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Wp-Centrics Advanced Shipping Rates for WooCommerce – Previously "Fish and Ships"
Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Fish and Ships – Most flexible shipping method table rate. A WooCommerce conditional shipping rate
Onde posso hospedar o plugin Fish and Ships – Most flexible shipping method table rate. A WooCommerce conditional shipping rate?
Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer provedor que tenha WordPress configurado. Recomendamos optar por uma empresa de hospedagem confiável, com servidores especializados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem de sites da MCO2.
Hospedando o plugin Fish and Ships – Most flexible shipping method table rate. A WooCommerce conditional shipping rate em um provedor confiável
A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais atual para seus clientes, fornece o WP SafePress, um sistema exclusivo que salvaguarda e melhora seu site simultaneamente.
Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?
A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades suspeitas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São plugins que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.
Conditional table rate shipping methods for WooCommerce: flexible shipping rates in the simplest way.
Previously known as Fish and Ships, this plugin continues to deliver powerful and flexible shipping rules tailored to your WooCommerce store.
A conditional table rate shipping method for WooCommerce: It allows you to set up weight-based shipping rates or any other criteria such as price, volume, quantity, or category
You can also configure conditional free shipping, conditional local pickup, conditional flat rate or any shipping rate.
A WooCommerce shipping method easy as eat fish and ships
NOW WITH +60 SAMPLES READY TO USE: Choose from 25 fullcases and 38 snippets, making it easy to select and customize according to your needs.
Exact fit shipping rates for your WooCommerce shop
Most online shops set generic shipping rates: too much for some products and too low for others… are you?
A flexible table rate shipping where anything can be set & combined
- Conditional shipping
- Free shipping
- Weight-based shipping
- Volume-based shipping
- Price-based shipping
- Cart product quantity-based shipping
- Cart totals-based shipping [PRO]
- Dimensions-based shipping (width, height and/or length)
- Conditional local pickup reduced rates or free
- Any shipping rate parcels can be set manually (not API connected)
- Shipping rates per shipping class
- Shipping rates per product category or tag category [PRO]
- Built-in packer algorithm [PRO]
- Extra fees, handling, discounts after shipping rate calculation [PRO]
- Per user role, ZIP/Postcode and much more [PRO]
…any combination, nested as needed. Really!
Setup exact shipping rates through a table rate shipping
Advanced Shipping Rates for WooCommerce is a WooCommerce table rate shipping based method that helps you to increase sales and avoid costs losses, through an easy-to-use table rate shipping cost, with multiple conditional options (as needed).
You can set multiple conditional rules on the table rate: based on price, weight, product quantity on cart, dimensions, volume, shipping class, product tag, and product category.
While there are other table rate shipping calculation plugins, only Wp-Centrics Advanced Shipping Rates for WooCommerce allows you to add multiple criteria selections to every rule:
(condition #1 AND condition #2 AND condition #3), or (condition #1 OR condition #2 OR condition #3)… as you needed, on every rule!
…from the simplest to the most complex selection criteria, any need can be fulfilled!
