Product Quantity, Minimum Maximum quantity & Minimum Order quantity WooCommerce

Por PI Websolution
(11 avaliações)

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Product Quantity, Minimum Maximum quantity & Minimum Order quantity WooCommerce

Onde posso hospedar o plugin Product Quantity, Minimum Maximum quantity & Minimum Order quantity WooCommerce?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer provedor que tenha WordPress configurado. Recomendamos optar por um provedor de hospedagem confiável, com servidores otimizados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin Product Quantity, Minimum Maximum quantity & Minimum Order quantity WooCommerce em um provedor de confiança

A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais atualizada para seus clientes, disponibiliza o WP SafePress, um sistema exclusivo que assegura e otimiza seu site conjuntamente.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens e fotos, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades suspeitas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São plugins que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

Try pro version frontend & backend on demo website

  • Activate the plugin, go to setting page and and set global level min or max Product Quantity

  • Set minimum product quantity for each product that should be purchased

  • Set maximum product quantity for each product that can be purchased

  • Set minimum cart total that is minimum total at the time of checkout

  • If you don’t want quantity restriction on certain product you can disable the limit on that particular product quantity

  • Enable minimum amount restriction on the cart total

  • Exclude a product from global minimum amount restriction, in Free version you can exclude 2 product only

  • Set different messages of the minimum amount restriction based on the cart total as percent of the minimum amount set in the plugin setting

  • Show minimum amount progress in circular progress bar

  • Show warning message of minimum amount on top of the pages

PRO Version

Try pro version front & back end on demo website

  • All the features of Free version

  • Set a different minimum quantity for each product, this will overwrite the global minimum quantity for that product

  • Set a different minimum quantity for each variation

  • Set a different maximum quantity for each product, this will overwrite the global maximum quantity for that product

  • Set a different maximum quantity for each variation

  • Set a different quantity multiple for each variation

  • Customize messages

  • Change the image that is shown inside the circular progress for the minimum order amount WooCommerce

  • Set text and background color of the message box based on the different condition the quantity of product present in the cart

  • Minimum order amount WooCommerce bar get updated by ajax

  • Place minimum order amount needed info bar using short code [pisol_mmq_notification]

  • Pro version update the min max notice message on the category / Shot page with ajax

  • Control the page where you want to show the minimum order amount restriction notification bar

  • You can write custom code to disable minimum order amount notification on custom pages using filter function

  • Show/Hide Min Max quantity message on product archive page, product page, cart page or checkout page

  • Set different position for Min Max quantity message on product archie page and single product page

  • Don’t go inside each product to set Min/Max quantity, instead set it from the category, so all product withing this category will inherit this min/max quantity limit

  • Set minimum quantity restriction on the category, so user has to purchase minimum that many unit from that particular category

  • Checkout page will redirect to cart page when the Minimum quantity restriction is not fulfilled for any product

  • Checkout page will redirect to cart page when the Minimum amount restriction is not fulfilled for any product

  • You can set minimum amount restriction per category basis, so if a buyer purchase a $10 product from Category A, and you have set Min amount limit of $20 on that category then he wont be able to checkout until he purchase $10 more from the same category A

  • You can apply category level min amount restriction even on the sub category products as well

  • Force produce to be ordered in a multiple of X units, E.g: you can enable this option on a product and make it to be ordered in a group of 4 unit, then user can order 4, 8, 12, 16 units of that product if they try to order say 3 units they will get and error and will not be allowed to checkout
    Example of product to be ordered in multiple of 4

  • Force category product quantity to be ordered in a multiple of X unit, E.g: Category A : you have set quantity to be in multiple of 3 unit, when user will add 2 unit of product xA he wont be allow to checkout as it is not multiple of 3, now if he adds 1 unit of yA product in the cart then his total quantity from Cat A equals to 3 unit which is multiple of 3 so he can checkout

  • Exclude product from min quantity restriction on the category, the quantity of this excluded product will not be counted for restriction. E.g: Cat A min quantity restriction is 3 and customer added product AA and AB 1 unit each and product AB is excluded product then the customer has to purchase 2 unit more the unit of AB will not count in.

  • Exclude product amount from min amount restriction on the category, E.g: Cat A min amount restriction is 20$, customer added product AA and AB in cart both of 10$ each then customer will still need to buy $10 more as the AB (being the excluded product it wont be counted for restriction)

Capturas de tela

Running the minimum required amount for checkout, and its notification is shown on top using short code [pisol_mmq_notification]

Running the minimum required amount for checkout, and its notification is shown on top using short code [pisol_mmq_notification]

Message shown below the product in shop page, this info gets updated with ajax as user add product to cart

Message shown below the product in shop page, this info gets updated with ajax as user add product to cart

This shows the product status on the cart page like how much he can buy more or he need to buy more

This shows the product status on the cart page like how much he can buy more or he need to buy more

Product Quantity, Minimum Maximum quantity & Minimum Order quantity WooCommerce
Product Quantity, Minimum Maximum quantity & Minimum Order quantity WooCommerce
Product Quantity, Minimum Maximum quantity & Minimum Order quantity WooCommerce
Product Quantity, Minimum Maximum quantity & Minimum Order quantity WooCommerce
Product Quantity, Minimum Maximum quantity & Minimum Order quantity WooCommerce
Product Quantity, Minimum Maximum quantity & Minimum Order quantity WooCommerce
Product Quantity, Minimum Maximum quantity & Minimum Order quantity WooCommerce
Product Quantity, Minimum Maximum quantity & Minimum Order quantity WooCommerce
Product Quantity, Minimum Maximum quantity & Minimum Order quantity WooCommerce

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