Ultimate Editorial Rating – Best Product Review Plugin With Star Rating System (WooCommerce Support)

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Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Ultimate Editorial Rating – Rating & Review plugin for Customers and Editor with Pros and Cons (WooCommerce Support)

Onde devo hospedar o plugin Ultimate Editorial Rating – Rating & Review plugin for Customers and Editor with Pros and Cons (WooCommerce Support)?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer servidor que possua WordPress configurado. Recomendamos fortemente escolher um provedor de hospedagem confiável, com servidores especializados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem de sites da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin Ultimate Editorial Rating – Rating & Review plugin for Customers and Editor with Pros and Cons (WooCommerce Support) em um provedor seguro

A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais atualizada para seus clientes, disponibiliza o WP SafePress, um mecanismo exclusivo que assegura e aumenta a performance do seu site conjuntamente.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

Add product reviews effortlessly to your WordPress product posts or pages with our Ultimate Editorial Rating WordPress Free product review plugin.

Now you can add multi-criteria product rating & reviews for any WordPress post using WordPress product review plugin – Ultimate Editorial Rating. It’s easy to install and has an advanced dashboard that works seamlessly with any WordPress website.

Live Demo | 📚Documentation | 💬Support Forum » | 🌟Premium Features | 🔥Get Pro (30% OFF)»

By using our plugin, you can create multiple review criteria for your WordPress product posts or pages, including product quality, features, service aspects, price, pros, cons, and more. These multiple review criteria help users make wise decisions effortlessly. Additionally, users can rate products through comment reviews and visitor star ratings.

The free version allows you to set limited criteria for your product reviews. To add more criteria, you’ll need to upgrade to the premium version of the Ultimate Editorial Rating plugin.

Watch The Official Video For Install, How To Install and Use Editorial Rating WordPress Product Review Plugin

Best Product Review Plugin With Star Rating (WooCommerce Support)

The #1 Best WordPress product review plugin helps you add multi criteria product rating, increase engagement, build loyalty, improve SEO, and get more sales with social proof also.

The Ultimate Editorial Rating is a FREE WordPress product review plugin that enhances WordPress and eCommerce sites with a bundle of awesome features: Multi-criteria star Ratings, Total Score Calculation, Review Schema, Pros and Cons Highlights, and more. Amplify your website’s potential with expert Editorial Ratings and insightful Customer Reviews. Plus, you can enjoy the added flair of Pros and Cons showcases and eye-catching Rating Widgets to captivate your visitors.

Key Features Of Ultimate Editorial Product Rating Plugin

Have a quick scan at the core features you can get with our plugin-

  • Multi-Criteria Rating and Reviews on single posts/pages.
  • Shortcode System
  • 9+ Ready made Review Layout (For Free 1)
  • 7+ Cross / Compare Rating layout (Pro)
  • Customer Rating options (Pro)
  • Visitor Rating options (Pro)
  • Pros and Cons Option
  • Show/hide score on the post.
  • WooCommerce Compatibility (Pro)
  • Review Schema Support
  • Total Score calculation of each point / total rating category.
  • Editorial Rating on the sidebar.
  • Sticky Editorial Rating Sidebar.
  • Rating Widget
  • No coding required

Still not convinced? Allow us to break down these exceptional features for you.

⭐️ 9+ Ready Made Review Layout Design

The Ultimate Editorial Rating plugin offers over 9 stunning, ready-made review layout designs to make your product reviews stand out. These layouts are carefully crafted to enhance readability and visual appeal, ensuring your reviews look professional and engaging. Whether you prefer a simple star rating or a detailed multi-criteria review, you can easily choose and apply a layout that suits your website’s style, making it easy for visitors to digest and appreciate your reviews. See Live Demo

7+ Ready Made Cross Rating/Compare Layout Design

Our plugin also includes more than 7 pre-designed cross-rating and compare layout options, perfect for comparing multiple products side by side. These layouts allow you to present detailed comparisons with clear, attractive visuals, helping your audience quickly identify the strengths and weaknesses of different products. By using these comparison layouts, you can provide your visitors with valuable insights, facilitating informed purchasing decisions and enhancing user engagement. See Live Demo

🌟 Multi-Criteria Rating And Reviews

Multi-criteria ratings and reviews help users provide feedback based on various aspects of the product or service. You can set all the criteria from WordPress, which reviewers will see on display. With this feature, you can engage visitors to interact with the product on review and gain trust from future visitors. Your path to building strong relationships with visitors starts here! See Live Demo

📝 Editorial Rating System:

The Editorial Rating System allows you to rate the products on multiple criteria. Whether you’re an industry expert or a satisfied customer, your firsthand experience brings an impartial perspective, guiding potential buyers toward informed choices. Editorial ratings are crucial to grow audience trust and send professional feedback to businesses addressing areas of improvement.

