Content Views – Post Grid & Filter, Recent Posts, Category Posts … (Shortcode, Blocks, and Elementor Widgets)

Por Content Views
(328 avaliações)

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Content Views – Post Grid, Slider, Accordion (Gutenberg Blocks and Shortcode)

Onde hospedar o plugin Content Views – Post Grid, Slider, Accordion (Gutenberg Blocks and Shortcode)?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer provedor que possua WordPress configurado. Recomendamos escolher um provedor de hospedagem de confiança, com servidores otimizados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem de sites da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin Content Views – Post Grid, Slider, Accordion (Gutenberg Blocks and Shortcode) em um provedor seguro

A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais atual para seus clientes, disponibiliza o plugin WP SafePress, um sistema singular que protege e melhora seu site simultaneamente.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens e fotos, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

Content Views is the most popular grid plugin to create stunning Blogs, News, Personal, Portfolio, Business, and Shop sites.

Easy to display posts, pages, custom post types, images, and taxonomy terms in attractive grid, list, slider, accordion, pinterest, timeline, overlay, and more.

Show recent posts, category posts, tag posts, author posts, posts by keyword, posts by custom field, posts by date, etc. effortlessly.

Classic editor friendly & Gutenberg block editor ready & Elementor supported!

See Live Demo | Content Views Pro | Documentation | Support


Content Views provides a powerful shortcode feature to work with the Classic editor and page builders in 2 simple steps:

  • Step 1: Create a View
    Start by creating a View where you can query and sort any posts, pages, custom post types by category, tag, taxonomy, custom field, post ID, post title, date, author, etc. Select a layout that fits your needs, customize and style it with a lot of options.

  • Step 2: Add Shortcode
    Add the created view shortcode to the Classic editor, page builder, widget, or anywhere you want to display your post grid.



Content Views adds 16 amazing and feature-rich blocks to help you display WordPress posts, pages, custom post types stunningly. Using our awesome Gutenberg blocks plugin, you can build and show website content with endless customization options:

  • Different blocks for different kinds of content/sections/websites
  • Various post block layouts to provide you more design choices
  • Advanced post query filters to control block content
  • Built-in responsive settings in blocks
  • Advanced typography settings
  • Google fonts supported in blocks


To save your time and help you to build faster in the WordPress Block editor, we created a collection of 76+ stunningly designed Gutenberg block patterns and templates that you can explore and import to the Block editor with just a few clicks. You can customize these post block patterns & templates easily in the way you want with numerous block options. You can use our pre-designed post block templates to build a complete page in just a few minutes. You also can combine the post block patterns in your own way to create unique design for your WordPress website.


If you use the Elementor page builder, our plugin will enhance your Elementor experience with 16 advanced Elementor widgets to showcase your posts, pages, custom post types, media files in stunning layouts (grid, list, slider, timeline, and many more).

Each of our Elementor widgets is a different way to show your content. All Elementor widgets are fully customizable with many useful and friendly options (to control what to show, and how to show):

  • Powerful query controls for each Elementor widget
  • Many layout and display options to completely control the output
  • Advanced style settings to customize typography, color, padding, border, etc.

With our plugin, you can build websites with the Elementor page builder so much faster and easier.



We provide various attractive & responsive layouts for different types of websites and purposes. Pick one from our beautiful grid, list, slider/carousel, pinterest, masonry, timeline, glossary, accordion layouts that fits your need, and then customize it as you want with a lot of block/shortcode/widget settings.
Content Views is proud of helping bloggers, business/shop owners, companies, religious communities, universities, and government departments to show and build their WordPress websites content amazingly and efficiently.


Whether you use our blocks/shortcode/Elementor widgets, Content Views provides a lot of options to help you query, filter, search and sort any posts, pages, custom post types easily.

  • Post Type
    Select one or multiple post types in your website including post, page, custom post types, media/attachment.
  • Taxonomy
    Filter posts by categories, tags, custom taxonomy terms easily.
  • Common
    Include, exclude specific posts by post ID or post title. You also can set post offset, and amount of posts to show.
  • Sort/order
    By default, it sorts posts by published date to show recent posts or latest posts. You can change it to sort posts by modified date, post title, post ID, random order, menu order, and more.
  • Filter posts by keyword
    Easy to find your posts by custom keyword that appears in post title, post content, post excerpt.
  • Filter posts by author
    Find posts created by or not created by specific post authors and current logged in author.
  • Filter posts by status
    Display published posts, scheduled posts, private posts, or posts with another status easily with this feature.
  • Filter posts by published date
    Display posts published today, yesterday, this week/month/year, within a custom date range.
  • Filter Sticky Post (PRO)
    Hide sticky posts, show them at top, or show only sticky posts.
  • Restrict posts by membership (PRO)
    Help you to show posts to only allowed members of membership plugins such as Members, MemberMouse…
  • Filter posts by custom field (PRO)
    Filter your posts by one or multiple custom fields easily & quickly. It supports ACF, Meta Box, and other custom field plugins.


