Lucky Orange

Por Lucky Orange
(25 avaliações)
  • Versão:
  • Última atualização:
    há 2 meses
  • Instalações ativas:
    mais de 3 mil
  • Versão do WordPress:
    2.0.3 ou maior
  • Testado até o WordPress:
  • Versão do PHP:
    ou maior

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Lucky Orange

Onde hospedar o plugin Lucky Orange?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer provedor que tenha WordPress configurado. Recomendamos fortemente escolher uma hospedagem confiável, com servidores adaptados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem de sites da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin Lucky Orange em uma empresa de hospedagem confiável

A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais nova para seus clientes, disponibiliza o WP SafePress, um mecanismo exclusivo que assegura e aumenta a performance do seu site ao mesmo tempo.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

Get 10 conversion rate optimization tools for the cost of one to help reduce cart abandonment and increase sales. Get started with a free plan and scale up as your business grows. Install with one click.


Want to see the parts of your website that are most popular? A heat map shows where the majority of people clicked, scrolled and moved. Scroll heatmaps show how far down the page people went before leaving and whether they got to your best products or CTAs. Unlike other heat map tools, Lucky Orange’s dynamic heatmaps allow you to study visual engagement patterns including dynamic elements like popups, dropdowns and forms. Lucky Orange heatmaps even work on single page apps (SPAs) and with AJAX.


Watch a replay of people navigating your website to see what’s preventing them from converting. Recordings show where people clicked, scrolled, moved and tapped. See how people interacted with products, what they added to cart and what kept them from buying.


Set up conversion funnels to quickly see how many people complete each step of your purchase journey. See which pages are converting and which are causing people to leave your site.


See everything a specific person does on your website organized in one simple view. Find visitors who meet criteria like traffic source or custom data like cart value to see replays of their visits to your site.


Deliver real-time customer support and use collaboration tools to provide the best response every time. Build lasting relationships by helping people exactly when they need it with event- and time-based triggers.


Live view allows you to see exactly what your customer is experiencing on your website — in real time. Watch live as customers navigate your site for better insight into what’s working and what’s not.


Ask key questions to the right people and use time-based triggers to engage visitors at the right time with surveys.


Provide a discount code or product update to all visitors or serve them up to specific visitors by using triggers for criteria like device type, source or visit number.


Find out why people are abandoning your forms and fix these issues to reduce abandonment and increase your sales. Monitor key form metrics like abandonment, field order and time to start to find areas for optimization.


Drill down into a single person’s visitor journey to watch session replays of visitor segments you want to prioritize, such as frustrated or confused visitors.


Answers the pressing questions about your website visitors through a collection of Optimization Opportunities tied to specific parts of the customer journey. Each of these opportunities represent something you should be paying attention to on your website.

Capturas de tela

Dynamic Heatmaps

Dynamic Heatmaps

Session Recordings

Session Recordings

Conversion Funnels

Conversion Funnels



Live Chat

Live Chat