👥 Customer Review:

Customer reviews are a cornerstone for any brand to outshine its competitors and solidify the brand’s reputation. Ultimate Editorial Rating lets genuine product users leave a constructive review on your site. For SEO, this will increase customer engagement on your site, and the visitors can make informed decisions based on previous customers’ experiences. See Live Demo

⭐️ Rating Widget:

With hundreds of affiliate sites reviewing similar products, it’s difficult to outrank your competition without a visual appeal. Our plugin will help you add captivating Rating Widgets in the sidebar or footer of your website’s pages. Representing Editorial Product Ratings, these colorful widgets quickly catch the reader’s attention, increase click-through rate, and pursue them to stay on your site longer. See Live Demo

⭐️Visitor Star Rating:

The “Star Rating” feature in Editorial Rating Blocks allows you to easily add customizable star ratings to your WordPress website. You can adjust the star appearance, size, color, alignment, and more. To use it, add a new page, select the Star Rating block from the Editorial Rating options, customize your settings, and publish. This feature enhances your site’s visual appeal and engages visitors by showcasing reviews and ratings.

⭐️Review Info Box:

The Review Info Box feature in the Editorial Rating plugin allows you to add a detailed review summary to your WordPress posts or pages. It includes customizable fields such as review title, rating, summary, and pros and cons. This feature helps highlight key information about the product or service, making it easier for visitors to grasp essential details at a glance.

📝Pricing Table:

The Pricing Table block in the Editorial Rating plugin enables you to create visually appealing and functional pricing tables for your WordPress website. You can customize various aspects such as colors, icons, and content, making it easy to present different pricing options for products or services.

📊Freemium Table:

The Freemium Table feature allows you to display a comparison of free and premium features of your product or service. This helps potential customers understand the benefits of upgrading to a premium plan and make informed decisions.

🌟Review Summary:

The Review Summary feature in the Editorial Rating plugin provides a concise overview of the product or service review. It includes ratings, a brief summary, and key points, helping visitors quickly understand the main aspects of the review.

🔍 Google Rich Schema

Adding product review schema with the Editorial Rating Review plugin helps your product page get noticed by search engines. This boosts your visibility on Google Search Results Pages (SERP), improving your SEO ranking and making it easier for customers to find your products. See Live Demo

🔍 Highlight Pros And Cons:

Ultimate Editorial Rating lets you create a list of pros and cons for the product under review. This remarkable feature empowers visitors to swiftly navigate through the product’s strengths and limitations, enabling seamless comparisons between options. In addition to elevating user experience, the feature also boosts SEO by providing structured, search-engine-friendly pros and cons lists.

🔘 Product Button:

A product review is incomplete without a proper call to action. Our plugin lets you add product buttons to your review boxes, redirecting visitors to key product pages like Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart, etc., through affiliate links. Design your site as an enticing journey for your audience, connecting them directly to the products they desire.

🔗 WordPress And Woocommerce Compatibility:

The ultimate editorial rating plugin is compatible with both wordpress and WooCommerce as well as almost all the latest and popular website themes. For affiliate and blog sites, our plugin will ensure authority and trust and increase traffic with better SEO metrics. eCommerce sites can also get a boost in sales and increased conversion rates with additional ranking benefits.

🔄 Regular Updates:

Our plugin is regularly updated to ensure optimal performance and high responsiveness. We highly recommend you update the plugin for better integration with WordPress, WooCommerce as well as the website theme.

🌟 Premium support:

A dedicated team of experts provides premium support for the plugin. You can rely on their assistance to address any questions, issues, or concerns you may have. The support team is available year-round, ensuring that you receive timely and comprehensive assistance when needed.

Why Choose Ultimate Editorial Ratings WordPress Plugin?

If you’re looking for ways to enhance your website’s user experience, build authority and trust, and boost SEO through genuine ratings and reviews, the Ultimate Editorial Ratings is all you need. With our plugin, you get-

High-Quality & Secured Coding

We designed the plugin to ensure optimum performance, high security, and extreme stability. You don’t need any coding knowledge to use this plugin. We ensure delivering a seamless user experience by employing JavaScript and PHP.

