Sina Extension for Elementor (Slider, Gallery, Form, Modal, Data Table, Tab, Particle, Free Elementor Widgets & Elementor Templates)

Por SinaExtra
(34 avaliações)

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Sina Extension for Elementor (Slider, Gallery, Form, Modal, Data Table, Tab, Particle, Free Elementor Widgets & Elementor Templates)

Onde posso hospedar o plugin Sina Extension for Elementor (Slider, Gallery, Form, Modal, Data Table, Tab, Particle, Free Elementor Widgets & Elementor Templates)?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer hospedagem que possua WordPress instalado. Recomendamos fortemente optar por um provedor de hospedagem de confiança, com servidores otimizados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem WordPress da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin Sina Extension for Elementor (Slider, Gallery, Form, Modal, Data Table, Tab, Particle, Free Elementor Widgets & Elementor Templates) em um provedor de confiança

A MCO2, além de instalar o WordPress na versão mais atualizada para seus clientes, fornece o plugin WP SafePress, um mecanismo exclusivo que salvaguarda e aumenta a performance do seu site ao mesmo tempo.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

This is an extension or addon for Elementor page builder. It will extend the Elementor and increase web page building experience. It has 38 useful & high-quality widgets or addon and 2 creative extenders. Which you may use for easy & fast make the page & display your content far better way. After using it, you will feel that it’s one of the best addon for Elementor.

Use of Sina Templates


  • 40 free elements.
  • Options panel for enable/disable elements.
  • Easy to use
  • Details Customisation ability
  • 100+ Fully Responsive predefined Blocks & Pages.
  • Free Support through the forum & in our support desk.

Translation Ready

Translation Ready for:
* Bengali
* French
* German
* Portuguese
* Spanish

Also .po and .mo files included for below regions

  • Angola
  • Argentina
  • Austria
  • Bangladesh
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • France
  • Germany
  • Guatemala
  • Mexico
  • Peru
  • Portugal
  • Puerto Rica
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela

What can you do by this plugin?

You can make unlimited design without coding knowledge.
See demo


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  1. Accordion: Use accordion for display FAQ or custom content that you want.
  2. Banner Slider: Add an animated text or image slider into your web page.
  3. Blogpost: Show your blog posts with grid, masonry or list.
  4. Brand Carousel: Display clients logo in a carousel.
  5. Contact Form: Use contact form with lots of style.
  6. Content Box: Display services or custom content that you want.
  7. Content Slider: You can slide any content with that. Also can sliding any template. Enjoy!!
  8. Countdown: Add countdown timer into your web page.
  9. Counter: Show number with animate counting.
  10. Dynamic Button: Add a button as a static or dynamic (page, category, tag or post formate).
  11. Facebook Feed: Show your facebook feed into your web page(s).
  12. Fancy Text: Use animated text with 45+ animation effects.
  13. Flip Box: Show animated Flip Box to highlight any content on your web page.
  14. Google Map: Add a colorful Google map into your web page. We have added 20+ custom colors for the map.
  15. Image Differ: Compare two images for seeing the difference between before and after. Also you can use vertical & horizontal orientation.
  16. Login Form: Add an attractive & custom login form anywhere into your web page.
  17. MailChimp: Add MailChimp form for subscribing the users.
  18. Modal Box: Display any template (which made by the Elementor) into a modal box with 45+ animation effects.
  19. News Ticker: Show scrolling post or news title.
  20. Particle Layer: Use particle layer with lots of style, layout & more.
  21. Piechart: Works the same as the Counter, but with a circle.
  22. Portfolio: Display your works just by few clicks.
  23. Posts Carousel: Latest posts display into a carousel as full width or grid.
  24. Posts Tab: Show your latest posts in a tab.
  25. Pricing: Add pricing for display your services rate.
  26. Product Zoomer: Add multiple images of product for zoom in.
  27. Progressbar: Display progress bars with different styles.
  28. Review Carousel: Show what others said about your brand.
  29. Search Form: Display search form for searching the users.
  30. Social Icons: Add your social icons like Facebook / Twitter etc.
  31. Table: Use table for showing your expected data.
  32. Team: Add your team members just a few clicks.
  33. Title: Use title, subtitle & description anywhere into your web page.
  34. Transform: Display content by transforming in the different dimensions.
  35. Twitter Feed: Show your twitter feed into your web page(s).
  36. User Counter: Display how many users registered.
  37. Video: Show a video in a popup.
  38. Visit Counter: Display how many users visit the page.

