OAuth Single Sign On – SSO (OAuth Client)

Por miniOrange
(234 avaliações)
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Hospedagem WordPress com plugin OAuth Single Sign On – SSO (OAuth Client)

Onde devo hospedar o plugin OAuth Single Sign On – SSO (OAuth Client)?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer provedor que possua WordPress instalado. Recomendamos escolher uma empresa de hospedagem de confiança, com servidores especializados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin OAuth Single Sign On – SSO (OAuth Client) em uma empresa de hospedagem seguro

A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais atualizada para seus clientes, fornece o WP SafePress, um mecanismo exclusivo que salvaguarda e otimiza seu site conjuntamente.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

WordPress Single Sign-On (WordPress SSO) with our OAuth & OpenID Connect plugin allows unlimited login/SSO (Single Sign On) with your Azure AD, Azure B2C, G Suite / Google Apps / Google Workspace, ClassLink, Clever, Office 365, AWS Cognito, Discord, PingFederate, Salesforce, Keycloak, Okta, Identity Server, Invision Community or other custom OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers. WordPress SSO plugin supports Single Sign On (SSO) with many OAuth 2.0, OAuth 2.1, OAuth 1.0 & OpenID Connect (OIDC) 1.0 providers.

An unlimited number of users can perform Single Sign-On (SSO) with OAuth/OIDC supported Identity Providers on WordPress using Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities.

| Features | OAuth / OpenID Providers Setup guides | Videos |

WordPress Single Sign-On / SSO ( Login to WordPress )

WordPress Single Sign-On (WordPress SSO) allows users to log into any website/application using the single set of credentials of another app/site through the SSO feature.
Example:Let’s say you have all your users/customers/members/employees stored on a site, called ‘site A’ and you want all of them to register/login using WordPress SSO to your WordPress site called ‘site B’. In this scenario, you can register/login all your users of site A into site B using the login credentials/account of site A. This is called Single Sign-On or SSO, and it simplifies user management through SSO.

WordPress Single Sign-On ( WordPress SSO ) supported Third-Party Application / OAuth OpenID Provider

  • The Third-Party Application can be anything where user accounts are stored or a site/application where you want to store/migrate all the users. It can be your social login app, WordPress site, OAuth provider, OpenID provider, custom provider or any database.
  • Applications/providers such as OAuth Identity Provider, OAuth Server, OpenID Connect Server, OpenID Connect Provider, and OIDC Application support Single Sign-On (SSO). SSO integration ensures smooth user authentication and management across these platforms.

OAuth and OpenID Connect are token-based Single Sign-On (SSO) protocols that allow an end user’s account information to be used by third-party services without exposing the user’s password.

The SSO plugin supports OAuth 1.0, OAuth 2.0, and OAuth 2.1, along with the latest OAuth and OpenID Connect protocols. It includes secure 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) if enabled by the provider. These industry-standard protocols enable seamless WordPress SSO, providing a good SSO experience for your WordPress site.

WordPress Single Sign-On ( WordPress SSO ) USE CASES

  • Single Sign On (SSO) to one/multiple WordPress site (single/multisite) using User Credentials stored on another WordPress site with WordPress SSO plugin.
  • Single Sign On (SSO) to one/multiple WordPress site (single / multisite) using User Credentials stored on your OAuth / OpenID Connect (OIDC) application with WordPress SSO plugin.
  • Single Sign On ( WordPress SSO ) into WordPress using existing User stores (Active Directory/Database)
  • SSO and extended plugin functionality using tokens (access_token / JWT token / id_token) such as secure API calls using third-party token
  • Others: eCommerce Single Sign On (SSO)/Login & other third-party integration with SSO features

Microsoft SSO/Azure SSO

This WordPress Single Sign-On (OAuth / OpenID Connect SSO) plugin supports SSO with Microsoft apps like Azure AD, Azure B2C, Office 365, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft Teams, and Windows Live. It also supports policy-based login redirections, including sign-up, sign-in, forgot password, and custom policies, enhancing the SSO experience across Microsoft services.

