WP News and Scrolling Widgets

Por WP OnlineSupport, Essential Plugin
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Hospedagem WordPress com plugin WP News and Scrolling Widgets

Onde devo hospedar o plugin WP News and Scrolling Widgets?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer provedor que possua WordPress instalado. Recomendamos fortemente utilizar uma hospedagem seguro, com servidores especializados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem de sites da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin WP News and Scrolling Widgets em uma empresa de hospedagem seguro

A MCO2, além de instalar o WordPress na versão mais nova para seus clientes, fornece o plugin WP SafePress, um mecanismo singular que salvaguarda e aumenta a performance do seu site ao mesmo tempo.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização de imagens e fotos, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

✅ Now that you have your website ready then why don’t you download and try out this News and widget plugin to give it better functionality.

By downloading our WordPress news and scrolling widget plugin on your website, you are in a way giving a very professional touch to it. It’s a way to news your company’s standards and position. It not only has news but you can also design and customize it with a brief description as well. Download and try this news and scrolling widget plugin which comes with many other features.


Your customer might like the professional and fancy vibe of your site with news and scrolling widgets.

✅ This plugin displays your news posts using :

  • News (1 designs)
  • News Widget (1 designs)
  • News Scrolling Widget (1 designs)
  • News Thumbnail Widget (1 designs)

Download Now it today and explore all the features.

✅ Features :

When you want to makeover your WordPress website theme with something extraordinary and creative, you must consider the news and scrolling widget plugin.

Website’s performance is the most significant thing for any online business owner. WP News and Scrolling Widget is one of the ways to effectively increase the dynamics of the online web space with news archives, scrolling news widgets and thumbnails. Add, manage and remove the news section on your CMS website.

The plugin work with shortcode so you can easily display the news anywhere on your site.

Also added Gutenberg block support.

✅ Here is the plugin shortcode example



To display only News 4 post:

[sp_news limit="4"]

Where limit define the number of posts to display.

If you want to display News by category then use this short code:

[sp_news category="category_ID"]

Enter category id to display categories wise.

Complete shortcode example:

[sp_news limit="10" category="category_id" grid="2"  show_content="true" show_full_content="true" show_category_name="true" show_date="false" content_words_limit="30" ]

✅ Here is Template code

<?php echo do_shortcode('[sp_news]'); ?> 

✅ Use Following Blog parameters with shortcode

  • limit : [sp_news limit=”10″] (Display latest 10 news and then pagination).
  • category : [sp_news category=”category_id”] (Display News categories wise).
  • pagination : [sp_news pagination=”true”] (Display News pagination. By default value is “True”. Options are “true OR false”).
  • pagination_type : [sp_news pagination_type=”numeric”] (Select the pagination type for News i.e. “numeric” OR “next-prev” ).
  • grid : [sp_news grid=”2″] OR [sp_news grid=”list”] (Display News in Grid formats. To display News in list view, Use grid=”list”).
  • show_date : [sp_news show_date=”false”] (Display News date OR not. By default value is “True”. Options are “true OR false”)
  • show_content : [sp_news show_content=”true” ] (Display News Short content OR not. By default value is “True”. Options are “true OR false”).
  • show_full_content : [sp_news show_full_content=”true”] (Display Full news content on main page if you do not want word limit. By default value is “false”)
  • show_category_name : [sp_news show_category_name=”true” ] (Display News category name OR not. By default value is “True”. Options are “true OR false”).
  • content_words_limit : [sp_news content_words_limit=”30″ ] (Control News short content Words limit. By default limit is 20 words).
  • Order : [sp_news order=”DESC”] (News order i.e. DESC or ASC).
  • Order by : [sp_news orderby=”date”] (Order by news i.e. date, ID, author, title, modified, rand and menu_order etc).
  • extra_class : [sp_news extra_class=””] (Enter extra CSS class for design customization).

✅ Important Note For How to Install

Please make sure that Permalink link should not be “/news” Otherwise all your news will go to archive page. You can give it other name like “/ournews, /latestnews etc”**

As this plugin is created with custom post type, you can now add Gutenberg editor support for the plugin for writing the news post. For that we have added apply_filters. For more details please check plugin FAQ section.

apply_filters( 'sp_news_registered_post_type_args', $news_args ); 

The plugin adds a News tab to your admin menu, which allows you to enter news items just as you would regular posts.

If you are getting any kind of problem with news page means your are not able to see all news items then please save your Permalinks Structure for example
first select “Default” and save then again select “Custom Structure” and save.

Checkout demo for better understanding


Essential Plugin Bundle Deal

Annual or Lifetime Bundle Deal

✅ Features include:

  • Added Gutenberg block support.
  • News shortcode
  • 3 Widget
  • Easy to add.
  • Smoothly integrates into any theme.
  • Added Widget Options like Show News date, Show News Categories, Select News Categories.
  • Added language for German, French (France) (Beta)
  • Fully responsive. Scales with its container.
  • 100% Multi Language.

Capturas de tela

Display News with grid view

Display News with grid view

A complete view with comments

A complete view with comments

Display News with List view

Display News with List view

Add new news

Add new news

Single News view

Single News view



Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.

Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.

WP News and Scrolling Widgets