Simple Shortcode for Google Maps

Por fullworks
(45 avaliações)

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Simple Shortcode for Google Maps

Onde hospedar o plugin Simple Shortcode for Google Maps?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer servidor que possua WordPress configurado. Recomendamos optar por um provedor de hospedagem seguro, com servidores adaptados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem WordPress da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin Simple Shortcode for Google Maps em um provedor de confiança

A MCO2, além de instalar o WordPress na versão mais atualizada para seus clientes, fornece o WP SafePress, um mecanismo singular que salvaguarda e aumenta a performance do seu site ao mesmo tempo.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades suspeitas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

Simple to use, yet powerful, Google Maps plugin! Reviews say this is “Best Google Map Shortcode plugin”.

Put a Google map on your WordPress posts and pages simply and easily with a shortcode. Straight forward and easy to use! Ideal for contact page maps, maps showing delivery areas and many other uses!

This plugin will enable a simple shortcode that you can use for embedding Google Maps in any WordPress post or page. The shortcode uses the WordPress HTTPS API and the Transients API for delivering cached Google maps with little to no impact on your site’s performance.

Maps are displayed with the [pw_map] shortcode:

[pw_map address="New York City" key="YOUR API KEY"]

Google now requires that new accounts use an API key. You can register a free API key here.

You can have multiple map pins, simply add multiple addresses separated by semi-colon ;

[pw_map address="Statue of Liberty National Monument NYC;Empire State Building, New York, NY, USA" key="YOUR API KEY"]

All Shortcode Options


  • address – Description: The address you want pinned – Allowed values: any address that Google can find, multi addresses separated by ;
  • key – Description: Your Google Maps API Key – Allowed values: valid key
  • geokey – Description: Your Google Geocoding API Key – Allowed values: valid key
  • Why two key? If you restrict your API key to specific APIs you need to use the geokey to allow the geocoding to work ( enabled on the GeoCoding API, with your server IP ) and key
    enabled on the Maps JavaScript API

    Optional ( with default values)

  • width – Description: sets the map width – Default: 100% – Allowed values: size in % or px
  • height – Description: sets the map height – Default: 400px – Allowed values: size in % or px
  • enablescrollwheel – Description: zooming on the map using a mouse scroll wheel – Default: true – Allowed values: true or false
  • zoom – Description: The initial Map zoom level – Default: 15 – Allowed values: Valid zoom values are numbers from zero up to the supported maximum zoom level
  • disablecontrols – Description: Enables/disables all default UI buttons. May be overridden individually. Does not disable the keyboard controls – Default: false – Allowed values: true or false
  • force – Description: disable caching of geocoding, only use this on test – Default: false – Allowed values: true or false
  • zoomcontrol – Description: display the Zoom +/- buttons – Default: true – Allowed values: true or false
  • nozoom – Description: fixes the zoom level by seeting min and max to the starting zoom – Default: false – Allowed values: true or false
  • gesturehandling – Description: This setting controls how the amp handles gestures on the map. – Default: auto – Allowed values:
    • “cooperative”: Scroll events and one-finger touch gestures scroll the page, and do not zoom or pan the map. Two-finger touch gestures pan and zoom the map. Scroll events with a ctrl key or ⌘ key pressed zoom the map. In this mode the map cooperates with the page.
    • “greedy”: All touch gestures and scroll events pan or zoom the map.
    • “none”: The map cannot be panned or zoomed by user gestures.
    • “auto”: Gesture handling is either cooperative or greedy, depending on whether the page is scrollable or in an iframe.
  • maptypeid – Description: Determines the initial map display type – Default: roadmap – Allowed values:
    • “roadmap”: This map type displays a normal street map.
    • “satellite”: This map type displays satellite images.
    • “hybrid”: This map type displays a transparent layer of major streets on satellite images.
    • “terrain”: This map type displays maps with physical features such as terrain and vegetation.

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