WordPress integrates with Microsoft services like Azure AD, Azure B2C, and Office 365 for secure Single Sign-On (SSO) across single-site and multisite networks (including subdomains). Users can perform single sign-on (SSO), map profile attributes, and manage role-based access across applications and tenants using SSO

Apart from Single Sign-On (SSO), it also supports WordPress-Azure integrations and customizations, such as token-based calls to specific APIs and the Microsoft Graph API, enhancing the Single Sign On (SSO) experience

Cognito SSO

The WordPress Single Sign-On (SSO) plugin supports Login with AWS Cognito, Amazon, and WordPress using Cognito. It provides user profile syncing, role mapping, and token fetching from AWS Cognito for API calls. Customizations include integrating Cognito SDKs, syncing new registrations, logging in via the default WordPress form instead of Cognito’s SSO page, connecting to the Cognito User Pool, and configuring login redirections.

Discord SSO
This WordPress Single Sign-On (SSO) plugin enables Discord login into WordPress. It supports syncing user profiles from Discord to WordPress, mapping Discord roles to WordPress roles, mapping WordPress roles to Discord roles, and managing Discord role memberships based on WordPress purchases.

Keycloak SSO
The WordPress Single Sign-On (OAuth / OpenID Connect SSO) plugin supports SSO with Keycloak. SSO provides hooks for using Keycloak access tokens, allowing WordPress to make REST calls to remote services with these tokens. The OAuth/OIDC SSO plugin also supports role-based access control (RBAC) by mapping WordPress roles to Keycloak roles and capabilities enhancing the Single Sign-On (SSO) experience.

Ping Federate SSO
The WordPress SSO (OAuth / OpenID Connect SSO) plugin enables Login to WordPress using PingFederate. It supports Single Sign-On (SSO) with authorized access to Ping REST APIs via access tokens or bearer tokens, ensuring seamless SSO integration and secure interactions with PingFederate.

Clever SSO
The WordPress SSO (OAuth / OpenID Connect SSO) plugin supports login with Clever for users (teachers, students, admins) and integrates with LearnDash to sync lessons and assignments. It also provides WordPress Single Sign-On (SSO) with other IDPs like ClassLink, Google Classroom, and Canvas, as well as any Identity Provider (SAML, OAuth, OpenID Connect, Active Directory, databases) via miniOrange IDP, enabling seamless WordPress SSO.


  • WordPress Single Sign-On (WordPress SSO) OAuth & OpenID Connect Login supports unlimited SSO with any 3rd party OAuth & OpenID Connect server or custom OAuth & OpenID Connect server like AWS Cognito, Azure AD, Azure AD B2C, Office 365, Google Apps, etc.
  • WordPress Single Sign-On ( WordPress SSO ) Grant Support – Standard OAuth2 Grant: Authorization Code
  • Auto Create Users ( User Provisioning ) : After Single Sign On (SSO), a new user automatically gets created in WordPress
  • Account Linking : After SSO, if the user already exists in WordPress, then their profile gets updated. Else, a new WordPress User is created.
  • Attribute Mapping : OAuth Login allows you to map your Identity Provider’s unique attribute with WordPress Username Attribute.
  • Login Widget : Use Widgets to integrate the Single Sign-On (SSO) login on your WordPress site easily.
  • OpenID Connect & OAuth Provider Support : WordPress Single Sign On (OAuth Login) supports any OpenID Connect & OAuth Provider seamless Single Sign-On (SSO).
  • Redirect URL after Login : WordPress Single Sign On (OAuth Login) automatically redirects the user after successful Single Sign-On (SSO) login.
  • Logging : If you run into issues, WordPress Single Sign On (OAuth Login) can be helpful to enable debug logging.


  • WordPress Single Sign-On (WordPress SSO) Grant Support: Standard OAuth2 Grants including Authorization Code, Implicit Grant, Password Grant, Refresh Token Grant, Client Credential Grant, authorization code grant with PKCE flow, and Hybrid Grant (Customization Available)
  • Auto Register Users: Automatic user registration after WordPress SSO if the user is not already registered with your site.
  • Advanced Attribute Mapping: Ability to map WordPress user profile attributes, such as username, first name, last name, and email , via SSO.
  • Advanced Role Mapping: Assign roles to users based on defined rules through Single Sign-On (SSO).
  • Force Authentication / Protect Complete Site: Protect the entire website for public users and grant access only to authenticated users through Single Sign-on (WordPress SSO).
  • Custom Attribute Mapping: Map custom user attributes received from OAuth / OpenID Connect providers to any WordPress user attribute for Single Sign-On (SSO).
  • Multiple OAuth & OpenID Connect Provider Support: Support for multiple SSO providers.
  • Single Login button for Multiple Apps: Provides a single SSO login button for multiple providers.
  • Extended OAuth API Support: Extend OAuth / OpenID Connect API support for enhanced Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality.
  • WordPress Single Sign-On ( SSO ) Login Reports: Generate user login and registration reports based on the application used for SSO.
  • Enable / Disable WordPress Default Login: Option to disable the default WordPress login form and use SSO instead.
  • FrontChannel & BackChannel Single Logout Support: Allows users to be logged out from WordPress as well as the IDP through Single Sign-On (SSO).
  • Third-Party Plugin Compatibility for Single Sign-On (SSO): Compatible with WooCommerce and other third-party plugins for seamless Single Sign-On (SSO) integration.
  • Add-on Support with SSO Plugin: Support for various add-ons including SCIM User Provisioning, Page & Post Restriction, BuddyPress Integration, Login Form Add-on, LearnDash Integration, Media Restriction, Attribute/Membership-Based Redirection, SSO Session Management, Paid Membership Pro Integrator, WooCommerce Integrator, SSO Login Audit, Memberpress Integration, and Guest User Login.
  • No SSL Restriction: Allows SSO login without SSL or HTTPS-enabled site using Google credentials or any other app.