Here is the list of all selection methods:
- Price
- Weight
- Volume
- Cart items
- Min/Mid/Max dimensions
- In shipping class
- NOT In shipping class
- Volumetric [PRO]
- Length+Width+Height total [PRO]
- Length+Girth (Length + 2Width + 2Height) [PRO]
- In category [PRO]
- NOT In category [PRO]
- Tagged as [PRO]
- NOT Tagged as [PRO]
- Cart total (subtotal cart – discounts) [PRO]
- User role: customer, subscriber, etc. [PRO]
- Date selectors: Weekday, Day of month, Month, Year, Full date, Day of year and Time. [PRO]
…Everything can be combined with AND / OR logical operator, on every rule in the table rate. [OR only on PRO]
Group by
You can establish a grouping of items in the basket before analysing the table rate conditions by following one of these strategies:
- None (every item will be analyzed alone)
- Per ID / SKU (same item will be grouped)
- Per product (variations will be grouped)
- Per shipping class grouping
- All products grouped
shipping rate calculation
You can calculate shipping rates per:
- Once
- Per cart items
- Per products weight
- Per price products (percentage)
- Per matching groups (groped under your group-by option)
- Composite: all previous methods (or what you need) together
Custom shipping rates for different currencies (as option)
Extra fees, handling, discounts after shipping rate calculation [PRO]
Take the control and reduce abandoned carts
Special Actions
Powerful computer coding made easy as a piece of cake, this will take you to another level on your WooCommerce shipping
Add custom messages, rename the woocommerce shipping method or add extra info on the fly when your conditions match! here is the list of all Special Actions:
- Abort shipping method
- Stop (ignore below rules)
- Skip N rules [PRO]
- Reset previous costs [PRO]
- Set min/max rule costs [PRO]
- Matching products skip below rules [PRO]
- Show notice message [PRO]
- Rename method title [PRO]
- Add subtitle (text under title) [PRO]
- Auto-apply coupons (with custom messages and more) [PRO]
- Math expressions parser to calculate shipping rates [PRO]
- Shipping boxes packer algorithm [PRO]
- Hide shipping methods (FnS, WC native and third party) [PRO]
- Cart total messages (when there isn’t shipping options available) [PRO]
- NEW: Order notes [PRO]
…all combinable on every table rate rule.
Other shipping method options
Apart of the table rate rules, you’ll find this options on the method:
- Method title
- Tax status (apply tax or not over the calculated shipping rate)
- Global / On every condition group-by option [PRO]
- Group-by (explained over, the options are: none, per ID/SKU, per product, per shiping class, all as one)
- Calculation type: charge all matching rules / only the most expensive
- Min shipping price: (if the method applies, you can set a min value cost in any case)
- Max shipping price: (if the method applies, you can set a max value cost in any case)
Multicurrency plugins supported
- Support for the official WooCommerce multi-currency plugin: link
- Support for WPML+WCML MultiCurrency: link
- Support for Aelia, premium multi-currency plugin: link
- Support for WOOCS, freemium multi-currency plugin: link
- Support for Multi Currency for WC, freemium plugin: link
- Support for WP Wham Currency Switcher, freemium plugin: link
Other 3rd party plugins supported
- Support for Plugin Republic’s WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate: link
- Support for StudioWombat Advanced Product Fields for WooCommerce: link
- Support for WPC Product Bundles: link
- Support for the Skyverge Measurement Price Calculator plugin: link [PRO]
- Support for the plugin Uni CPO: link
…and much, much more:
Free shipping support: now you can take control over zero cost shipping rates
Advanced Shipping Rates for WooCommerce comes with extensvie help files and context links to it
Intuitive wizard will guide you just activate the plugin, through WooCommerce screens
It will work in your currency and measurements set in WC settings
Multilingual support using the WPML plugin (soon we will support others)
Import / export settings added: duplicate the shipping method settings or move between stage/production site in one breath [NEW]
*A built-in log system to help you to learn, understand or debug any complex table rate configuration
Here you can get Wp-Centrics Advanced Shipping Rates for WooCommerce Pro, the Best WooCommerce Shipping Plugin
Here you can read the help files →
- English (plugin and help files)
- Spanish (plugin and help files)
- Portuguese (plugin and help files), thanks to Nuno Melo
- Italian (plugin and help files), thanks to Marco Cappalunga
- French (plugin and help files)
- German (plugin and help files)
- Catalan (plugin and help files)
- Finnish (plugin and help files), thanks to Ari Koivunen
I want to translate Advanced Shipping Rates for WooCommerce
You’re welcomed! We offer a forever license of Wp-Centrics Advanced Shipping Rates for WooCommerce Pro in exchange for plugin and help translation.
Capturas de tela
Shipping rules order diagram
Shipping rules table
The selection options (Free and Pro)
25 Full case/samples ready-to-use and customise
38 Snippets that you can pick and mix
Simple / composite price calculation
Special Actions options (Free and Pro)
Simple or multiple criteria selection
Group-by options
Custom shipping rates for different currencies
Well-documented help
You can activate logs calculation for easy debug & quick support
Setting custom messages on admin (Pro)
Cart with the custom messages (Pro)
Apply coupons automatically (Pro)