Efficiency pack

These add-ons allow you to broadcast more efficiently, saving you even more time:

  • Blog Groups 2 provides a means of groups blogs together, in order to be able to quickly select and unselect blogs from the Broadcast meta box.
  • Blog Search: Search and filter the blog list in the editor meta box.
  • Duplicate Attachments will duplicate the attachment and thumbnails, instead of letting WordPress regenerate them.
  • Find Some Unlinked Children can selectively link orphans / unlinked posts to parents, instead of automatically linking all found children.
  • New Blog Broadcast automatically broadcasts posts when creating a new blog.
  • Purge Children removes children and their attached files from child blogs.
  • Queue adds a broadcast queue which helps to broadcast posts to tens / hundreds / thousands of blogs.
  • Rebroadcast updates selected parent posts by using a bulk action.
  • Rebroadcaster: Periodically and automatically rebroadcast specific posts.
  • Send To Many allows mass broadcast of several posts to blogs at once.

Utilities pack

These add-ons do things semi-related to broadcasting, but are good to have none-the-less:

  • Bulk Cloner creates clones of existing blogs on the network.
  • CDN Workaround works around faulty CDNs that do not report the correct URL for attachments.
  • : Run code snippets on specific blogs.
  • Copy options copies blog options / settings between blogs.
  • : Runs WordPress cron periodically on all sites of the network.
  • Custom Field Cleanup: Cleans up the custom fields of a post.
  • Lock Post allows users to lock editing of posts / pages to only themselves and super admins.
  • Manual Post Actions manually runs bulk post actions on posts.
  • Media Cleanup: cleans up unused media by looking for unused items in the database and on disk.
  • Menus copies menus between blogs (overwrite / update), with support for equivalent child posts on the child blogs and equivalent taxonomies.
  • Page Content Shortcode provides a [bc_page_content slug="pageslug"] shortcode to display the contents of a page.
  • PHP Code runs custom PHP code on selected blogs. Easily switch themes for all blogs, for example.
  • Shortcodes provides arbitrary admin-defined global or local shortcodes.
  • Sitemaps generates network-aware sitemaps and robots.txt.
  • Sync Taxonomies synchronizes the taxonomies of target blogs with those from a source blog.
  • User Role Sync copies user roles between blogs.
  • Widgets copies widget and sidebar settings between blogs.


Although Broadcast is relatively easy to understand by itself, for extra documentation see Broadcast’s online documentation, which covers:

Here are instructions for merging existing single installs into a WordPress network.

For developers: the code should be well-commented and easily legible for the most part. Extra developer documentation covers:


The git repository can be found at:

Capturas de tela

Broadcast meta box when editing posts

Broadcast meta box when editing posts

How posts and pages can be broadcasted

How posts and pages can be broadcasted

Post overview showing linked children

Post overview showing linked children

Post overview showing linked parents

Post overview showing linked parents

Bulk actions that can be applied to several marked posts at once

Bulk actions that can be applied to several marked posts at once

Post actions for parent posts

Post actions for parent posts

Post actions for child posts

Post actions for child posts

The Broadcast menu

The Broadcast menu

Admin settings tab

Admin settings tab

Maintenance tab

Maintenance tab

Uninstall tab

Uninstall tab

Time savings tab showing how much time Broadcast has saved you

Time savings tab showing how much time Broadcast has saved you