GG Woo Feed for WooCommerce Shopping Feed on Google and Other Channels

Por wpopal
(12 avaliações)

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin GG Woo Feed for WooCommerce Shopping Feed on Google and Other Channels

Onde hospedar o plugin GG Woo Feed for WooCommerce Shopping Feed on Google and Other Channels?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer hospedagem que possua WordPress configurado. Recomendamos optar por uma empresa de hospedagem confiável, com servidores adaptados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin GG Woo Feed for WooCommerce Shopping Feed on Google and Other Channels em um provedor seguro

A MCO2, além de instalar o WordPress na versão mais nova para seus clientes, fornece o WP SafePress, um mecanismo exclusivo que salvaguarda e aumenta a performance do seu site ao mesmo tempo.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização de imagens e fotos, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São plugins que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

Plugin Document | Free Support | More Plugin

GG Woo Feed is a powerful & ease to use WooCommerce Feed for Google Shopping, Meta Ads, or other channels. With Google Shopping Feed plugin, it’s so quick to create a huge number of products feed in your WooCommerce to meet any Google shopping requirements.

Moreover, insteads of uploading information of products step by step or preparing data files to upload on the shopping merchant ( Google, Meta, Pinterest, …) manually. The plugin aids you to make WooCommerce Feeds for products to connect to famous shopping providers as Google, Meta, Pinterest.
You can connect all requirements & recommend fields of WooCommerce Feeds with Google Shopping Feed for WooCommerce. Also, this WooCommerce Google Feed allows to authorize, upload product feeds and get report of Google merchant center, without login Google merchant server.

Equal importance, after you activate the plugin, you can easily create a new WooCommerce product feed, selecting a provider shopping, filter items, and uploading it on those sites. The product feeds can be automatically updated & uploaded according to a given schedule and Sync your product to various shopping engines. No matter the speed of generating feeds, it is completely quick and rapid to save your priceless time. Even though your store contains 10k+ products, it still works smoothly. A piece of cake!


GG Woo Feed – Google Shopping key features:

Non-stop there, this Google Shopping Feed for WooCommerce plugin still covers numerous features inside that will make you surprised:

  • Create unlimited Google Shopping feed from WooCommerce products with so many settings
  • Filter by query
  • Filter by Condition Feed
  • Schedule for regenerate feeds.
  • Manage Product Feeds at ease: Feed Name, Provider (Meta/Google/Pinterest), Feed Type or Auto Update
  • Manage & Edit WooCommerce Product Feed easily
  • Easily Settings Google Feed on WooCommerce
  • Send Feed to Google Merchant by Google API.
  • Get Instant Report of Google Shopping Errors at WordPress Dashboard, No need to login Google Merchant
  • Conversion Tracking for Google Ads.
  • Dynamic Remarketing for Google Ads.
  • Support Yoast SEO title, meta description.
  • Customize Products Meta for Mapping Product
  • Customize Categories Meta for Mapping Product

Notice: This plugin requires at least WooCommerce version 3.6.

GG Woo Feed – Product Feed WooCommerce for Google Shopping

Create unlimited Google Shopping feed from WooCommerce products with so many settings: By installing the plugin Goolge Shopping Feed, you can create unlimited product feed for Goolge Shopping, Meta Ads and other channels with 3 feed types as .xml, .txt, .csv

Filter by Query:

Using GG Woo Feed, you can set multiple filter for product, product mapping,… to meet any required of Google Shopping, Meta Ads or Pinterest, … other chanels

Filter by Condition Feed

It’s flexible to add condition for product feed as product id, condition & value.

Schedule for regenerate feeds

Product feed for Google Shopping can be auto update daily, hours or year or never as you want to ensure the products feed is updated & newest.

Manage/add/edit Product Feeds WooCommerce at ease: Feed Name, Provider (Meta/Google/Pinterest), Feed Type or Auto Update.

Easily Settings Google Feed on WooCommerce & Send Feed to Google Merchant by Google API
Simple steps to authorize your WooCommerce & Google Merchant. After authorizing sucessfully with Google Shopping, you can generate & upload feed to Google Merchant just 1 click required!

Get Instant Report of Google Shopping Errors at WordPress Dashboard, No need to login Google Merchant.

No more login Goolge Shopping account to check your dashboard, on WooCommerce Dashboard, you can get all notification & report errors of your Google Shopping. It’s amazing?

Conversion Tracking for Google Ads

Dynamic Remarketing for Google Ads.

Support Yoast SEO title, meta description.

Customize Products Meta for Mapping Product

With GG Woo Feed – one of the best Product Feed WooCommerce for Google Shopping – on product info, you can add product meta that is strongly useful for product filter in Feed Mapping.

Customize Categories Meta for Mapping Product

The WooCommerce Product Feed supports to add category meta for each category to better category filter in feed mapping.

Documentation & Support

Capturas de tela

GG Woo Feed for WooCommerce Shopping Feed on Google and Other Channels
GG Woo Feed for WooCommerce Shopping Feed on Google and Other Channels
GG Woo Feed for WooCommerce Shopping Feed on Google and Other Channels
GG Woo Feed for WooCommerce Shopping Feed on Google and Other Channels
GG Woo Feed for WooCommerce Shopping Feed on Google and Other Channels
GG Woo Feed for WooCommerce Shopping Feed on Google and Other Channels
GG Woo Feed for WooCommerce Shopping Feed on Google and Other Channels
GG Woo Feed for WooCommerce Shopping Feed on Google and Other Channels

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