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Product Gallery Slider, Additional Variation Images Gallery, Product Video Gallery, Product Video, and Product Image Zoom for WooCommerce – WooGallery
Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Product Gallery Slider, Additional Variation Images Gallery, Product Video Gallery, and Product Video for WooCommerce by WooGallery Slider
Onde devo hospedar o plugin Product Gallery Slider, Additional Variation Images Gallery, Product Video Gallery, and Product Video for WooCommerce by WooGallery Slider?
Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer servidor que tenha WordPress configurado. Recomendamos fortemente optar por um provedor de hospedagem seguro, com servidores adaptados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem de sites da MCO2.
Hospedando o plugin Product Gallery Slider, Additional Variation Images Gallery, Product Video Gallery, and Product Video for WooCommerce by WooGallery Slider em um provedor seguro
A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais nova para seus clientes, fornece o plugin WP SafePress, um mecanismo exclusivo que protege e melhora seu site ao mesmo tempo.
Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?
A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São plugins que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.
🔥 All-in-One WooCommerce Product Image and Video Gallery Solution to Enhance Your Customers’ Shopping Experience and Boost Sales Instantly! 🚀
🖥️ Live Demo | 📖 Documentation | 🛟 Support | 🌐 Full Features List | 🏆 Upgrade To Pro!
👉 What Does the WooGallery Mainly Do?
✅ Enable Product Gallery Slider on Product Page
✅ Enable Additional Variation Images Gallery Slider
✅ Create Product Video Gallery 🔥
✅ Add Advanced Product Image Zoom 🔥
✅ Add Advanced Product Image Lightbox
✅ Add Product Featured Video on the Shop/Archive Page 🔥
👉 To learn more about WooGallery, visit the official website at WooGallery
✅ Outstanding Product Gallery Slider
Do you want to boost sales by enhancing your product page design and layout? Do you have too many images of your product?
No worries, WooGallery is the perfect solution for you. This fantastic plugin can help you transform WooCommerce’s default product gallery into an eye-catching product gallery slider on your product page. By displaying your product and additional variation images in an elegant slider style, you can easily attract more customer attention and increase your sales instantly.
✅ Additional Variation Images Gallery
The plugin also allows you to insert unlimited additional images for each variation, letting potential customers see different images when switching between variations. WooCommerce offers an option to insert only one image per product variation. It means there is no option to add more than a single variation image when it is essential to show additional product images to boost sales.
To unlock this limitation, you can use the WooGallery plugin. This plugin allows you to upload multiple images for each product variation. So, by using WooGallery, you can show different sets of images to potential customers when they switch between product variations such as Color, Style, and Size simultaneously.
✅ Product Video Gallery
Easily embed videos in your product gallery along with images on your product’s single page. The Lite version allows you to add only one YouTube video to the Product Gallery. In contrast, the Pro version supports unlimited videos, including self-hosted, Vimeo, Dailymotion, and Facebook videos.
When potential customers watch a brief video of your product, the chances of selling it increase, which is an excellent way to market.
✅ Advanced Product Image Zoom
Are you looking to improve your customers’ shopping experience by allowing them to view your products in more detail and increase sales? The WooGallery plugin can help you achieve this by providing advanced zooming features for your product images.
This plugin lets your customers get a closer and more detailed look at your products, which can significantly increase customer engagement and generate more sales for your business.
✅ Advanced Product Image Lightbox
Do you want your customers to open the larger product image in a full-screen window to look closely at the product details and skyrocket conversions?
The WooGallery plugin offers exclusively powerful lightbox functionality to open the full-size image in a modal window, allowing your customers to look closely and efficiently at the product details and boost sales.
✅ Product Featured Video on Shop/Archive/Listing Page (PRO)
Do you want to show multiple types of product-featured videos on your Shop or Listing Pages to help customers make faster decisions?
The WooGallery plugin allows you to replace the featured product images with a video and display them on your Shop or Archive Pages. The featured videos can be played in a popup or from the same page. You can easily add a WooCommerce product-featured video from the product edit page at the back office.
Moreover, you can upload or embed various types of videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Facebook, and self-hosted sources. This way, you can provide your customers with a better understanding of your products and help them make a quicker decision.
👉 Key Features List of WooGallery plugin:
✅ 8 Amazing Product Gallery Layouts To Display
The WooGallery plugin has 8 different engaging layouts to show your product, variation gallery images, and videos. Each layout has a different navigation style and visual presentation. Select a layout that best suits your product display needs and design goals.