The following providers support OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect SSO for WordPress login.
* AWS Cognito SSO | Login with AWS Cognito
* Office 365 SSO | Login with Office 365
* Azure B2C SSO | Login with Azure B2C
* Azure AD SSO | Login with Azure AD
* Google Classroom SSO | Login with Google Classroom
* ClassLink SSO | Login with ClassLink
* Keycloak SSO | Login with Keycloak
* Clever SSO | Login with Clever
* Ping Federate SSO ( Ping / Ping Identity ) | Login with Ping Federate
* IdentityServer4 SSO | Login with IdentityServer4
* IdentityServer3 SSO | Login with IdentityServer3
* Discord SSO | Login with Discord
* Canvas SSO | Login with Canvas
* WordPress SSO | Login with WordPress
* WSO2 SSO | Login with WSO2
* Salesforce SSO | Login with Salesforce
* G Suite / Google Apps SSO | Login with Google
* Auth0 SSO | Login with Auth0
* OKTA SSO | Login with OKTA
* OneLogin SSO | Login with OneLogin
* Swiss-RX-Login SSO ( Swiss RX Login ) | Login with Swiss-RX-Login
* Neon CRM SSO | Login with Neon CRM
* OpenAthens SSO | Login with OpenAthens
* iMIS SSO | Login with iMIS
* HP SSO | Login with HP
* Servicenow SSO | Login with Servicenow
* Invision Community SSO | Login with Invision Community
* OpenAM / Forgerock SSO | Login with Forgerock
* Laravel Passport SSO | Login with Laravel Passport
* NextCloud SSO | Login with NextCloud
* Orcid SSO | Login with Orcid
* Memberclicks SSO | Login with MemberClicks
* Open edX / eduNEXT SSO | Login with Open edX
* SheepCRM SSO | Login with SheepCRM
* IBM APP ID SSO | Login with IBM
* Amazon SSO | Login with Amazon
* ADFS SSO | Login with ADFS
* UNA SSO | Login with UNA
* Bitrix24 SSO | Login with Bitrix24
* Slack SSO | Login with Slack
* Yahoo SSO | Login with Yahoo
* LinkedIn SSO | Login with LinkedIn
* Gitlab SSO | Login with Gitlab
* GitHub SSO | Login with GitHub
* Apple SSO | Login with Apple
* Strava SSO | Login with Strava
* Blizzard / Battle.net SSO | Login with Battle.net
* Basecamp SSO | Login with Basecamp
* PayPal SSO | Login with PayPal
* Eve Online SSO | Login with Eve Online
* Intuit SSO | Login with Intuit
* Hubspot SSO | Login with Hubspot
* X(Twitter) SSO | Login with Twitter
* Oracle IDCS SSO | Login with Oracle IDCS
* Zoho SSO | Login with Zoho
* Idaptive SSO | CyberArk SSO | login with CyberArk
* WHMCS SSO | Login with WHMCS
* Coil SSO | Login with Coil
* VATSIM SSO | Login with VATSIM
* Box SSO | Login with Box
* ID.me SSO | Login with ID.me
* Ticketmaster SSO | Login with TicketMaster
* MemberConnex SSO | Login with MemberConnex