Cool things are coming soon…


  1. Morphing Animation: Apply an animation to any content of the widget.


  1. Chart: Display your company statistics within a chart (bar, pie, line etc.)
  2. Facebook Feed Carousel: Show your facebook feed as a carousel into your web page(s).
  3. Hover Image: Show an image with attractive hover effects.
  4. Image Accordion: Display content and images with a new way!
  5. Image Marker: Mention or highlight specific area of an image.
  6. Image Scroller: Show the full preview of your project or work.
  7. Instant Search: Display a search form with AJAX action for searching instantly.
  8. Lost Password Form: Add a custom “lost password” form anywhere into your web page.
  9. Lottie Animation: Display an attractive Lottie Animation on your web page.
  10. Offcanvas Bar: Show your expected content into a offcanvas sidebar.
  11. Posts Gallery: Display the posts into a Gallery with unlimited creative design.
  12. Posts Load On Scroll: Load the posts (grid, list & thumb) by AJAX on infinite scroll.
  13. Register Form: Add a register form anywhere into your web page.
  14. Section Navigation: To navigate the sections within a page add the fixed navigation.
  15. Source Code: Highlight the code of your script if it needs.
  16. Tab: Display any content within a tab that you want.
  17. Team Carousel: Add your team members and display them in a carousel.
  18. Testimonial: Show the testimonials into an interactive carousel.
  19. Thumb Carousel: You can display images into a carousel with thumbnail.
  20. Tilt Box: Display your Content or Image by an eye-catching interactive way.
  21. Toggle Content: Display any content within a toggle tab.
  22. Twitter Feed Carousel: Show your twitter feed as a carousel into your web page(s).
  23. Video Gallery: Add some youtube videos link to play on a popup as a gallery.


  1. Shop Box Grid: Display WooCommerce Products with Box Grid.
  2. Shop List Grid: Show WooCommerce Products into the page with List Grid.
  3. Shop Thumb Grid: The WooCommerce Products show your web page(s) as Thumb Grid.
  4. Shop Box Carousel: Display WooCommerce Products with a Box Carousel.
  5. Shop List Carousel: Show WooCommerce Products into the page with List Carousel.
  6. Shop Thumb Carousel: The WooCommerce Products show your web page(s) as Thumb Carousel.
  7. Products Filter Vertical: Display a vertical Search and Filter form into the page for Woocommerce products.
  8. Products Filter Horizontal: Show a horizontal Search and Filter form into the page for Woocommerce products.

  9. Cart: Add a Cart into the page for Woocommerce products purchase.

  10. Checkout: Add a Checkout into the page for Woocommerce products purchase.


  1. Clips Animation: You can animate any image(s) at any dimension with that extender.
  2. Colors Animation: Show some colors on the section with animated (fade, horizontal, vertical).
  3. Conditional Publish: Publish your content when some conditions will fulfill.
  4. Content Protection: Show or hide specific element or section for the specific users (based on role).
  5. Grid Animation: Add some grid-based smooth animation on any of the pages.
  6. Masker: Apply to mask any content of the widget.
  7. Parallax: Display parallax to any section or entire the page.
  8. Preloader: If there doesn’t have a preloader on your website then you can add a Preloader by this extender.
  9. Reading Progressbar: Display a progressbar top of the page or posts for seeing the users how much they have read or seen (based on scroll).
  10. Section Particles: Apply the particles effect to any section.
  11. Water Ripples: Add an interactive water ripples effect, which is the most interesting.

The summary of core Features

  • Accordion: This element not only a generic Accordion. It has template option, which means you can use any template inside the description container. So it ensures that you can create complex type of accordion. Like: Nested Accordion.

  • Chart: Sina Extension has a Chart widget with 7 types (horizontal bar, vertical bar, line, pie, doughnut, polar area & radar) of charts variations.

  • Clips or Image Animation: This plugin has a Clips Animation extender. So you can animate any image(s) by it.

  • Colors or Gradient Animation: Also you can make color(s) or gradient color(s) animation with Colors Animation extender.

  • Content Box: By this widget, you can make the Icon or Image or List Box or Step Process. That means you will get those three in one. If you would like the content will be shown with a ribbon or hover effect then you can by this widget. Also, you can use background and button icon animation and any template inside the container. So it’s a huge powerful widget.

  • Content Protection: Yes, Sina Extension has Content Protection extender that means you can display different content for different users according to the role.

  • Conditional Publish: You also can set the different types of conditions to show or hide your expected contend. Like: Login Status, Specific Day(s), Specific Month(s), Specific Date, Date Range, Time Range etc.

  • Dynamic Button: This element not only a generic Button. It has the capability to use a Category or Tag or Post or Page link as a button with background and icon animation.

  • Form: This plugin has various types of form widgets that ensure without need extra plugin you can make Instant Search or AJAX Search form, Contact form, Register or Sign Up form, Sign In or Login form, Password Recovery or Reset form, Mailchimp form and native Search form.

