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Awesome Support – WordPress HelpDesk & Support Plugin
Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Awesome Support – WordPress HelpDesk & Support Plugin
Onde posso hospedar o plugin Awesome Support – WordPress HelpDesk & Support Plugin?
Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer hospedagem que tenha WordPress instalado. Recomendamos fortemente escolher uma hospedagem de confiança, com servidores adaptados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem WordPress da MCO2.
Hospedando o plugin Awesome Support – WordPress HelpDesk & Support Plugin em um provedor seguro
A MCO2, além de instalar o WordPress na versão mais atual para seus clientes, oferece o WP SafePress, um mecanismo exclusivo que salvaguarda e melhora seu site conjuntamente.
Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?
A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades suspeitas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São plugins que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.
Awesome Support is the most versatile and feature-rich support plugin for WordPress. It is the only helpdesk & support ticketing plugin that can match the feature set of an SAAS solution such as Zendesk or Helpscout.
And your customers can be using it in just 5 mins! After installing and activating the plugin, just answer a few questions in the startup wizard and your helpdesk will be ready for your customers.
Take a product tour in the video below where you can see the extensive list of free and premium features that will be available on your new helpdesk! You can also go hands-on with the Live Demo or scroll down to the bottom of this page for screen shots.
Product Tour
For premium one-on-one support or pre-sales questions please visit the official site.
O que ele faz?
Check out the user-friendly features of this awesome plugin:
- Ticketing: users can submit tickets from the front-end, and your agents respond to them from the WordPress back-end
- Import: Import tickets from Zendesk, Helpscout and Ticksy using our free importer add-on – makes for a seamless transition to your new helpdesk
- E-mail notifications: relevant parties are notified of certain actions by e-mail, and all e-mails are customizable
- Restricted access: all correspondence is private between the client and the agents (unless the PUBLIC TICKETS premium add-on is installed and configured)
- File upload: you control when files can be uploaded, how many files, and how large they are
- Multiple products: provide support for as many products as you want; synchronize product lists with popular e-commerce platforms such as WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads (EDD)
- Multiple departments: provide support for multiple departments
- Custom fields: easily set up additional custom fields on your ticket forms (and our premium Custom Fields add-on offers even more convenience)
- Terms & conditions: ask users to agree to your your terms and conditions before they open a ticket
- Old tickets: identify old tickets quickly with tags; limit your viewable ticket list to only show old tickets
- Tickets waiting on you: Quickly see all tickets still waiting for a reply
- Agent Collaboration: multiple agents can work on the same ticket and tickets can be transferred between agents; assign primary, secondary and tertiary agents to tickets while retaining the flexibility to transfer a ticket to any other agent.
- Sorting And Filtering: includes an amazing flexible sorting, filtering and tagging system for your tickets
- Security: assign just the right capabilities to each of your agents including just the ability to see their own tickets or expand to see everyone’s tickets – your choice!
- Tracking: easily track where a ticket originated (support form, email, facebook, phone call etc.)
- Prioritize your way: create your own priority scheme – you don’t have to get locked into a 1-5 priority scheme!
- Time Tracking: basic time tracking is included! Admins can even adjust time and all time changes are logged directly in the ticket.
- Custom Labels: sign up for our email newsletter and get our Custom Status plugin for free – unlimited color coded, customized statuses and ticket labels at your fingertips!
- WordPress UI: Uses the familiar WordPress administration user interface so there is almost no learning curve!
- REST API: We love it when developers use our products. The REST API is very developer friendly – push and pull Awesome Support ticket data with ease!
- GDPR READY: Our registration screen can be easily configured to show GDPR related information
- GUTENBERG AWARE: Compatible with the new WordPress editor known as Gutenberg
- WOOCOMMERCE INTEGRATION: Includes integration into the WooCommerce dashboard along with a premium option for advanced integration
Awesome Support is the result of three+ years of work, research, and improvement. It is probably the most powerful helpdesk and support ticketing plugin on the planet. Whether you’re a startup that needs just the basics or a major corporation with multiple departments requiring service level agreements and sophisticated ticket routing, we have the functions you need! Seriously – just take a look at all the features you can get (some free, some premium)
View the full list of features on our website
Premium Extensions
Now that you’ve seen our list of awesome features above, you already know that Awesome Support is packed with features; so if you want to supercharge your support and make it even more awesome, make sure you pick up our premium add-ons so you can extend the plugin’s functionality even further! All of our add-ons are extremely affordable (they’re a fraction of the cost of a web-based application). To check them out, visit our official site at getawesomesupport.com.
- E-Mail Piping – reply to tickets and collaborate on tickets using just e-mail. Includes built-in options to control how to handle unrecognized email addresses, responses to closed tickets and much more!
- Custom Fields – a visual helper for adding custom fields to your tickets. Add unlimited fields and choose from 13 different field types!