- Thumbnails Bottom Live Demo
- Thumbnails Top Live Demo
- Thumbnails Left (Pro) Live Demo
- Grid (New) (Pro) Live Demo
- Hierarchy Grid (New) (Pro) Live Demo
- Anchor Navigation (New) (Pro) Live Demo
- Thumbnails Right (Pro) Live Demo
- Slider (Pro) Live Demo
✅ Display Multiple Images Per Product Variation
By default, WooCommerce allows adding only one image per product variation. With the WooGallery plugin, you can add and display unlimited gallery images for each product variation. It is essential to show additional product images to boost sales.
✅ Drag & Drop Custom Sorting for Product and Variation Gallery Images
The plugin enables you to rearrange product and variation gallery images through an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, facilitating custom sorting based on individual preferences.
✅ Adjust Variation Gallery Width for Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile
By specifying a gallery width value, you can ensure that product images are displayed optimally across different screen sizes, providing a consistent and visually appealing user experience of your products and variations.
✅ Embed Unlimited Videos to Your Products and Variation Gallery Images
The plugin allows you to add unlimited videos to the product gallery, which can significantly impact customer engagement, trust, conversions, and brand perception, ultimately driving sales and business growth.
Here are the supported video platforms:
- YouTube Live Demo
- Vimeo (PRO) Live Demo
- Dailymotion (PRO) Live Demo
- Facebook (PRO) Live Demo
- Self-hosted (PRO) Live Demo
✅ Add Videos to Simple, Group, External/Affiliate, and Variable Product Gallery
If you want to show YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Facebook, and Self-hosted videos in the Simple, Group, External/Affiliate, and Variable Product Gallery, The WooGallery plugin would be an excellent option.
✅ Show Product Featured Video on the Shop or Listing Page (PRO) 🔥
The WooGallery plugin allows you to replace the featured product images with a video and display them on your Shop or Archive Pages. The featured videos can be played in a popup or from the same page.
✅ Desired Video Placement in The Gallery Slider
Make your product video gallery slider more engaging and dynamic by choosing a video placement. When creating a gallery slider for a product, it’s essential to consider where to place the product video. The plugin has 3 options for setting the video:
- At Starting of the Slider (PRO)
- End of the Slider (PRO)
- Place of the videos as Usual
✅ Stylize YouTube and Self-hosted Video Player Controls (PRO) 🔥🔥🔥
Customize the appearance and design of the playback buttons, progress bar, volume controls, and other interactive elements within the video player to match the overall aesthetic or branding of the shop.
- Main Font Color
- Control Background Color
- Video Play Progress Color
- Video Play Progress Background
- YouTube Video Player Controls
- Show/Hide YouTube Related Videos
- Video Volume
- Video Icon Color, etc.
✅ Multiple Video Play Modes: Inline or Popup Window
Enhance your customers’ video viewing experience with our customizable video play options, including inline and popup window modes. You can choose how your customers watch the product video by selecting either inline or popup window mode.
✅ Enable the Thumbnails Slider for the Product Gallery Images
You can enable a slider if you have many images in your product gallery and want to avoid the WooCommerce default gallery display method. This plugin will allow you to set the number of images to show on each slide, enable autoplay, and set the slider to infinite.
It provides a convenient way for customers to view and select different product images or variations within the gallery.
✅ Product Featured Image Sliding Controls
This plugin allows customers to navigate different product images or variations using sliding mechanisms. These controls often include AutoPlay Interval, Slider Speed, Direction, etc.
✅ Control Product Image AutoPlay and Slider Speed (PRO)
Adjusting the slider speed in the WooGallery plugin allows customers to view product images swiftly. This feature will enable you to increase or decrease the sliding duration and direction based on your needs.
✅ Set Product Gallery Slider Orientation
The orientation of the slider refers to the direction in which the product images move or are displayed. It’s typically horizontal or vertical, each with advantages and considerations.
✅ Product Gallery Images Sliding Effect
Gallery sliding effects are fancy ways the pictures change in a gallery. They can slide, fade, zoom, or use other cool transitions to switch between images, making the gallery more interesting to look at.
- Slide
- Fade (PRO)
- Flip (PRO)
- Cube (PRO)
✅ Complete Navigation Control for Product Image and Thumbnails Slider
The plugin provides a comprehensive navigational arrow control for product images and thumbnails slider. It offers various customization options, including arrow style, color, and box sizes. Turning the navigation arrows on or off for both sliders is possible.
- Show/Hide thumbnails navigation
- Thumbnails navigation visibility
- Thumbnails navigation styles (Custom, Outer, Inner)
- Thumbnails navigation icon set (PRO)
- Thumbnail navigation icon size
- Thumbnail navigation color
- Thumbnails navigation border (PRO)
- Thumbnails navigation box size (PRO)
✅ Advanced Image Zoom to View Products in More Detail 🔥🔥🔥
