Advanced Custom Fields: Extended

Por ACF Extended
(125 avaliações)
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  • Instalações ativas:
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  • Versão do WordPress:
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    5.6 ou maior
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Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Advanced Custom Fields: Extended

Onde devo hospedar o plugin Advanced Custom Fields: Extended?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer hospedagem que possua WordPress instalado. Recomendamos fortemente escolher uma empresa de hospedagem confiável, com servidores otimizados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin Advanced Custom Fields: Extended em uma empresa de hospedagem confiável

A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais atual para seus clientes, oferece o WP SafePress, um sistema exclusivo que salvaguarda e otimiza seu site ao mesmo tempo.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

🚀 All-in-one enhancement suite that improves WordPress & Advanced Custom Fields. This plugin aims to provide a powerful administration framework with a wide range of improvements & optimizations.

This plugin requires at least ACF Pro 5.8.
If you don’t already own ACF Pro, you should consider it. It’s one of the most powerful WordPress plugin available.

⭐ Highlight

  • 14+ New ACF Fields
  • 10+ ACF Fields Enhanced
  • 4+ New Field Groups Locations
  • Self/Multi/Bidirectional Fields
  • Advanced Fields Validation
  • Flexible Content as Page Builder
  • Optimize metadata with Performance Mode
  • Advanced Front-End Forms Manager
  • ACF Options Pages / Block Types Manager
  • ACF & WordPress Meta Overview
  • WordPress Post Types / Taxonomies Manager
  • WordPress Options Manager
  • WordPress Admin Enhancements
  • WPML & Polylang Multilingual support
  • … And many more features

💎 Pro Highlight

  • 20+ New ACF Fields
  • 10+ ACF Fields Enhanced
  • 20+ New Locations
  • Payment Field with Stripe & PayPal Express
  • Flexible Content Grid System
  • Flexible Content Layouts Locations Rules
  • Templates Manager
  • Builtin Classic Editor
  • Settings UI
  • Screen Layouts
  • Force Json Sync
  • Field Visibility Settings
  • Global Field Conditional Rules
  • … And many more features

🤟 Philosophy

  • Seamless integration
  • No extra menu, ads or notices
  • Built by developers, for developers

🛠️ Links

🧰 Tools

📁 Field Groups

Advanced Settings
Enable advanced settings for all fields within the Field Group.

Auto Sync PHP
Automatically synchronize field groups with local PHP files upon field group updates. This feature will create, include and update a local PHP file for each field group.

Auto Sync Json
Control which field groups you want to synchronize with local Json files. Display warnings if the Json file has been manually deleted.

Spice up your field groups with a custom taxonomy and filter field groups by terms.

Custom Key
Set custom field group key. Example: group_custom_name.

Custom Meta
Add custom metas (key/value) in the field group administration.

Display Title
Display an alternative field group title in post edition screen.

Field Group UI (PRO)
Enable enhancements to the Field Group UI for a better user experience.

Force Sync (PRO)
Always keep Json files synchronized with the Field Groups in the database.

Hide on Screen (FREE / PRO)
Hide Gutenberg Block Editor and 10+ more items to hide in the field group settings.

Instructions Placement
New instruction placements let you display field description “above the fields” or in a “tooltip”.

Location: Advanced Post (PRO)
A collection of multiple new Field Groups locations allowing developers to target posts with specific conditions (Post author, date, slug, path etc…).

Location: Advanced Menu Item (PRO)
Target specific “Menu Item Depth” or “Menu Item Type” from the Field Groups Locations rules.

Location: Advanced Taxonomy Term (PRO)
A collection of multiple new Field Groups locations allowing developers to target taxonomy and terms with specific conditions (Term name, parent, slug etc…).

Location: All post types
Display field groups on all post types edition screen.

Location: Attachment List (PRO)
Display field group on attachment admin list screen.

Location: Dashboard Widgets (PRO)
Display field groups and update ACF Fields from the WP Dashboard.

Location: Field Value (PRO)
Display a field group based on the field value of an another field group.

Location: Post type Archive
Add an Archive Option Page under the Post Type admin menu. Display and save any field groups within it.

Location: Post type List
Display field group on post types admin list screen.

Location: Taxonomy List
Display field group on taxonomies admin list screen.

Location: User List (PRO)
Display field group on user admin list screen.

Location: Woocommerce (PRO)
Display field groups on Woocommerce pages.

Location: WP Settings (PRO)
Display field groups on WP Settings pages: General, Writing, Reading, Discussion, Media and Permalinks.

Local Field Groups
Display local field groups that are loaded by ACF, but not available in the ACF field group administration. Example: Field groups that are registered in the functions.php file, but not in the ACF UI.

Add a personal note in the field group administration. Only visible to administrators.

Add permission layer to field groups. Choose which roles can view & edit field groups in the post edition screen.

Raw Data
Display raw field group data in a modal to check your configuration & settings.

⚙️ Fields Settings

Advanced Settings
A more sophisticated field settings based on specified location (administration/front-end). Example: Field is required only in front-end.