- Paid Support – charge users for using your support services. Create subscriptions by time (monthly for example) or number of tickets or bill for every individual ticket.
- WooCommerce – this is a must-have bridge between your WooCommerce store and Awesome Support
- Powerpack – Adds 30+ powerful additional functions to Awesome Support. Merge/split/lock tickets. Use new template tags in your outgoing emails. Add private notes for each customer. Fine tune your security and so much more!
- Canned Responses – preconfigure replies to common questions, and access them in one click when replying to a ticket
- Gravity Forms – create custom ticket forms with this very popular WordPress forms builder
- Private Notes – insert notes into tickets that only agents and admins can view
- FAQs – Powerful FAQ management make your agents more productive
- Notifications – get notified of important events in slack and via pushbullet. Notify third parties of important ticket events via email.
- Custom Status and Labels – create unlimited custom labels that give you new levels of organization for your tickets
- Advanced Reports and Statistics – create hundreds of custom charts and tables from a base of 6 core reports
- Admin Report Widgets – More than a dozen customizable widgets with key statistics on your WordPress dashboard!
- Advanced Time Tracking – Track and record time down to the reply level using automatic or manual timers. Export data for invoicing. View critical time and billing reports.
- Auto Close – Close tickets automatically based on defined rules. This is especially useful in managing abandoned tickets.
- Private Credentials – Adds another security layer to your tickets so that users can securely enter passwords and other sensitive credentials onto a ticket
- Satisfaction Survey – Conduct suveys to see how your agents are performing. Extremely customizable with multiple survey types and methods!
- Public Tickets – Use your tickets to create a searchable archive of solutions. Assign public/private control over tickets and replies to customers, agents!
- Guest Tickets – Allow new users to enter their first ticket without the separate step of creating an account. Combine this with Email Support, Powerpack and Satisfaction Survey to create a solution where customers never have to log into your ticket system!
- Smart Agent Assignment – Have multiple agents with multiple departments and/or multiple products? Use this to automatically route new tickets to the correct agent using a choice of 5 sophisticated algorithms!
- Documentation – A powerful documentation add-on that integrates tightly with your Awesome Support ticketing system. Includes a beautiful layout and automatically suggests relevant topcis as users fill out a new ticket!
- Remote Tickets – Adds a pop-up ticket form to one or more remote websites. Quickly and easily funnel tickets from all your websites to one core support site!
- Smart Replies – Automatically respond to messages received from Facebook Messenger, Custom Site Chat and New Tickets.
- Service Level Agreements – Calculate ticket due dates automatically using rules set for each customer. This will take into account holidays, weekends, working hours and more.
- Issue Tracking – Easily manage multiple related tickets. Very useful for product recalls, bug tracking, system-down situations and more.
- Custom FAQ – Use any WordPress custom post type as your FAQ source. Tightly integrates your selected CPT with Awesome Support and uses it to automatically offer topic suggestions to users as they fill out a new ticket form.
- Business Rules Engine With Zapier Integration – Powerful rules engine for your tickets. Automatically respond to tickets, change status, close tickets and more!
- Company Profiles – Allow multiple users from the same company to manage a single pool of tickets.
- Scheduled Tickets – Create recurring tickets on daily/weekly/monthly/annual schedules
- Agent Front End – Allow untrusted agents to manage their tickets without access to wp-admin
Purchase one of our bundles and get up to an 80% discount compared to purchasing individual add-ons.
- Startup Bundle – A 50% discount on the 5 most common add-ons for unlimited sites
- Standard Bundle – A discount of 20%-60% on the 8 most common add-ons
- Professional Bundle – A discount of 45%-70% on the add-ons most useful for e-commerce sites
- Enterprise Bundle – A discount of 50%-70% on the most common add-ons used in larger businesses.
- Agency Bundle – A discount of 55%-80% on a bundle of almost all our add-ons. You get an even bigger discount if you purchase this package without the option for technical support!
Want to know what’s next for Awesome Support? Check out the roadmap. You can also vote for the ideas you like best!
Need to extend Awesome Support’s features? We have lots of add-ons to help you setup the perfect support site. Check out our add-ons page.
Even though the plugin has been developed and is maintained by the Awesome Support development team, we’ve had help from various developers around the world. You can see all the contributors on the team page. Many thanks to them all!
Our key core developers on the Awesome Support Development Team in 2018 include:
- Ante Laca
- Muhammad Tahir Nazir
- Nigel Bahadur
With contributions from customers such as:
- Rolly Bueno
- Naveen Giri
- Nathan Moinvaziri
Here is a list of users who voluntarily contributed the most translations to our POEDITOR project in 2017/2021:
- Miquel Martínez – Catalan
- Samer Haddad – Arabic
- Paul Hecko – Portuguese
- Thiago Rocon Kuwabara – Portuguese
- Denison Carlos – Portuguese (Brazil)
- Davey Hurkmans – Dutch
We had over 25 users contribute to the various language projects but these were the top 6 with the most translation activity. On behalf of all our users we would like to publicly offer a heart-felt Thank You for their hard work and contribution to the Free Awesome Support core project!
Related Companies Disclosure
Awesome Support now manages the newly released Simple-Press Forums Plugin as well.
Capturas de tela