If you are looking for a truly powerful front-end filter or faceted search for your website, then this feature is for you. You can help your website visitors to find any posts, pages, custom post types easily by showing category, tag, custom taxonomy, custom field as filtering options in various formats such as dropdowns, checkboxes, radios, date ranges, number sliders, buttons. Also, you can show text search field, and sorting options by post date, post title, custom field. Furthermore, you can customize style of these filters, change their appearance order, etc. And you can show the filters above or beside the post grid.


Our plugin provides both normal and AJAX pagination. AJAX pagination will retrieve posts without reloading the page, using 3 different pagination styles including ajax numeric pagination, ajax load more, and ajax infinite scroll. It is easy to enable/disable pagination in our post grid.


Our special Replace Layout feature will help you to display beautiful grid/another layout for posts on below WordPress pages easily, without changing the theme, and no coding required:

✔️ Blog page
✔️ Category page
✔️ Tag page
✔️ Search page
✔️ Author page
✔️ Date page
✔️ Taxonomy, term page


Content Views seamlessly integrates with a wide range of plugins:

  • WooCommerce: show products in beautiful layouts. Easily filter products by price, categories, tags, attributes, visibility. And show sale, best-selling, featured, top-rated products with one single click.
  • The Events Calendar: filter events by categories, tags, start/end date, etc. and show events & their information in grid/list easily
  • Advanced Custom Fields, Meta Box, Pods: filter posts by custom fields, and show custom field for each post in the post grid
  • WPML, Polylang: display translated posts, pages, custom posts, taxonomies, custom fields automatically in our layouts
  • Membership plugins: show posts to only allowed members of Members, Paid Memberships Pro, MemberPress…
  • Yoast SEO, Rank Math: filter posts by primary category, and show only primary category as meta output in the post grid


Here are some other great features that Content Views offers:

  • 100% mobile-friendly blocks, shortcode, and Elementor widgets
  • Complete control over block content, layout and style
  • Border, color, background, margin, padding settings
  • Change the html tag, length of post title in the post grid
  • Change post content/excerpt source, length
  • Change post image size, styles in blocks, shortcode, and Elementor widgets
  • Lazy loading for images in the post grid
  • Show post comment count
  • Show post author name, avatar
  • Show post category, post tag, post taxonomy in custom position
  • Show post date in custom format
  • Post meta field selection, position and styling
  • Change the post link target attribute
  • Social sharing buttons for each post in the post grid
  • SEO and speed optimization for all blocks, shortcode, and Elementor widgets
  • Display advertisements between posts in the post grid
  • Reusing the shortcode with extra parameters
  • Right to Left (RTL) support
  • Customizable output with many hooks


All shortcode layouts, Gutenberg blocks, and Elementor widgets support posts, pages, custom post types, media files and come with a lot of options to customize. Here is the key feature of each layout/block/widget:

  • Grid Post – This post grid displays your posts in a beautiful standard grid layout
  • List Post – This post list displays your posts in a list with post image on the left/right
  • Pinterest – This post displays your posts in a modern stacking grid that looks like
  • Collapsible Post – This post displays your posts in a layout that can expand or collapse post content. It is a perfect choice for FAQ page or a narrow section
  • Scrollable Post – This post displays your posts in a carousel/slider layout with navigation, indicator and autoplay to explore more posts easily
  • Timeline – This post displays your posts in a classic Timeline layout like Facebook
  • Big Post 1 – This post displays one big post above other small posts. Big post and small posts can be customized separately
  • Big Post 2 – This post displays one big post beside other small posts. Big post and small posts can be customized separately
  • Post Overlay 1 – This post grid displays a beautiful grid layout with overlay over post image
  • Post Overlay 2 – This custom post grid has one post showing beside other stacked posts, and overlay enabled
  • Post Overlay 3 – This advanced post grid displays one post beside 3 other posts (shown in 2 rows), with text overlay
  • Post Overlay 4 – This post grid shows one post next to 3 other posts (shown in 2 columns), and overlay for image
  • Post Overlay 5 – This new post grid has one post beside 4 other posts (shown in a 2×2 grid), with overlay enabled
  • Post Overlay 6 – This custom post grid shows one post above other posts (shown in columns), with overlay on image
  • Post Overlay 7 – This post grid has one post next to & above other posts, and overlay over the image
  • Post Overlay 8 – This modern post grid shows 2 posts and 4 other posts in an advanced grid, with text overlay

Capturas de tela

Advanced query filters for Shortcode, Blocks, and Elementor widgets

Advanced query filters for Shortcode, Blocks, and Elementor widgets

Dynamic filter settings for Shortcode

Dynamic filter settings for Shortcode

Powerful display settings for Shortcode

Powerful display settings for Shortcode

Advanced post grid blocks (for Gutenberg editor)

Advanced post grid blocks (for Gutenberg editor)

75+ ready-to-use block patterns (for Gutenberg editor)

75+ ready-to-use block patterns (for Gutenberg editor)

16 widgets for the Elementor page builder

16 widgets for the Elementor page builder

Powerful controls for each Elementor widget

Powerful controls for each Elementor widget

Advanced typography options, font, color, background, border, and so on

Advanced typography options, font, color, background, border, and so on

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