Advanced Validation
A more sophisticated validation conditions (AND/OR) with custom error messages based on specified location (administration/front-end).

Self/Multi/Bidirectional fields
An advanced bidirectional setting (also called post-to-post) is available for the following fields: Relationship, Post object, User & Taxonomy terms. Fields will work bidirectionally and automatically update each others. Works in groups & clones.

Field Visibility (PRO)
Get quick access to “Field Visibility”, “Label Visibility”, “Instructions Visibility” and “Required Setting” for the following screens: “Everywhere”, “Front-end” and “Administration”.

Global Condition (PRO)
Enable Global Conditional Logic for a specific field, which can then be used in an another Field Group as condition, both as Field Group Condition and Field Condition.

Instruction Placement (PRO)
Override a specific field instruction placement to any position: Below labels, below fields, above fields or tooltip.

Instruction Read More (PRO)
Allow to expand instructions text with a “Read More” link. This feature is useful for lengthy instructions text.

Min/Max (PRO)
Minimum & maximum items is a global field setting that let you define a specific number of items that can or should be added by the user.

Add permission layer to fields. Choose which roles can view & edit fields in the post edition screen. (can be combined with field groups permissions).

Raw data
Display raw field data in a modal to check your configuration & settings.

Required Message (PRO)
This setting allow developers to define a custom error message within the field settings for a more intuitive user experience.

🏷️ Fields

Advanced Link
Display a modern Link Selection in a modal. Posts, Post Types Archives & terms selection can be filtered in the field administration.

Block Editor (PRO)
Display an isolated Block Editor field on admin screen (with Classic Editor enabled) or on the front-end.

Block Types (PRO)
Display an ACF Block Types selector as radio, checkbox or select field type.

Display a custom submit or button. Built-in ajax call setting. Usage example available in the field administration.

Checkbox (FREE / PRO)
Define grouped choices values using ## Title markup in the field’s choices.

Allow users to edit clone fields in a modal. Choose the edit button text, display close button and the modal size.

Code Editor
Edit code using the native WP Core Codemirror library. Default languages: Text/HTML, Javascript, CSS, PHP mixed/plain.

Color Picker (PRO)
A collection of advanced settings for the ACF Color Picker. The field can now be displayed as a palette, custom colors can be predefined and RGBA mode is supported.

Columns (FREE / PRO)
Organize and re-arrange your fields using columns and line-breaks. The field acts like the ACF Accordion/Tab field and allow you to create virtually grouped fields which will be displayed inside columns.

Countries (PRO)
Display a Country selector as radio, checkbox or select field type.

Currencies (PRO)
Display a Currency selector as radio, checkbox or select field type.

Date/Timepicker (FREE / PRO)
Display a modern UI of the ACF Datepicker field. CSS and icons have been enhanced to fit WordPress admin UI and colors.

Date Range Picker (PRO)
Display a Date Range Picker. The field support a wide range of customization, such as: Placeholder, Default dates, Range Restriction, Date restriction, No weekends etc.

Dynamic Render
Display custom HTML/PHP content using a simple named hook.

Field Groups (PRO)
Display an ACF Field Groups selector as radio, checkbox or select field type.

Field Types (PRO)
Display an ACF Field Types selector as radio, checkbox or select field type.

Fields (PRO)
Display an ACF Fields selector as radio, checkbox or select field type.

File (FREE / PRO)
Choose the uploader type, enable multi file upload and dropzone.

Flexible Content (FREE / PRO)
Displayed an enhanced version of the native Flexible Content field. Dozens of new settings and settings were added, allowing developers to create the most advanced page builder and fully control the field’s behavior.

Select any dynamic form (format: checkbox, radio or select).

Google Map (PRO)
A collection of new settings added to the ACF Google Map Field that allow developers to have more control over the field behavior.

Google reCaptcha
Display a reCaptcha field (compatible v2 & v3).

Allow users to edit group fields in a modal Choose the edit button text, display close button and the modal size

Hidden Input
Display a hidden input with custom name/value

Image (FREE / PRO)
Choose the uploader type, customize the upload folder and set the image as post featured thumbnail

Image Selector (PRO)
Display an Image Selector field.

Image Sizes (PRO)
Display an Image Sizes selector as radio, checkbox or select field type.

Languages (PRO)
Display a Language selector as radio, checkbox or select field type, compatible with WPML & Polylang.

Menu Locations (PRO)
Display a Menu Locations selector as radio, checkbox or select field type.

Menus (PRO)
Display a Menu selector as radio, checkbox or select field type.

Options Pages (PRO)
Display an ACF Options Pages selector as radio, checkbox or select field type.

Payment (PRO)
Display a Payment Field that supports with Stripe & PayPal Express gateways, working on both front-end and back-end.

Payment Cart (PRO)
Display an optional Payment Cart to easily setup an e-commerce solution.

Payment Selector (PRO)
Display an optional Payment Selector which let the user switch the payment gateway.

Phone Number (PRO)
Display a fully customizable international Phone Number field.

Post Field (PRO)
The Post Field is a new field that allow developers to move native WordPress fields such as Post Title, Date, Status, Visibility, Permalink etc.

