Push Notification for Post and BuddyPress

Por Muralidharan Ramasamy
(20 avaliações)

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Push Notification for Post and BuddyPress

Onde hospedar o plugin Push Notification for Post and BuddyPress?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer hospedagem que tenha WordPress instalado. Recomendamos optar por um provedor de hospedagem seguro, com servidores especializados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem WordPress da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin Push Notification for Post and BuddyPress em uma empresa de hospedagem confiável

A MCO2, além de instalar o WordPress na versão mais atualizada para seus clientes, disponibiliza o WP SafePress, um sistema exclusivo que protege e melhora seu site simultaneamente.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização de imagens e fotos, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades suspeitas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

It sends push notifications to desktop, android/ios mobile apps using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) Firebase API http v1 or Onesignal or Progressier as notification provider. It has REST API facility to integrate with native/hybrid Android/iOS mobile apps for push notifications. It sends notification whenever new WordPress post, custom post types, new BuddyPress activities, comments published. It has facility to generate PWA – Progressive Web App.

Plugin features:

** Plugin allows to choose different push notification providers **
1. Firebase (Free push notifications for desktop, PWA and mobile apps)
2. Onesignal (Free push notification for desktop, PWA and mobile apps)
3. Progressier (Push notifications for PWA)
4. webtoapp.design (Push notifications for Mobile apps)
(Plugin allows to send push notifications to both Firebase/Onesignal and webtoapp.design users simultaneously)

** Plugin sends Push notifications for following **

  1. New post/custom post type published (including bbpress).
  2. New BuddyPress activities published.
  3. New BuddyPress group activity published (only to members of group).
  4. Notifications for BuddyPress mentions in activities.(only to recipient).
  5. BuddyPress group invite sent (only to recipient).
  6. BuddyPress group details updated.
  7. New Buddypress comments published.
  8. New BuddyPress message or private messages (only to recipient).
    (It is also compatible with Bettermessages plugin).
  9. New BuddyPress member joined.
  10. For Friend request in BuddyPress (only to recipient).
  11. Friendship accepted in BuddyPress (only to requestor).
  12. User avatar change in BuddyPress.
  13. Cover image change in BuddyPress.
  14. Supports Push notifications for BuddyBoss and Better Messages plugins
  15. Woocommerce custom post type push notifications.
  16. Ability to process more than 200,000 subscribers unlimited push notifications using background action scheduler.

** Admin only push notifications (only to administrators) **
1. When contact form(contactform7 plugin) submitted.
2. When new user registered in site.

Notifications only for loggedin users

Enable/Disable option in admin settings to send push notifications using Firebase httpv1 or Onesignal only for loggedin users.

Custom popup and Bell prompt to subscribe push notifications with subscription options

Enable/Disable custom prompt with icon to subscribe/unsubscribe push notifications in front end in admin settings.
Choose Horizontal or Vertical custom prompt style and customize the text, color and button.
Enable/Disable Bell prompt icon to subscribe/unsubscribe notifications. Front end users will be able to subscribe to particular category like post, activity, comments, friendship request/accept, other options while subscribing for first time or if user wants to update subscribe options from bell prompt at any time it is needed.


Use shortcode [member name] and [group name] in push notification title and custom content to display user name in title/content in push notifications, similarly for BuddyPress group activities [group name] place holder is available to display group name in title/content in push notifications.
For front end users Shortcode [subscribe_PNFPB_push_notification] is available to Subscribe/Unsubscribe push notifications

Subscribe/Unsubscribe various push notifications in front end

Front end push notification menu is available for BuddyPress Front end users to subscribe/unsubscribe various push notifications according to their choices. This menu is available in user profile – settings area. For other users, shortcode is available to display subscription menu for Front end users to subscribe/unsubscribe various push notifications according to their choices.

Scheduling Push notification

It allows Scheduled Push notifications to send push notifications hourly(every hour), twice daily(2 times per day), daily, weekly as per WordPress CRON. It also provides option to schedule push notification in background using action scheduler, this will be useful to send notification more than 100000 subscribers simultaneously in background mode.
Push notification scheduling is available for On demand/One time, WordPress Post, BuddyPress activities, BuddyPress group activities and for BuddyPress comments.


REST API to connect mobile native/hybrid apps to send push notification from WordPress site to both mobile apps and WordPress sites.
Using this REST API WordPress site gets Firebase Push Notification subscription token from Mobile app(Android/Ios).
This allows to send push notifications to WordPress site users as well as to Native mobile app Android/ios users.
REST API url is https://wp-json/PNFPBpush/v1/subscriptiontoken


Android app code to integrate with this plugin
IOS app code to integrate with this plugin

Refer video tutorial under “How to use this plugin” section to configure Firebase options in plugin admin area.


This plugin has facility to generate Progressive Web App (PWA). It also supports Progressier PWA.
Go to plugin settings page to enable/disable PWA app and to customize PWA app with app name, app icon, app theme color, background color for PWA and list of pages to be included in offline cache for web app offline mode.

Extra settings for NGINX server

If server is NGINX and not able to create dynamic service worker file https://pnfpb_icpush_pwa_sw.js & PWA manifest json file https://pnfpbmanifest.json then go to plugin settings->nginx tab, enable static file creation option, it will create required static service worker file, PWA manifest json files in root folder. This option is applicable only if hosting/server is based on NGINX and not creating dynamic service worker file, manifest json files. By default, this plugin creates dynamic service worker file and PWA manifest json file.

This plugin uses Firebase Cloud Messaging to send push notification using Firebase registration credentials which is free of cost.

Plugin Demo site

Test PNFPB plugin here

Video tutorial showing how to configure Firebase for this plugin

Capturas de tela

Push notification in Mobile

Push notification in Mobile

Desktop push notification

Desktop push notification

Plugin settings for push notification in admin area

Plugin settings for push notification in admin area

Plugin settings for push notification with BuddyPress options in admin area

Plugin settings for push notification with BuddyPress options in admin area

Shortcode push notification options for front-end users to opt for various notifications

Shortcode push notification options for front-end users to opt for various notifications

BuddyPress Group members can subscribe/remove push notification for every group

BuddyPress Group members can subscribe/remove push notification for every group

Admin page showing list of tokens subscribed

Admin page showing list of tokens subscribed

Progressive Web App admin settings page

Progressive Web App admin settings page

On demand push notification page in plugin settings area
10.Customize plugin buttons
11.API for mobile app which are using webview
12.Special settings for NGINX based server

On demand push notification page in plugin settings area 10.Customize plugin buttons 11.API for mobile app which are using webview 12.Special settings for NGINX based server

Push Notification for Post and BuddyPress
Push Notification for Post and BuddyPress
Push Notification for Post and BuddyPress

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