  • Other OAuth 2.0 and OpenId Connect ( OIDC ) 1.0 servers WordPress Single Sign-On ( SSO ) plugin support includes Office 365, AWS Cognito, Microsoft Dynamic CRM 365, Auth0, Google Workspace, Egnyte, Autodesk, Zendesk, Foursquare, Harvest, Mailchimp, Bitrix24, Spotify, Vkontakte, Huddle, Reddit, Strava, Ustream, Yammer, RunKeeper, Instagram, SoundCloud, Pocket, PayPal, Pinterest, Vimeo, Nest, Heroku, DropBox, Buffer, Box, Hubic, Deezer, DeviantArt, Delicious, Dailymotion, Bitly, Mondo, Netatmo, Amazon, FitBit, Clever, Sqaure Connect, Windows, Microsoft Live, Dash 10, Github, Invision Community, Blizzard, authlete, Keycloak, Procore, Eve Online, Laravel Passport, Nextcloud, Renren, Soundcloud, OpenAM / Forgerock, IdentityServer, ORCID, Diaspora, Timezynk, Idaptive CyberArk, Duo Security, Rippling, Crowd, Janrain, Numina Solutions, Ubuntu Single Sign-On, Apple, Ipsilon, Zoho, Stripe, Itthinx, Fellowshipone, Miro, Naver, Clever, Coil, Parallel Markets, VATSIM, Liferay, Fatsecret, Intuit, iMIS, ORY Hydra, FusionAuth, Kakao, ID.me, MoxiWorks, HR Answerlink / Support center, ClassLink, Google Classroom, MemberClicks, BankID, CSI, Splitwise, Infusionsoft, Hubspot, Join It, MyAcademicID, MemberConnex, Novi, Coassemble, Servicenow, IBM APP ID, Nimble AMS, iSpring LMS, Neon CRM, EPIC, IPB forum, Wiziq, Sprinklr, Elvanto, ABSORB LMS, Wechat, Weibo, Shibboleth, Centrify, FranceConnect, Church Online, Bigcommerce, Sewobe, PracticePanther, SubscribeStar, Eventbrite, Medi-Access, Lichess, CILogon, Servicem8, Gigya, PhantAuth, XING, Simplecast, SURF, MediaWiki, UNA, NetSuite, Oracle IDCS, Globus, Square, SimpleSAMLphp, Basecamp, HP, SHELL, Otoy, Steam, Webflow, Simplepass, Feide, SingPass, Asmodee, SwissID, Miro, Alkami, Switch, Citrix, Schoology, iGov, LearnWorlds, France Connect, DID, Blackboard, UAEPass, Polar, CodeB, Vincere CRM, F5, TicketMaster, BizLibrary, Skolon, Rapattoni, PowerSchool, Minecraft, NETS, Joomla, Drupal, ASP.NET, CA Siteminder, Outseta, XUMM, ID Austria, Ubisecure, Gravitee.io, SheepCRM, Wahoo, WeatherFlow Tempest, OneWelcome / iWelcome, Xbox, Trovo, Cornerstone, Criipto, bare.id, Discourse, Authentik, Sailpoint, Signicat, Asset Bank, GrowthZone, Vipps, Authorizer, Deviant Art, Miracl, Teamsnap, Authelia, Teachable, Django, IDsampa, Cvent, SERMO, Pixelfed, Finys, Login.gov, Fastcase, Acuity, ARPA, Zitadel, Yeti, myID.be etc. This comprehensive SSO support facilitates seamless integration and secure authentication across a wide range of platforms.


  • Page Restriction – This add-on is used to protect the pages / posts of your site with OAuth & OpenID Connect compliant IDP (Server) login page and also, to restrict access to pages / posts of the site based on user role using SSO.
  • LearnDash Integrator – LearnDash Integration will map the Single Sign-On (SSO) users to LearnDash groups as per the group attributes sent by your Identity Provider for seamless SSO integration.
  • Media Restriction – This add-on restricts unauthorized users from accessing the media files on your WordPress site through SSO.
  • WooCommerce Integrator – WooCommerce integrator will map the user profile attributes sent by your OAuth/OpenID provider to the WooCommerce Billing details of the customer on WordPress enhancing SSO functionality.
  • WordPress Cognito Integrator – Cognito integrator provides functionality to manage user operations such as login, registration, profile updates, and password resets from your WordPress site using Cognito SSO.

Capturas de tela

List of Apps

List of Apps

Login button customization

Login button customization

Advanced Feature

Advanced Feature



Attribute & Role Mapping

Attribute & Role Mapping

Login Button / Widget for WordPress SSO

Login Button / Widget for WordPress SSO

WordPress Dashboard Login / SSO

WordPress Dashboard Login / SSO

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