  • Image: Sina Extension has different types of Image widgets. Like: Image Accordion, Image Scroller, Image Marker or Hotspot and Hover Image.
    So that you can display the image(s) with an interactive way.

  • Lottie Animation: Nowadays Lottie is the most popular animation feature for the web. So we have added this feature as well.

  • Masking: Yes, we also added this feature. But it is not only a specific content-based masking feature. Like: Image Masking or Video Masking, which provided other addons or plugins.
    It is more powerful and you can apply to mask any content of your widget. Enjoy!!

  • Modal or Popup Box: Sometimes you need to show some content inside a Modal or Popup box. So you can show any template inside the Modal Box widget. Also It has an auto show option that means the modal will be shown auto after your expected time delay.

  • Morphing Animation: It is an attractive animation extender that you can apply to any content of the widget.

  • Parallax: Now-a-days parallax is the most attractive way to display the content. Sina Extension has a Parallax extender for display the content the way you want.

  • Particles: It has particles feature. You can use the particles in two ways. One, by our Particle Layer widget. Two, by our Section Particles extender.

  • Portfolio or Image Gallery: Yes, we also covered this feature. Cause, some users want to show their work or some images as a filterable gallery. It has capable of using a masonry grid as well.

  • Preloader: If there doesn’t have a preloader on your website then you can add a Preloader by our preloader extender.

  • Posts or Blog: This plugin has different types of post widgets that mean you can show the posts as column grid, masonry grid and list grid. You also can display the posts into a Tab, Carousel, Gallery, Ticker, Load on Scroll, Load more Button or Pagination. Also can define your expected grid columns (for custom layout) which may add extra benefit for you.

  • Slider or Carousel: We have added various types of sliders or carousels. And you can make Text slider, Image slider, Posts slider, Team slider, Thumb slider, Video slider, Review slider or carousel and Interactive Testimonial carousel. Also you can be sliding any template with our Content Slider widget which will give you an extra facility.

  • Social Feed: It also has some social feed widgets. Like: Facebook Feed, Twitter Feed. And you can use these widgets to showing the feed into your web page(s).

  • Source Code: Sometimes you may need to show the code of your script into the web page. So you can do by the Source Code widget.

  • Tab or Virtual Tour: Sina Extension has a Tab element. And it capable of using embed code or Virtual Tour. Another thing it has the template option. So you can show any template inside the tab description container.

  • Transform: If you would like to display the content with different dimensions or as a 3D. No worry. Just make a template & display inside the Transform widget. Also, you can set the dimensions from the Advanced tab (Sina Transform Effects) of every widget. Enjoy!!

  • Video Gallery: We have a filterable Video Gallery widget for playing some youtube videos on a popup.

  • Water Ripples: It is an interesting feature of this plugin. You can set a Water Ripples effect in any section, which may increase the extra attention of your visitors.

  • Predefined Blocks: We provide lots of ready blocks which may save huge time. On the other hand, the blocks may work as an example of how to using the elements.

  • Conclusion: We think it’s the all in one plugin or addons for Elementor page builder. So, why not choose it? Thanks for reading.

Capturas de tela

Sina Extension for Elementor (Slider, Gallery, Form, Modal, Data Table, Tab, Particle, Free Elementor Widgets & Elementor Templates)
Sina Extension for Elementor (Slider, Gallery, Form, Modal, Data Table, Tab, Particle, Free Elementor Widgets & Elementor Templates)
Sina Extension for Elementor (Slider, Gallery, Form, Modal, Data Table, Tab, Particle, Free Elementor Widgets & Elementor Templates)
Sina Extension for Elementor (Slider, Gallery, Form, Modal, Data Table, Tab, Particle, Free Elementor Widgets & Elementor Templates)
Sina Extension for Elementor (Slider, Gallery, Form, Modal, Data Table, Tab, Particle, Free Elementor Widgets & Elementor Templates)
Sina Extension for Elementor (Slider, Gallery, Form, Modal, Data Table, Tab, Particle, Free Elementor Widgets & Elementor Templates)
Sina Extension for Elementor (Slider, Gallery, Form, Modal, Data Table, Tab, Particle, Free Elementor Widgets & Elementor Templates)
Sina Extension for Elementor (Slider, Gallery, Form, Modal, Data Table, Tab, Particle, Free Elementor Widgets & Elementor Templates)
Sina Extension for Elementor (Slider, Gallery, Form, Modal, Data Table, Tab, Particle, Free Elementor Widgets & Elementor Templates)
Sina Extension for Elementor (Slider, Gallery, Form, Modal, Data Table, Tab, Particle, Free Elementor Widgets & Elementor Templates)
Sina Extension for Elementor (Slider, Gallery, Form, Modal, Data Table, Tab, Particle, Free Elementor Widgets & Elementor Templates)

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