Free Downloads WooCommerce

Por Wp Enhanced
(83 avaliações)

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Free Downloads WooCommerce

Onde hospedar o plugin Free Downloads WooCommerce?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer provedor que possua WordPress instalado. Recomendamos optar por uma hospedagem de confiança, com servidores otimizados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem WordPress da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin Free Downloads WooCommerce em uma empresa de hospedagem de confiança

A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais atualizada para seus clientes, fornece o WP SafePress, um sistema singular que salvaguarda e aumenta a performance do seu site ao mesmo tempo.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São plugins que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

Free Downloads WooCommerce is the definitive plugin for offering free downloads on your WooCommerce store. It allows users to bypass the checkout to download your free products, supports single and multiple files, works with WooCommerce Memberships, and is highly customisable.

This plugin has been designed for content creators and distributors to fully take advantage of their digital store. Whether you sell audio files, course documentation, themes and plugins, or just want to offer digital catalogues for your tangible products, Free Downloads WooCommerce allows your visitors to get to your free downloads with ease.

This plugin is safe and rock-solid secure, and everything is handled by your server including authentication, so you don’t have to worry.

Free Downloads WooCommerce is also fully integrated with the official Memberships and Subscriptions plugins for WooCommerce.

Basic Edition

What you can expect in the basic free version.

  • Free digital products can be downloaded by your users without going through the checkout.
  • Supports downloading products straight from the shop listings pages.
  • Allow free downloading of customer owned digital products from product pages
  • Custom WooCommerce Quick View feature
  • Built-in support for PDF files.
  • Built-in support for WooCommerce Memberships and Subscriptions, allowing you to tailor the plugin to your needs.
  • Fully supports products with multiple files, with several layout options to choose from.
  • Download buttons and links will automatically style to match your theme.
  • Add custom CSS and HTML classes to the download buttons and links for extra visual customisation.

Pro Edition

Buy Free Downloads WooCommerce Pro today and get access to these amazing features!

  • Advanced Product Restrictions: Restrict free downloads by products, categories and tags.
  • Variable and Grouped Products: Full support for grouped and variable products.
  • Multiple Download Delivery Methods: Option to serve your downloads after redirecting to a page or emailing a link.
  • WooCommerce PDF Watermark: Compatibility with the official WooCommerce PDF Watermark plugin.
  • Download limitations: Restrict your users to a set number of free downloads per day/week/month/year. Users with WooCommerce Membership plans can have custom download limits, as well as specific user roles and user accounts.
  • Download tracking with reporting: Keep a record of every free download showing the product, variation (if applicable), date, user, email address and IP address.
  • Account download history: Show a list of the user’s free download history on their WooCommerce account page.
  • Email capture: Ask your guest users for their email address before downloading, including subscribing them to your MailChimp newsletter!
  • Paid Member Subscriptions: Compatibility with Paid Member Subscriptions plugin by Cozmoslabs.
  • Woocommerce Products List: Compatibility with Woocommerce Products List plugin.
  • Premium support: You never have to worry about plugin support. We’re here when you need it.
  • One-click updates: Enjoy the simple, one-click updates that you’re used to with WordPress plugins.

Get it here

How it works

By default any downloadable products that are free will be affected by this plugin. There is an option in the plugin settings if you would like to include paid items that are on sale for free, by default they aren’t.

However, the plugin works right out of the box as it should, and only requires customising if you want to.

Rather than the Add to Cart button showing on product pages, site visitors will be presented with a download button, or for multiple files on a single product a set of links to each individual file will show. You can customise the experience for your visitors with several display options from links, to buttons, and even checkboxes. Once clicked the file will be securely downloaded automatically. For multiple files, the plugin dynamically creates a zip file that includes all the files for that product, and downloads that instead.


The plugin can be customised in several ways including how the download buttons or links are presented, their appearance, should users be logged in, and more. Check out the plugin settings page for everything.


Full supporting documentation is included with the plugin, available on the plugin settings page. There’s a user guide, explanation of every setting, and FAQ with support forum links.

Capturas de tela

Product with single file and 100% discount

Product with single file and 100% discount

Product with single file

Product with single file

Multiple files (with optional checkboxes)

Multiple files (with optional checkboxes)

Quick View popup with multiple files

Quick View popup with multiple files

Message shown when

Message shown when "Require login" is set for free downloads (customisable)

Guest email capture for downloads (Pro Edition)

Guest email capture for downloads (Pro Edition)

Variable product support (Pro Edition)

Variable product support (Pro Edition)

Global download limits (Pro Edition)

Global download limits (Pro Edition)

Download limits for a WooCommerce Membership plan (Pro Edition)

Download limits for a WooCommerce Membership plan (Pro Edition)

Advanced product restrictions (Pro Edition)

Advanced product restrictions (Pro Edition)

Download tracking overview (Pro Edition)

Download tracking overview (Pro Edition)

Download tracking period report displaying and exporting (Pro Edition)

Download tracking period report displaying and exporting (Pro Edition)

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