Responsive Lightbox & Gallery

Por dFactory
(1.961 avaliações)
  • Versão:
  • Última atualização:
    há 21 dias
  • Instalações ativas:
    mais de 100 mil
  • Versão do WordPress:
    5.0 ou maior
  • Testado até o WordPress:
  • Versão do PHP:
    5.6 ou maior
  • Tags:

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Responsive Lightbox & Gallery

Onde hospedar o plugin Responsive Lightbox & Gallery?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer servidor que tenha WordPress configurado. Recomendamos utilizar uma hospedagem seguro, com servidores otimizados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem de sites da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin Responsive Lightbox & Gallery em uma empresa de hospedagem confiável

A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais atual para seus clientes, oferece o plugin WP SafePress, um sistema singular que protege e otimiza seu site simultaneamente.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens e fotos, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades suspeitas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São plugins que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

Everything You Need in a WordPress Gallery Plugin

Responsive Lightbox and Gallery plugin is a fully fledged WordPress gallery plugin with a powerful Drag & Drop Gallery Builder and Lightbox functionality that’s used daily by more than 300,000 active users and downloaded over 3 Million times.

The beauty of it is how easy it is for you to customize it and enhance its features thanks to free and premium extensions.

Why You Should Use Responsive Lightbox and Gallery Plugin

Easiest Gallery Builder

Say goodbye to coding. With the built-in drag and drop Gallery builder, you will be able to create beautiful galleries, customize them, and add your preferred styles in minutes.

Vast Customization Options

Responsive Lightbox and Gallery plugin is packed with customization options per each gallery and lightbox style so you can tweak them to suit your website’s audience with just a few clicks.

SEO-Friendly and Lightweight

Responsive Lightbox and Gallery plugin is built keeping SEO and performance in mind, making it lightweight and fast when it comes to page load.

Premium Extensions

Looking to provide a premium experience to your visitors? Responsive Lightbox and Gallery plugin offers plenty of premium extensions to provide you with even more flexibility and customization options.

Need more reasons? Check them out here!

What some of our 300,000+ active users say about Responsive Lightbox and Gallery plugin

Amazing Gallery plugin!

Versatile and powerful for both sliders and galleries, many features and style options.

Really easy to use. Takes all the fiddling out of the process of creating a responsive gallery/lightbox.

I needed a lightbox plugin that works reliably. This marvelous plugin does the magic. Now I can spend more on my photography and less time customizing WordPress.

This plugin is quite flexible and effective. The functionality choices are broad and all quite easy to configure.

Need more galley options?

Responsive Lightbox and Gallery plugin can be extended with our premium extensions:

Premium Extensions:

Photo & Art bundle
Justified Gallery
Expander Gallery
Hidden Gallery
Masonry Image Gallery
Slider Gallery
Lightcase Lightbox
PhotoSwipe Lightbox
Lightgallery Lightbox
Strip Lightbox
Fancybox Pro
Lightbox Comments

Full Feature List

  • Powerful and easy-to-use gallery builder
  • 3 beautiful gallery templates – Grid, Slider and Masonry
  • 7 responsive lightbox scripts (SwipeBox, prettyPhoto, Nivo Lightbox, Image Lightbox, Tos “R” Us, Featherlight, Magnific Popup)
  • Create galleries from Media Library or Post attached images
  • Media Folders with a drag & drop interface
  • Access to millions of images through Remote Library
  • Option to import remote images to Media Library
  • Gutenberg editor compatibility
  • Iframe, Ajax, HTML5 and Inline lightbox content support
  • Advanced pagination, incl. AJAX and infinite scroll
  • Automatically add lightbox to WordPress image galleries
  • Automatically add lightbox to WordPress image links
  • Automatically add lightbox to WordPress video links (YouTube, Vimeo)
  • Automatically add lightbox to widgets content
  • Automatically add lightbox to WordPress comments content
  • WooCommerce product gallery support
  • Popular Page builders compatibility
  • Gallery widget
  • Single image widget
  • Option to display single post images as a gallery
  • Option to modify native WP gallery links image size
  • Option to set gallery images title from image title, caption, alt or description
  • Option to force lightbox for custom WP gallery replacements like Jetpack tiled galleries
  • Option to trigger lightbox on custom jquery events
  • Option to conditionally load scripts and styles only on pages that have images or galleries in post content
  • Highly customizable settings for each of the lightbox scripts
  • Highly customizable settings for each gallery
  • Multisite support
  • .pot file for translations included

Capturas de tela





Responsive Lightbox & Gallery
Responsive Lightbox & Gallery

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