Post Formats (PRO)
Display a Post Format selector as radio, checkbox or select field type.

Post Object (FREE / PRO)
Allow user to enter custom value which will be saved as a new post, or enable the inline post creation/edit.

Post Status
Select any post status (format: checkbox, radio or select)

Post Types
Select any post type (format: checkbox, radio or select)

Radio (FREE / PRO)
Define grouped choices values using ## Title markup in the field’s choices.

Relationship (PRO)
The Relationship field includes new settings allowing users to create and edit post on-the-fly from the post edit screen.

Add stylised to ‘Add Row’ button, lock rows and remove repeater’s actions.

Select (FREE / PRO)
Change the default “Select” placeholder text and Search Input placeholder and allow user to enter custom values.

A slug text input (ie: my-text-input).

Tab (PRO)
Disable the last opened tab user preference. Which means that when the user will refresh the page, it will always load the first tab.

Select any taxonomy (format: checkbox, radio or select)

Taxonomy Terms
Select any terms of any taxonomies, allow specific terms, level or childrens (format: checkbox or select). Terms can be loaded & saved for the current post (just like the native ACF Taxonomy field)

Templates (PRO)
Display an ACF Extended Templates selector as radio, checkbox or select field type.

Switch font family to monospace and allow tab indent.

True/False (PRO)
Five new styles have been added to the native True/False field.

User Roles
Select any user role (format: checkbox, radio or select)

New settings allowing developers to have more control over the field behavior.

🛠️ Modules

Block Types UI (FREE / PRO)
The Dynamic Block Types module allows you to register and manage ACF Block Types from your WordPress admin, in ACF > Block Types menu. Pro version allows to sync Json/PHP files.

Classic Editor (PRO)
ACF Extended is bundled with a custom merged version of the Classic Editor & Disable Gutenberg plugins.

Developer Mode (FREE / PRO)
The Developer Mode allow you to view all Posts, Terms, Users & Options custom metadata in a readable format. This feature is very useful to check what is actually saved in any WordPress Object.

Forms (FREE / PRO)
Manage Advanced ACF Forms from the WordPress administration. This module is an enhanced version of the native ACF Form feature. While all native settings can be used, Dynamic Forms adds many new settings and introduce “Actions” for a complete control over the form behavior.

Options Pages UI (FREE / PRO)
The Dynamic Options Pages module allows you to register and manage ACF Options Pages from your WordPress admin, in ACF > Options Pages menu. Pro version allows to sync Json/PHP files.

Performance Mode (FREE / PRO)
A unique module that allows developers to optimize database load when dealing with hundreds or thousands of metadata with two different methods: Ultra & Hybrid Engines.

Post Types UI (FREE / PRO)
The Dynamic Post Types module allows you to register and manage custom post types from your WordPress admin, in Tools > Post Types menu. Pro version allows to sync Json/PHP files.

All native post types settings can be set within the UI. ACF Extended also adds more advanced settings allowing to manage posts per page, order etc…

Rewrite Rules (PRO)
Get an overview of all WordPress permalinks structures and rules. Test URLs, export rules and flush permalinks from the UI.

Scripts UI (PRO)
Run custom scripts on thousands of posts. Including builtin “Orphan Meta Cleaner”, “Script Launcher” and “Performance Converter” scripts.

Settings UI (FREE / PRO)
The Settings UI allows developers to get an overview of all ACF and ACF Extended settings values from the ACF > Settings menu.

Taxonomies UI (FREE / PRO)
The Dynamic Taxonomies module allows you to register and manage custom taxonomies from your WordPress admin, in Tools > Taxonomies menu. Pro version allows to sync Json/PHP files.

All native taxonomies settings can be set within the UI. ACF Extended also adds more advanced settings allowing to manage posts per page, order etc…

Templates (PRO)
Manage default ACF values in an advanced way and sync templates with Json/PHP files.

🖥️ WordPress

Ajax Author Box
The native WP Author Metabox has been replaced with an Ajax version allowing to manage thousands of users without slowing down the post administration. The new Author box also include an inline search input.

Enhanced UI
The Taxonomy, User profile & Settings views have been enhanced for a more consistent administration experience, using CSS/JS only.

ACF Extended adds a new layer of compatibility for Polylang. ACF Options Pages and all ACF Extended Modules (Dynamic Post Type, Taxonomy, Options Pages, Block Type) are compatible.

Screen Layouts (PRO)
Post Edit screens have been enhanced allowing up to 3 columns layout and multiple variations.

ACF Extended adds a new layer of compatibility for WPML. ACF Options Pages and all ACF Extended Modules (Dynamic Post Type, Taxonomy, Options Pages, Block …

Capturas de tela

Flexible Content Preview

Flexible Content Preview

Flexible Content Modal

Flexible Content Modal

New Fields

New Fields

Post Type List Location

Post Type List Location

Self/Multi/Bidirectional Fields

Self/Multi/Bidirectional Fields

Developer Mode

Developer Mode

Dynamic Post Types

Dynamic Post Types

Enhanced WordPress UI

Enhanced WordPress UI

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