Favorites for any post type. Easily add favoriting/liking, wishlists, or any other similar functionality using the developer-friendly API.

CBX Bookmark & Favorite
Hospedagem WordPress com plugin CBX Bookmark & Favorite
Onde devo hospedar o plugin CBX Bookmark & Favorite?
Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer hospedagem que tenha WordPress instalado. Recomendamos fortemente escolher uma hospedagem seguro, com servidores adaptados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem da MCO2.
Hospedando o plugin CBX Bookmark & Favorite em um provedor seguro
A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais atual para seus clientes, disponibiliza o plugin WP SafePress, um mecanismo singular que salvaguarda e melhora seu site simultaneamente.
Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?
A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades suspeitas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.
This plugin is inspired from youtube’s bookmark or favorite feature. User can create their own bookmark category public or private and save articles inside different folders/list/category. Later we extended the plugin so that category can be global created by admin or single click bookmark without any category as pro features. There are lots of practical use for this simple but useful(we like to call it ‘powerful’) plugin. This plugin can help you create a bookmark site or user generated list site.
CBX Bookmark & Favorite by Codeboxr
📋 Documentation | 🌟 Upgrade to PRO | 👨💻 Free Support | 🤴 Pro Support | 📱 Contact
If you think any necessary feature is missing contact with us, we will add in new release. Best way to check the feature is install the free core version in any dev site and explore
🛄 Core Plugin Features
♟ Important Features
- Add Bookmark button like youtube under post, page, attachment(Core WordPress Post types, Custom post types are supported via pro addon) etc
- Bookmark categories are per user
- Global category created by site admin(pro)
- No category, single click bookmark(pro)
- Private or Public Category
- Display user’s bookmarks
- Display user’s list
- Third party plugin’s integration
- Developer friendly
- Shortcodes and Widgets
- Template system, can be overridden from theme or child theme.
🀄 Widgets
Classic Widgets
- My Bookmarked Posts/All Bookmarks
- Most Bookmarked Posts
- My Bookmark Categories(For user category mode)
- My Bookmarked Posts Grid(Pro
- Most Bookmarked Posts Grid(Pro
- Most Bookmarked Downloads(EDD) – Pro
- Most Bookmarked Products(Woocommerce) – Pro
- Every widget has it’s own setting fields
Gutenberg Block
- Bookmark button
- My bookmarked posts/All Bookmarks
- My bookmark categories(For user category mode)
- Most bookmarked posts
- My bookmarked posts/All bookmarks Grid (pro)
- Most bookmarked posts Grid (pro)
- Most Bookmarked Downloads(EDD) – Pro
- Most Bookmarked Products(Woocommerce) – Pro
WPBakery Widgets
- Bookmark button
- My bookmarked posts/All Bookmarks
- My bookmark categories(For user category mode)
- Most bookmarked posts
- My bookmarked posts/All bookmarks Grid (pro)
- Most bookmarked posts Grid (pro)
- Most Bookmarked Downloads(EDD) – Pro
- Most Bookmarked Products(Woocommerce) – Pro
Elementor Widgets
- Bookmark button
- My bookmarked posts/All Bookmarks
- My bookmark categories(For user category mode)
- Most bookmarked posts
- My bookmarked posts/All bookmarks Grid (pro)
- Most bookmarked posts Grid (pro)
- Most Bookmarked Downloads(EDD) – Pro
- Most Bookmarked Products(Woocommerce) – Pro
🧮 Shortcodes
- [cbxwpbookmarkbtn] Bookmark button
- [cbxwpbookmark] Shows logged or any user’s bookmarks
- [cbxwpbookmark-mycat] Shows logged or any user’s bookmark category
- [cbxwpbookmark-most] Shows most bookmarked posts/items
- [cbxwpbookmarkgrid] Bookmark posts grid(pro)
- [cbxwpbookmark-mostgrid] Most bookmarked posts grid(pro)
- [cbxwpbookmark-mostdownloads] Most bookmarked products(pro) – Woocommerce (pro)
- [cbxwpbookmark-mostproducts] Most bookmarked downloads(pro) – Easy digital downloads (pro)
💎 Pro Addon: Core feature enhancement
- Custom Post type(s) supports
- BuddyPress Integration to show bookmarks in user profile in grid manner.
- BuddyPress stream bookmark
- bbPress forum and topic bookmark support
- Compatible with BuddyBoss
- WooCommerce: My Bookmarks tab in User Frontend Account
- Widget: My bookmarks Grid/All bookmarks Grid
- Widget: Most bookmarked post grid
- Widget: Easy Digital downloads (Most bookmarked downloads)
- Widget: Woocommerce (Most bookmarked products)
- Shortcode: My bookmark posts grid[cbxwpbookmarkgrid]
- Shortcode: Most bookmarked posts grid[cbxwpbookmark-mostgrid]
- Shortcode: Most bookmarked products(Woccommerce)[cbxwpbookmark-mostproducts]
- Shortcode: Most bookmarked downloads(EDD)[cbxwpbookmark-mostdownloads]
- Elementor Widget: My bookmarked posts/All bookmarks Grid
- Elementor Widget: Most bookmarked posts Grid
- Elementor Widget: Most Bookmarked Downloads(EDD)
- Elementor Widget: Most Bookmarked Products(Woocommerce)
- WPBakery Widget: My bookmarked posts/All bookmarks Grid
- WPBakery Widget: Most bookmarked posts Grid
- WPBakery Widget: Most Bookmarked Downloads(EDD)
- WPBakery Widget: Most Bookmarked Products(Woocommerce)
- Gutenberg Block: My bookmarked posts/All bookmarks Grid
- Gutenberg Block: Most bookmarked posts Grid
- Gutenberg Block: Most Bookmarked Downloads(EDD)
- Gutenberg Block: Most Bookmarked Products(Woocommerce)
- Custom Bookmark icon/Image (From V1.2.0)
- Option to show wooCommerce’s Login form to guest
- Option to show Restrict Content Pro’s Login form to guest
- Login/Register Options via – WooCommerce Login & Register
- Login/Register Options via – Restrict Content Pro Login & Register
- Login/Register Options via – bbPress Login & Register
- Login/Register Options via – BuddyPress Login & Register
- Login/Register Options via – Ultimate Member Login & Register
- Login/Register Options via – Paid Membership Pro Login & Register
- Ultimate member support
- usersWP support
🔱 Pro Addon: myCred Integration
- User gets point after bookmark (configurable)
- Point cuts from user after remove bookmark (configurable)
👉 Get the CBX Bookmark myCred Addon
🔱 Third party plugin Integration
- buddyBoss
- myCred
- Fifu(Featured Image from URL)
🔩 Installation
How to install the plugin and get it working.
- Upload
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Ative o plugin por meio do menu “Plugins” no WordPress
- Go to Setting-> CBX Wp Bookmark Setting to edit settings
- In any post or page you can write shortcode as described
- Frontend shortcode to edit any bookmark and bookmark category with delete feature
- More will come soon as per user demand and natural user experience
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