Advanced image zoom functionality allows customers to view products in more detail by zooming in on specific areas. This feature enhances a super customer shopping experience by providing a closer look at the product. Here are key zoom features you’ll love:
- 3 Amazing zoom styles: Inside, Right Side (Pro), Magnific (Pro)
- 4 Zooming cursor type
- Zoom lens shape: Circle and Box (PRO)
- Lens Color, Border (PRO)
- On hover product image overlay style: Blur, Custom Color (PRO)
- Custom image overlay color (PRO)
- Image overlay opacity (PRO)
- Auto and custom zoom window size (PRO)
- Zoom window distance (PRO)
- MouseWheel Zoom (PRO)
- Enable Zoom for mobile devices
✅ Powerful Lightbox Features for Product Gallery Images 🔥🔥🔥
The WooGallery plugin offers exclusively powerful lightbox functionality to open the full-size image in a modal window, allowing your customers to look closely and efficiently at the product details and boost sales. Here are the key lightbox features for the product viewing experience to the next level:
- 5 Lightbox sliding effect: Slide, Fade (Pro), Rotate (Pro),
Circular (Pro), Tube (Pro) - Lightbox overlay background (PRO)
- 5 Lightbox icon display positions
- 10+ Lightbox icon styles
- Configure lightbox icon color
- Configure lightbox icon size (PRO)
- Lightbox caption, caption size, and caption color
- Show/Hide image counter
- Show/Hide slideshow play button (PRO)
- Show/Hide thumbnails gallery button (PRO)
- Show/Hide thumbnails gallery visibility (PRO)
- Show/Hide social share button (PRO)
- Show/Hide full-screen button (PRO)
- Show/Hide product image download button (PRO)
✅ Control Thumbnail Items Number & Gap
Enhance the visual appearance of your gallery slider by customizing the number of thumbnails and the gaps between them.
Initially, the gallery slider displays four product thumbnails. However, you can customize the number of thumbnails to be displayed, ranging from 2 to 10. Additionally, you can adjust the gap between thumbnails easily.
✅ Product Variation Images Sorting
The WooGallery plugin is built in mind to save time on development. You can reorder your variation uploaded images according to your needs.
This feature allows you to arrange variation images in a specific sequence, potentially influencing purchase decisions and improving user experience.
✅ Thumbnails Custom Dimensions (PRO)
Set specific dimensions for the thumbnails displayed in a gallery. This feature allows you to control the height and width of the thumbnail images shown in a gallery.
✅ Retina Ready Product Image Supported (PRO)
Enhance your online store’s best product image viewing experience and attract more customers. Your customers will be amazed by the crystal-clear quality of your product images, making them more likely to purchase.
✅ Essential Thumbnails Hover Effects 🔥🔥🔥
Thumbnail hover effects refer to interactive visual changes when customers hover their cursor over thumbnail images. Choose a hover effect from-
- Normal
- Zoom In (PRO)
- Zoom Out (PRO)
- Slide In (PRO)
- Slide Out (PRO)
✅ Excellent Active Thumbnail Styles 🔥
Enhance the look of your product’s active thumbnail style by customizing it easily. You can customize the appearance of thumbnails when they are actively selected or hovered over by your customers. This styling distinguishes the currently selected or focused thumbnail from others by applying specific visual cues like-
- Border Around
- Bottom Line (PRO) 🔥🔥🔥 It’s like a product gallery page of Apple
- Zoom Out (PRO)
- Opacity (PRO)
✅ Inactive Thumbnails Effects 🔥🔥🔥
Inactive thumbnail effects are visual changes applied to inactive thumbnails to distinguish them from active ones. These effects include adjustments to opacity or grayscale appearance.
- Normal
- Opacity (PRO)
- Grayscale (PRO)
✅ Change the Main Image on Click or Mouseover for Gallery Thumbnails 🔥
The WooGallery plugin offers an engaging feature that allows you to change the main image by hovering over one of the gallery thumbnails. This feature was inspired by the top e-commerce stores such as Amazon, Nike, Adidas, Puma, etc. It is designed to enhance usability and save customers from making extra clicks.
- On Click
- Mouseover (PRO) 🔥 🔥 🔥 It’s like the product gallery pages of Amazon, Nike, AliExpress, etc.
✅ Gallery Active Main Image Caption (PRO) 🔥
When you have a product gallery, it’s essential to have an active main image with a caption that provides additional context or information about the product and the variation gallery images.
✅ Preloader Settings for Product Image Gallery
Enhance your product gallery image loading speed with the powerful preloader feature. With the WooGallery plugin, you can turn the preloader style on or off.
✅ Essential Gallery Slider Settings
The WooGallery plugin provides a wide range of features to enhance the functionality, usability, and accessibility of the gallery.
- AutoPlay (PRO)
- AutoPlay Delay Time (PRO)
- Slider Speed (PRO)
- Infinite Loop
- Adaptive Height
- Accessibility
- RTL Mode
- Free Mode
- Mouse Wheel
✅ Compatible with Popular WordPress Themes and Plugins
The WooGallery plugin is compatible with all the popular themes and plugins, especially WooCommerce plugins and themes.
✅ Multisite Supported
The WooGallery is fully compatible with WordPress multisite, including network-activated and activated on individual sites.
Upgrade To our Pro version Today! You’ll never regret it.✌️
Capturas de tela

Product Gallery Slider

Additional Variation Gallery Images

Product Image Zoom

Product Image Lightbox


Gallery Slider

Navigation and Pagination

Thumbnails Navigation

Product Image

Product Image Zoom

Product Video Gallery


Shop Page Video

Advanced Controls

Additional CSS & JS