Agent's view of the tickets list

Client view of the tickets list

Visão do cliente - Detalhes do chamado

Basic settings page without any add-ons

Login and registration screen available as soon as the plugin is activated

Login/Registration screen with guest tickets add-on enabled

Agent's view when replying to a ticket.

Agent's view when replying to a ticket - with the custom fields tab showing the default custom fields.

Agent's view when replying to a ticket - with the basic time tracking fields shown.

A closer look at the reply area on a ticket when an agent is replying to a ticket

Create unlimited priorities with color coding

Create unlimited departments

Settings: Email alerts - setup header and footer

Settings: Email alerts - setup email addresses and templates for outgoing emails (6 templates available including submission confirmation, reply alert to agent, reply alert to client and close alerts and confirmations)

Settings: Color codes for status and labels

Settings: Basic (non-premium) Time-tracking

Settings: File upload

Settings: Some Advanced Settings

Settings: Registration Settings #1

Settings: Registration Settings #2

Settings: General #2

Settings: General #3

Settings: General #4

Settings: Product management and syncing including automatic syncing of WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads Products

Premium Addon: Report Widgets

Premium Addon: Report Widgets settings

Premium Addon: Gravity Forms Bridge - create completely customized ticket forms in Gravity Forms!

Premium Addon: Gravity Forms Bridge - map data from gravity forms to custom fields

Premium Addon: User friendly custom fields (Basic Field Settings #1)

Premium Addon: User friendly custom fields (Basic Field Settings #2)

Premium Addon: User friendly custom fields (Advanced Settings)

Premium Addon: FAQ List

Premium Addon: FAQ - agent view while responding to a ticket and selecting an FAQ for the ticket response.

Premium Addon: FAQ - user view shows suggestions while creating a ticket

Premium Addon: FAQ - Settings #1

Premium Addon: FAQ - Settings #2

Premium Addon: EMAIL SUPPORT - Settings configuring support email inbox for incoming tickets and replies

Premium Addon: EMAIL SUPPORT - Incoming email handling options #1

Premium Addon: EMAIL SUPPORT - Incoming email handling options #2

Premium Addon: EMAIL SUPPORT - Incoming email handling options #3

Premium Addon: EMAIL SUPPORT - Inbox Rules

Premium Addon: EMAIL SUPPORT - Multiple Mailboxes

Premium Addon: REPORTS & STATISTICS - Home Screen - you can create hundreds of reports from here!

Premium Addon: REPORTS & STATISTICS - Report chart with filter options

Premium Addon: REPORTS & STATISTICS - Report chart with tabular data

Premium Addon: Canned Responses List

Premium Addon: Canned Responses - agent view while responding to a ticket

Premium Addon: WooCommerce - Adds a GET HELP button right next to each WooCommerce Order

Premium Addon: WooCommerce - The WC order number is automatically attached to every ticket

Premium Addon: WooCommerce - The agent can see all related WC orders and activity for the customer when processing the ticket

Premium Addon: Satisfaction Survey Landing Page

Premium Addon: Satisfaction Survey Configuration Screen Part 1

Premium Addon: Satisfaction Survey Configuration Screen Part 2

Premium Addon: Private Credentials help protect your customers confidential information

Premium Addon: Powerpack - just a small sample of over 50 additional functions

Premium Addon: Powerpack - more samples of over 50 additional functions

Premium Addon: Powerpack - even more samples of over 50 additional functions

Premium Addon: Powerpack - yet more samples of over 50 additional functions

Premium Addon: Remote Tickets - collect tickets from any site with a simple ticket popup form

Premium Addon: Remote Tickets - configure as many remote sites as you like

Premium Addon: Documentation - a beautiful default layout for your user documentation

Premium Addon: Service Level Agreements - help meet your internal and external obligations with due dates calculated for each ticket

Premium Addon: Service Level Agreements - due date calculations take into account work days and other factors

Premium Addon: Service Level Agreements - clearly marked due-dates for each ticket

Premium Addon: Issue Tracking - handle multiple tickets related to the same issue with ease

Premium Addon: Private Notes - add notes to tickets that only other agents can see

Premium Addon: Rules Engine - automate ticket handling and routing with ease

Premium Addon: Rules Engine - more than a dozen conditions to filter ticket actions

Premium Addon: Advanced Time Tracking - Automatic timer

Premium Addon: Advanced Time Tracking - Detailed tracking down to the reply level

Premium Addon: Advanced Time Tracking - multiple time related reports

Premium Addon: Advanced Time Tracking - settings

Premium Addon: Notifications - 3rd party notifications and slack integration

Premium Addon: Notifications - sample email template

Premium Addon: Paid Support - get paid for your tickets via subscriptions or one-time payments

Free Addon: Custom Status and Labels - create an unlimited number of color coded custom status and labels for your tickets

Free Woocommerce Integration: Adds the SUBMIT TICKET and MY TICKET page links to the WooCommerce user dashboard