24/7 Support Team

We have a dedicated team of experts providing premium support for all users- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Any questions you have or any problem you face, you can reach out to our support team to receive timely and comprehensive assistance.

Enhance User Experience

Incorporating editorial ratings with customer reviews and rating widgets, we have developed a system that takes user experience to the next level. Visitors can instantly access expert opinions, user reviews, pros and cons, and other relevant information from your website before buying a product.

Boost In SEO And Search Rankings

The plugin supports Review Schema, which helps structure your website’s reviews and ratings in a way that search engines understand and present in SERP. Skimmable data boost search engine rankings, increase visibility in search results, and potentially increase click-through rates.

Gain Credibility And Trust

Product reviews and ratings play a crucial role in establishing trust and credibility among your audience. By showcasing genuine customer feedback and expert editorial ratings, you create a sense of authenticity and reliability, encouraging users to engage more with your products or services.

Enhanced Conversion Rates

Positive reviews and higher ratings combined with appealing widgets play a direct impact on conversion rates. Adding the Product Button will likely convert your audience into potential buyers, helping you earn from affiliate links.

User Engagement And Interactivity

The plugin fosters user engagement by allowing customers to leave their reviews and ratings. This promotes user interaction, creating a sense of community and providing valuable insights for other potential buyers.

Customization And Flexibility Of Use

The plugin offers customization options and multiple layouts, allowing you to tailor the review system to match your website’s design and branding. You can choose from various display options and colors, review categories and highlight specific product features. This flexibility ensures that the review system seamlessly integrates with your website’s aesthetics and overall user interface.

User-Friendly Interface

The plugin provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies managing and displaying reviews on your website. You can easily add, edit, and moderate reviews through the WordPress dashboard, saving time and effort in managing the review system.

Smart Product Review Features

The plugin includes Smart Product Review features, enabling you to create dynamic and engaging review content. These features allow you to highlight specific product attributes, showcase customer testimonials, and provide in-depth insights into the products, enhancing the overall user experience.

WordPress Review Integration

With seamless integration into wordpress, the plugin simplifies the process of posting and managing reviews from wordpress. It seamlessly integrates with the wordpress dashboard, providing familiar and streamlined content creation and review management workflow.

Support And Updates

By using the Editorial Review System plugin, you gain access to ongoing support and updates. The Ultimate Editorial Ratings team is committed to providing regular updates, bug fixes, and improvements to ensure optimal performance and compatibility with the latest WordPress versions. Additionally, the dedicated support team is available to assist you if you encounter any issues or have questions.

🚀 How To Enable User Rating Review With The Editorial Rating Plugin

🚀 How To Enable Product Review Schema With The Editorial Rating Plugin

🚀 How to Add Cross Rating or Comparison List With Editorial Rating WordPress Product Review Plugin

Capturas de tela

Product Review Plugin (Demo).

Product Review Plugin (Demo).

Smart Product Review

Smart Product Review

Multi-criteria Rating & Reviews

Multi-criteria Rating & Reviews

Pros and Cons Plugin WordPress

Pros and Cons Plugin WordPress

User Rating and Review

User Rating and Review

Star Rating Plugin

Star Rating Plugin

Review Schema Sample
8.Product Review Demo - 1 (Most Popular)

Review Schema Sample 8.Product Review Demo - 1 (Most Popular)

Star Rating Demo - 2 (Based on Categories)

Star Rating Demo - 2 (Based on Categories)

Affiliate Product Review Demo - 3 (Author Mentioned)

Affiliate Product Review Demo - 3 (Author Mentioned)

Product review for WooCommerce Demo - 4 (Rating Position)

Product review for WooCommerce Demo - 4 (Rating Position)

Reviews for WooCommerce Demo - 5 (Dark Mood)

Reviews for WooCommerce Demo - 5 (Dark Mood)

Review for Custom Post Demo - 6 (Feature List)

Review for Custom Post Demo - 6 (Feature List)

Google Rating Layout Demo - 7 (Google Recommended Layout)

Google Rating Layout Demo - 7 (Google Recommended Layout)

Review with Produt Gallery Demo - 8 (Product Gallery)

Review with Produt Gallery Demo - 8 (Product Gallery)

Review Autho Demo - 9 (Highlight Author)

Review Autho Demo - 9 (Highlight Author)

Ultimate Editorial Rating – Best Product Review Plugin With Star Rating System (WooCommerce Support)